I enjoyed batman and son. It def pulled you in a different direction then what was normally going on. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N900A using Tapatalk
I think the point was to erase the stain of last stand. That movie was down right terrible. Im all for apocalypse tho. Hell maybe well even get a little age of apocalypse Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N900A using Tapatalk
Thats who played him in first class. That def was not a Sebastian shaw from the comics Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N900A using Tapatalk
I liked the movie, glad to see an X-Men story that doesn't give you a shit ton of Wolverine, the guy is awesome it's just he's the central figure in every other movie. Cap 2 is still the best Comic Book movie period.
Saw it, probably the best of all of the X-men movies to date. Doesn't come close to TDK status, but I liked it a lot. I'm also glad they didn't crush us with Wolverine, even though he was my favorite character in the comics. Never really liked Jackman in that role, but I think he did his best job in this one. Dude needs to lay off the HGH, though, he's starting to look like a pro wrestler. I think this cycle of X-men has run it's course. Give a couple of years and it's reboot time.
Cap 2 is very good, but I am a Marvel guy and it still doesn't measure up to The Dark Knight. Liked how they threw Dr. Strange out there though, not sure that one will make a convincing movie but I'll check it out.
Glad you liked it! Yeah, the old X-Men cast is likely done besides Wolverine but the First Class cast will return for X-Men: Apocalypse in 2016 and I think Hugh Jackman will be in that, plus 1 other solo Wolverine movie. After that, I agree it will be rebooted.
I'm just glad they're limiting Halle Berry's role to just staring and the occasional severe thunderstorm. She really never added anything to the story. I also salute how they managed to bring back dead characters. Marvel certainly has the super hero movie genre dialed in. DC has a lot of ground to make up if they wanna play in this arena.
I had high hopes.for Halle in that role, but she never really graduated above wooden placeholder, I feel the same way as you.
Yeah, I was hoping that they would go out on top, but apparently that concept is lost on Hollywood. Gotta milk that dead goat. Both of those movies will suck, guaranteed.
Yeah, and they can't make it up. Marvel did such a great job and has created an amazing universe. DC is starting theirs with a terrible Man of Steel film, then branching off from that. Not a smart move and clearly destined for failure (quality-wise at least). As for the X-Men movies, most of them aren't great. I liked X-Men, X-Men: First Class and Days of Future Past, but the rest are average at best. Many fans liked X2: X-Men United the most, but I thought it was just okay. X-3 was terrible, X-Men Origins: Wolverine is awful and The Wolverine was pretty good.
I'm a huge Marvel fan myself. I thought that Cap 2 had better fighting scenes easily, so I would have to disagree with the notion that it does not measure up TDK. In the comic book world, I was never a huge fan of Captain America's Arcs, but I thought Marvel did an excellent job with developing Captain America as well as introducing Hydra. Def catch the movie, you will be surprised. Dr. Strange would be an excellent movie, I can't wait to see it in the near future.
Ever heard of The Joker? A mind-controlled Winter Soldier does not hold up. Batman is much better than Captain America too. Pretty much everything in the film does not hold up to The Dark Knight. That is not a knock on The Winter Soldier though. I thought it was a great comic book movie. Not close to The Dark Knight though. PS: I might be partial.
Let's be serious here - watching both movies you know Captain America 2 has the better one on one fighting / action scenes. I'm not downplaying The Joker performance, I never said that. I think that the TDK had the best acting with Ledger, Bale, and Hathaway, but Captain America 2 had the better story. The movie with the better story wins in my book. I also believe Captain America 2 had a better comic book vibe too it. As a whole Cap 2 wasn't just about the Winter Solider, it was about HYDRA research department also (Spans all across the Marvel Universe). Again, not a huge Captain America fan in the Comic book days but it continues to open up the Marvel Cinema universe. I feel in that it makes the movie more exciting as you are sitting there watching it. PS I may be Partial also. I like Batman a lot. Loved both movies.
Yeah, I mean TDK was not about fighting scenes, but I get your point. Both movies surprised me when I was in theaters, story wise. Most movies are predictable these days, but neither of these were. I give Captain America credit but even TDK's story was better to me. I loved the anticipation of Captain finally seeing who the Winter Solider was. They did that very well. TDK, CA:TWS, and XOFP are all the best films in their character's film histories to me.
You keep taking about the action scenes, yet if you really loved comics, you'd know the action in them was secondary to the story and the scripts. Yeah, Cap2 was a good action movie, and yeah, it did a good job of introducing HYDRA, but it fell far short of the awesome storytelling that TDK was able to deliver, and TDK had a shitload of great action scenes in it's own right. And as far as acting goes, there is really no comparison.
No shit. It's a fucking movie do we really want to see ACTION heroes TALKING the entire movie? No, I don't think so when action happens - you want the scenes to be exciting. Cap 2 trounces Batman in fighting scenes, it's not even close. Another great thing about the Captain America 2 movie was it's relation to today's world. Our whole system of national security was invented by some of the greatest villains of the 20th Century. I thought that added a little "wow" factor to the movie - so the story was better than you thought.