What the fuck are they doing? The only hitters he has a prayer to get out are right handed, so they walk one to get to a lefty? Fucking stupid.
He's still not completely useless. He's still very good the first 3 innings, in the pen Smoltz still could be an asset. But this is it for starting. Done, this can't continue. Bowden/ Tazawa can't be worse than this.
Surprised Damon couldn't score on that ball. I guess they're being conservative with the lead. The whole lineup tattooed Shmoltz aside from Matsui, Jeter, and Rodriguez. I thought Shmoltz should've been pulled earlier. Lefty after lefty were just standing there and teeing off.
Swisher licking his batting gloves... Kay finally takes the other dude to task for "Shmoltz" Three run homer for big ears