You are a GM...what will you trade for Revis?

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Don, Jan 23, 2013.

  1. AlToon

    AlToon Member

    Dec 27, 2004
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  2. eyedea

    eyedea Active Member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    How about lets add another bad contract (Sanchez) to the mix.
  3. dannymac910

    dannymac910 Member

    Apr 24, 2010
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    Can't we tag and trade him next year?
  4. eyedea

    eyedea Active Member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    Last time the Jets had a pass rush was John Abraham
  5. NYJETS4life24

    NYJETS4life24 Active Member

    Aug 22, 2012
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    Who is better? Don't even say Deon! Nobody has done what he does and nobody can!
  6. Petrozza

    Petrozza Administrator

    Aug 27, 2002
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    It seems like some of you are more fans of a certain player(s) than the team as a whole :)

    1). the Jets cannot pay Revis what he wants, as they have many other positions that need an overhaul.
    2). the Jets were 2nd in the league in passing defense without Revis in 2012. So, having him is more of a luxury than a necessity.
    3). one player, with the exception of great QBs, doesn't turn a team into a contender. Just looks at Barry Sanders with the Lions - his contribution was way greater than Revis' but the Lions did not have enough solid players around him.
    4). Pass-rush is more important than an all-pro secondary.
    5). Revis is a constant headache with all his holdout threats.
    6). Salary cap is expected to be around $121M in 2013. If the Jets give Revis what he wants, they will have over $20M (16.5%) committed to their two starting cornerbacks. How stupid is that considering that they have no QB, no RB, crappy receivers, slow linebackers, no-pass rush???
  7. ajax

    ajax Well-Known Member

    Sep 15, 2010
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    He can't be tagged. He's unrestricted FA after next season ends.
  8. eyedea

    eyedea Active Member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    The Sanchez contract is a killer. Jets have too many holes and should get max value for Revis before he gets hurt again .. and he will get hurt again, I would bet anything on it.
  9. Petrozza

    Petrozza Administrator

    Aug 27, 2002
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    Building a football team around a cornerback???? Really??? I am just freaking speechless. You build a team around a franchise QB, not a CB.

    Yes, this is a passing league, so you need to disrupt the opposing QB as fast as you can. Pass-rush is what the Jets need, as no secondary will be able to cover forever if the QB is given enough time to throw.
  10. NoodleArm

    NoodleArm Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    It would be great if the Jets could actually get a package like this.
  11. Petrozza

    Petrozza Administrator

    Aug 27, 2002
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    It's not just Sanchez. There's also Holmes, who's overpaid and is a cancer. David Harris is way overpaid. Pace and Scott should be and will be cut.
  12. eyedea

    eyedea Active Member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    Bad decisions .. at least Tanny is gone.
  13. XX2

    XX2 New Member

    Sep 20, 2002
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    I'm a Steeler fan. We have a top defense pretty much every single year. How many Steeler CBs can you name from the last decade? Ike Taylor has been our prized pig for the past 8 years, and he's never been to a Pro Bowl. Everyone wants to talk about how great Revis is, and that's fine. Lets say that he's the best CB ever and could shut down Jerry Rice in his prime ... he can still only cover 1 man at a time. As great as Revis may be, he will never have the impact of a great defensive coordinator or a great pass rusher.

    Trade Revis, invest that money in a pass rusher or two, and it won't matter very much who you've got playing CB.

    btw for trivia purposes, the Steelers other (main) CBs the past decade have been ...

    Keenan Lewis
    Cortez Allen
    William Gay
    Bryant McFadden
    Deshea Townsend
    Willie Williams
    Chad Scott
    Dewayne Washington

    0 pro bowls total for the lot of them.

  14. BrowningNagle

    BrowningNagle Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2003
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    You build your team around a franchise QB, sure but the Jets don't have any franchise QBs in florham park and they just don't walk through the door very easily.

    Same thing with your second point. I agree that pass-rush is important but it's also difficult to acquire. You can't say the Jets don't need Revis, they should get a pass rusher - as if they go hand in hand. The Jets HAVE Revis and have still drafted DL each of the last two years and their pass rush sucks. How is having Revis holding them back in that scenario? Maybe they need to evaluate talent better to get some good players around Revis, or let go of some of the other highly pair players that SUCK. Harris, Holmes, Pace, Etc. Etc. Etc.

