Yahoo/Manish: Smith thought he should be and would be the No. 1 overall pick

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by JetsFan, Apr 30, 2013.

  1. JetsKickAss

    JetsKickAss Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2004
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    I have followed the NY Jet beat writers longer than most of you have been alive.

    I go back to Paul Zimmerman (NYP) and Larry whatshisname (NYDN) and Larry Merchant (NYP). You guys know Steve Serby as an opinion guy. I know him for "Mr. Loser" and following Dr. Z @ The Post. I was at Hofstra when Todd pushed Serby into the lockers.

    Yes, these guys have an agenda. Guess what, guys ? Most of these guys are Jets fans. Most of them ROOT for the Jets. They do better professionally and enjoyment-wise when the Jets are winning. Cimini grew up a Jets fan. Serby grew up with Namath. They want the Jets to win. They don't want to have to go to strange cities to cover teams they don't like in the playoffs. Many of them don't like the writers from those cities -- professional jealousy, personal dislikes, etc. They don't want to travel, they want to stay in NY and cover the Jets.

    Yeah, they can drive you nuts. But they're writing nothing that you guys aren't on this Message Board, except they're getting paid and have a much larger audience.

    If you want bland, no-emotion writing, read The Times or AP/UPI stories about the Jets.

    I've enjoyed these guys for 40 years and God Willing I'll have another 40.
  2. ukjetsfan

    ukjetsfan Well-Known Member

    May 2, 2005
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    Did you write this bit? Are you auditioning for a job in the New York media?
  3. bigbucks24

    bigbucks24 Active Member

    Mar 9, 2006
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    And Jets fans believe that anything negative written about the Jets is absolute bullshit. What is the difference?
  4. Jeti

    Jeti Well-Known Member

    Jun 10, 2012
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    thats not the point, most of us have issues with things the Jets do but bashing isn't the way most go about it for example

    The Tebow trade

    Jets "fans"- he's nothing but trouble due to the media attention and a major distraction for us. Nothing good can come about this

    Jets "media"- they're a circus they love the headlines and the circus mantra spread like crazy

    then you got them calling Idzik a puppet, Geno a baby

    on top of that we're the media punching bag of the NFL, the new Raiders

    we've been called a glorified expansion team, the worst team on paper, the 32nd ranked team in the league to start the year

    the Jets are not as bad as the media makes them look and our own beat writers fans or not dont help at all and we're sick of it

    we can take the media keeping it real but they've gone over board
  5. Jeti

    Jeti Well-Known Member

    Jun 10, 2012
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    it is, pure speculation

    Rex controls the team, Idzik is a puppet, Geno fired his agents because he went in the 2nd round

    all bullshit
  6. sreef35

    sreef35 New Member

    Sep 19, 2009
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    Geno smith has all the abilities to be a successful QB in NFL. Jets need to work on getting offense weapons around him.
  7. jdon

    jdon Well-Known Member

    Feb 10, 2006
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    The Daily News ran a headline saying Geno fired his agents because he was not the No. 1 overall pick. Then they wrote a story where there is virtually no mention of it. In fact, geno specifically says that this is not the reason. Headine writers.......
  8. Don

    Don 2008 TGG Rich Kotite "Least Knowledgeable" Award W

    Mar 7, 2007
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    That's because writers write the stories and editors write the headlines...happens all the time.
  9. jilozzo

    jilozzo Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Good post. Agree jka
  10. jilozzo

    jilozzo Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Fwiw I understand smith being a little frustrated but IMO he needs to be sat down and given a brief but thorough history lesson on the jets......

    It's great to be brash and confident but he needs to be informed that there is a direct relationship between performance and talk. It's best if the performance comes first and than the talk.

    Many of us thought Ryan last year was disillusioned with what he was saying and what the jets were doing on the field. I hope smith doesn't fall into that trap here.

    Based on what we have seen from idzik - he should be the controlling force and not let smiths mouth get the best of him.
  11. Biggs

    Biggs Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    The Jets collapsed down the stretch 2 years in a row. They were forced to dismantle a team that was built to make a run in 08,9 and 10 without getting over the top, fire the GM and probably fire their starting QB.

    Jet fans hate the media because the media interferes with their ability to rationalize why the Jets are actually a very good team that might win a SB in the very near future.

    Hating the media is actually part of the Jets fan delusional makeup. Subconsciously you know the truth, the team sucks and you hate the team for sucking. Transference is perfectly normal.

