After the EL All-Star Game. Reports were that his fb was down to 89-90 at the game after being consistently 93-94 all year. He came in and told Tony Franklin that he was feeling something - they had an MRI, and he was shut down. Nothing else was revealed though I don't think it's anything more than dead arm, at least that's what Mike Ashmore speculates.
Okay, now I know Bruney isn't needed in this game, but given his recent struggles, wouldn't now be an excellent time to allow him to work out some kinks, given the 7 run lead?
Two straight quality starts by Chamberlain. He is finally starting to figure it out and he probably only has 3 or 4 more starts before they have to bench him. That is if they want him to have 20 innings or so in the bank for when it matters. Either that or they are going to ignore their own rules. I am more sure than ever they will be getting another starter from somewhere.
^ They will get a starter from somewhere Don. That's silly to think they couldn't I think the question is though, if the winning keeps up till the deadline they may not need a another P.
Exactly. It's not like the Yankees won't have another starter come from somewhere, the question is whether the guy is already in-house. The problem with a trade, as I've said, is should the Yankees be trading away prospects to get another pitcher when they already have so many (though some are hurt)?
I don't know where the Yanks are going to get the starter from. Seattle wants too much for Washburn and I want no part of Bedard who's a fragile bullpen killer/professional asshole. Lee costing us one of Joba or Hughes is a joke. Anyone want Doug Davis? Jon Garland?
I don't want anyone from outside. CC and AJ are your postseason starters. You'll get a "good enough" performance from Pettitte combined with the pen once a series. All we need is to get there, and the guys we have can get us there. I'll repeat it again, Hughes should be placed into the rotation in Joba's spot. Over the next couple Joba starts Hughes has time to be stretched out, and jump in. Then the rotation becomes CC, AJ, Andy, Hughes, Mitre. That's more than enough to get us through 2 months.
Damn, so close. Jorge way too overanxious. I know Posada is a power hitter, but a sac bunt would have served the team well in that situation.
wow talk about some pretty serious overreaction and This is from a site called 'Pinstripe Alley'...I guess they're affiliated with Yahoo! Sports cus they always have links to this site on the Yankees page