    The Baltimore Ravens I'm sure had this conversation over the years about Ray Lewis. Truly great player - not a QB or a pass rusher. They managed to build those other positions properly, despite tying resources to him. The Jets haven't. I'm sure there were people like you clamoring that they should've traded Ray Lewis at one point in time for draft picks because you "build around QBs, not LBs" and they would've been really stupid to do so.
  15. XX2

    XX2 New Member

    Sep 20, 2002
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    Exactly! Revis is a great luxury to have, but not when he's taking cap money that would be better applied elsewhere.
  16. Zach

    Zach Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2002
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    Dear jesterjetman:

    Every team gets same amount of cap figure every year. You know this, right? (1)

    That said, we get 126M the next year (2)

    Punters and Kickers will get a little more than 500k. Give them 1.5M combined (3)

    Hypothetically, if you fill out the roster of back ups and whatever with minimum salary, each head picks up some 500k/yr. That will come down to 14.5M total (29 players.) (4)

    So, we have spent 16M of our cap space. Now, we need to spend 110M on the starters. Right? There are total of 22 starters - 11 on offense, and 11 on defense. As a whole, each starter will pick up 5M/yr on average. Good? (5)

    Now, Jets salary is structured such that, even after the blatantly obvious cuts (Jason Smith/Bart Scott/Calvin Pace/Eric Smith) they are about 10M under the cap. The major culprits are as following:

    David Harris (13M)/Nacho(13M)/Tone(12M)/Cro(11M)/Ferguson(11M)/Mangold(9M)/Revis(9M)

    That's about 78M out of the 110M we got. Like I told you, Jets are about 10M under the cap. This means, fringe players and fledging players all make combined 28M. (That includes Mo Wilk, Quintin Coples, Kenrick Ellis and Demario Davis.)

    Jets cannot afford to keep Revis for two reasons:

    1. too many albatross contracts. No other NFL team has more than 3 of 10M+ contracts on their entire payroll. Only the Jets.

    2. That said, I gave you the 'average' figure, right? I did for a reason; Revis is being a fucking nutcase. 10M is about as much as a shutdown corner will get if he gets that much. Like we have seen all along, not having sufficient pass rush effectively negates the effect Revis has on the secondary as well. And he STILL seeks top dollar.

    I hope this helped ya.
  17. BrowningNagle

    BrowningNagle Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2003
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    I'm much more of a Jets fan than a Revis fan. I just want my team to win - and to do so, they need good players. I'm not sure why you would equate having the opinion that they should keep Revis equates to you thinking that person just likes Revis more than the Jets.. but anyway..

    1) We don't know if they cannot pay Revis what he wants. He's a greedy bitch but we don't know exactly what he's asking for and it doesn't appear the Jets have even tried yet, by cutting other players or whatever..

    2)I don't take stock in 2012's passing defense. The Jets faced an unbelieveable amount of young, inexperienced, poor QBS. When they did face the better QBs, they still got trashed. Had Revis gotten hurt in 2010 or 2011, when the Jets faced better QBs.. we'd have a much differant perspective IMO.

    3) One player doesn't turn a team into a contender, sure, who's saying keeping Darrelle Revis means the Jets will automatically have crappy players around him?? They still managed to pay several other positions top $$ and yet they've underperformed. How is that an indictment of Darrelle Revis??? Also your Lions example is bad because Barry Sander's contract wasn't why they lost, its that they too were poor talent evaluators. They struck out on some high draft picks to accomdate Sanders...

    4) I addressed the pass rush in my other post, but I'll add that over recent the years that the Jets have had top pass rushers, they done this same thing. Traded them away instead of paying them. John Abraham, Hugh Douglas. So even if they got a top pass rusher, there's probably a good chance they'd trade him away anyway.

    5) Revis IS a constant headache with his hold threats, I'll give you that. If your argument was that they should trade him because of that then I'd be more apt to listen. But it's mostly been about the position he plays and that the Jets can't have him and be good at the same time which is false.

    6) The Jets do have to do something about their salary cap situation but they shouldn't start to retify it by getting rid of the players that are good. I'd start with the crappy ones first and rebuild around those that earn their money - but that's just me.
  18. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    Great, great post, Nagle. COunt me in as totally agreeing with this.

    I know part of the "answer" to your point is that those other, and overpaid, players with high dollar contracts are not the trade bait that Revis might be.

    So??? Other teams might offer more for Revis than they would for, say, Harris, because why?

    Because the market says HE'S WORTH IT, THAT'S WHY.
  19. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    another good post, and I would add there is also the bird in the hand is worth two in the bush argument. Until proven otherwise, and just maybe Idzik will improve this situation, but counting on this team to first get good value for Revis in a trade in terms of picks and then to wisely use those picks requires too much faith in the competency of this FO. The fact is their track record says they will screw up somewhere in the overall transaction.

    Better to keep Revis and do all the wheeling and dealing on positions where the Jets are in more need of attention.

    I will also restate the point that there is too much uncertainty in the Revis market right now, depending on his current physical condition, to deal him at this time.
  20. Organized Chaos

    Organized Chaos Well-Known Member

    Oct 5, 2009
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    The niners are in the superbowl with 20 mil tied up in A tight end, backup qb and kicker.

    The Jets simply must draft better and find young cheap talent.

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