    Having been a Jets fan for well over 40 years I look at myself as a victim of a horrible disfiguring accident. My conscious mind will do anything to forget the impact and transfer the real issue elsewhere.
  12. BleedGreenDaily

    Apr 27, 2013
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    I don't hate the media... It is not the medias job to win games. Media doesn't affect any other team. Hell when they were calling for Tom Coughlin's head and then the Giants ended up winning the Superbowl. I don't make excuses for this team and neither should anyone else.
    #52 BleedGreenDaily, May 1, 2013
    Last edited: May 1, 2013
  13. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    So have I, first game in 1970. And nobody who is writing about the Jets today is half what Paul Zimmerman was before he left to cover the national beat. When Zimmerman had a dig to get in he'd make a joke.

    And I believe your thesis is wrong. You probably don't poke your nose into popular culture all that much these days but if you did you'd find a legion of angry, cynical critics dominating the culture.

    When Steve Serby went on a crusade against the post-Namath Jets using Richard Todd as his centerpiece he inaugurated a new era in critical reporting in the metro era. Giants fans were up in arms also with the 15 years of lousy football crowd gaining the upper hand. Things got pretty ugly in the local press.

    Those teams were both much worse than today's Jets though and they were worse on a sustained basis, losing a large number of games year after year for a decade.

    Today's culture is driven by an angry, cynical 24 hour news cycle that runs 7 days a week. Many of the people covering the Jets have bought into that cycle and if things aren't peachy keen they are going to be riding the Jets every opportunity they get. The people who are at the worst extremes are essentially going to be a cess pool of toxic sludge.

    They have to do that in order to sell because there are so many people in the loud critic corner that if they don't do that they don't stand out and they don't sell and sooner or later their editor is going to fire them.

    "Anonymous sources" sells copy but it is a horrible way to make a living.
  14. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    Joe Namath should have been sat down when he came into NY and told to shut his trap. That stuff doesn't work in the metro area even for a QB who had the college numbers that Namath had at a great national program.

    See what I did there?

    It's not Geno Smith's approach that has changed over the last 5 decades, it's the media culture he is entering. The Jets shouldn't try to muzzle him they should just point him in directions that leave fewer loose edges for the media to rip up and shred as they try to sell product.

    Muzzling the guy is just going to cause problems that wouldn't have happened otherwise. Channel him away from the negative flow but let him talk.
  15. JetsFan

    JetsFan Well-Known Member

    Oct 4, 2002
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    NFL radio was talking about Smith this morning and say it doesn't seen too promising with him already firing his agent and making comments to the media. They feel the media might eat him alive and question his mental toughness. They also were saying NY might be a bad place for him. He had some breakdowns in college when things didn't go right and the first thing he does in the NFL when he isn't picked were he wanted was to blame his agent and fire her. Compaired him to Vince Young, OMG....

    He has a lot of talent around him in college and a system that fit him, in NY the talent is suspect and he needs to learn a new system. Add in the media attention and how they get when players don't perform could be a disaster.

    Just listened to his last interview and can't get over who bad he talks, plus he was a english major in college. Deffinitely not well spoken and seems he isn't as quit witted as you might like.
  16. BleedGreenDaily

    Apr 27, 2013
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    I do find it disturbing that the media is thinking what I was thinking before the draft. I also did not like the response he gave when asked about the Aaron Rodgers tweet.
    #56 BleedGreenDaily, May 1, 2013
    Last edited: May 1, 2013
  17. dco20

    dco20 New Member

    Nov 19, 2009
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    And the circus has started. Replacing a mental midget Sanchez with this pea brain. Appears as if Smith has all the makings to be the next Ryan Leaf.
  18. Organized Chaos

    Organized Chaos Well-Known Member

    Oct 5, 2009
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    It is a total crapshoot. Im not sure why Jets fans are down on this guy already, lets see how he plays. Personally I am happy we drafted a QB, we need options other than Sanchez.
  19. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    Most Jets fans aren't down on this guy yet. The polls on the site say Smith has good support. The media has been churning in ways that will cause issues with the average fan.

    It's going to come down to how he plays. There's an anti-Jets meme out there that is going to be biased against him until he forces it to go away or confirms it, and the only way to do that is by playing.
  20. ArmandJ

    ArmandJ Well-Known Member

    Aug 9, 2012
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    Really, because he sounds extremely intelligent to me. Same goes for Richardson, actually. Maybe Milliner isn't exactly...well spoken.

    Damn, though. Can you find on the field reasons to criticize the guy? It seems like all of your criticisms of him are because of stupid things like what he does with his money or the way he talks or some such nonsense. I can criticize Sanchez all week and twice on Sundays because of his on the field actions. I don't even need to goo off the field.

    You seem to want the guy to fail.

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