Where can you buy the patch? I was thinking that too but wasn't sure if you could just buy the patch.
Yep Ebay has em. I was thinking of buying a "premier" jersey, but I want a white sanchez, and don't really wanna spend a hundo on it, and they got green ones for 55 but I already have a greeen replica.
I want the real patch not just another Chinese knockoff. That would defeat the purpose. I have an idea, since I already bought one I might call the JetsShop and say I damaged it or something.
Defeat what purpose, so you want to buy a fake jersey and put the real authentic patch on it? I hope that's not what you are trying to do. If you are trying to buy both items as authentic, then I defiantly feel you when you say it will defeat the purpose. When you get a chance can you post pics of your Connor Jersey. I am still on the edge about buying the one with the patch for $260 or getting one off of NFL.com/shop for like $190 shipped. I think it's worth the 60 bucks to buy the one from Jets shop.
Maybe someone posted this before, but where can I get a good deal on Jets caps/hats/ or visors? I searched the web and it seems like they want $25 for shipping alone.
25 dollars shipping, and where would that be going to. I hope not NY/NJ or anywhere in the states for that matter. I say ebay for cheap Jets hats, but worst case go to the Jets shop. I picked up one with the inaugural patch for 25 bucks tax included at the Jets shop on 50th and Madison.
got a Green Greene, a White Sanchize, a White Keller (Titans) and a White Scott -- it's a ravens but it was on sale for only 25 bucks. all from jersey101/tarajersey and all of them are a thousand times better for half the price than the crappy silkscreened junk sold at jetshop from Reebok
Do the patches really not come out well on the knockoffs? I was hoping to order a Sanchez jersey with the patch.
As much as I wanted a white Sanchez, I bought an Authentic Mangold with the inagural patch and such.. That should be my last jersey until christmas when I want my Authentic Klecko.
I got an email this morning from a company called jersey09.com. I dont know anything about them, but apparently they make custom jerseys. I knjow a few people have asked about custom ones in the past so I just wanted to share.
TY! Have you purchased from them before? What is the quality like if so? Customized Jersey comes out to nearly $100 with shipping and text. For that price I'd rather spend the extra hundred knowing it's right. But the already made ones are a good deal.
just ordered a white titans sanchez and a white mangold from tarajersey.. this is my f irst experience with this so hopefuly it turns out well
Are the jerseys from Tara already created or can you tell them to leave the patch off? While many here like the idea of the new stadium patch, I want a green jersey and they have never had, nor will ever have, the one game only patch...so that would make them inaccurate. Mike
I tried all of these sites listed above and none of them worked I did order several jerseys from "wholesaleusajerseys.com" but its been 3 weeks and still no jerseys, but I did get an email to confirm my shipping adress so I hope I didn't get ripped off but we'll see How long did most of you have to wait on shipping?