I think it's better this way, even though I tried to help make the TT forum into something cool. If people can't find a tactful way to bust the fakers out, then the fakers deserve to stay. This way is a better way to help strengthen the core of the TGG community.
You are probably right about not being adjusted. The top 10 picks now should be inflated value wise because of said cap. I've been saying this since I heard about the rookie cap. I'm also looking forward to the draft because maybe there will be more action for teams getting into the first RD
I can see your point, less drama and lets people feel free to speak instead of being afraid of getting burned each post. TGG seems a lot more friendly lately, which is awesome for newer members, since the goal around here is to get the most knowledgeable and considerate posters to join and expand this site.
It's more friendly because guys like MBgreen(heh...gunt...), who from what I've heard was a very bad man around these parts, were thrown out along with any and all butt-buddies he horsed around with.
Actually it is 39 of his 62 TD passes that exceeded 8 or more yards. If you increase the distance to 10 yards or more, the number drops to 33. That means about 47% of Mark's career TD passes were 10 yards or less. 61% of his TD passes were from 16 yards or less.
NFL.com. Go through all of the Jets scoring summaries and count them yourself if you don't believe it.
Ok you sound pissed off.... what should his percentage of TD's thrown be? Should his average length on a TD pass be 37 yards? I mean can somebody compare this to Manning/Brady to figure out what there percentages are? I have to imagine 60% of their TD passes are from under 16 yards as well. Its a hell of a lot easier to throw TD's the closer you are to the endzone.
I'm not mad at all. Just responding to the guys incorrect stats. I believe Milcus was referring to Mark's playoff game against the Pats when he talked about TD passes that were 8 yards. I don't think he was literally talking about 8 yard TD passes, and I really doubt he was talking about his entire career, but maybe I'm wrong. I thought the reply by Abyzmul was a little funny I'm fairly new here, and maybe the guy deserved that, but I just found it funny when a guy makes fun of another guy about incorrect stats when his stats are incorrect.
This is a stupid thread! Sanchez is 25 years old and has three years experience. Give him a fucking break and a little support for once!
If these numbers are true: 1/2 of Mark's passes come from outside the 10 yard line... 40% from outside of 16 yards... Is that an unreasonable finding?
39% from outside of 16 yards, but that is not the point. I don't really care how many of Mark's TD passes came from outside the 16. It may be an outstanding percentage. One would have to go through all of the other QBs numbers to find out. I only posted the correct numbers to respond the the guy who posted the incorrect numbers.
Show me the stats, then. I crunched them today. Show me yours and I'll show you mine. I got them from the same place you apparently did.
Here you go. Did I miss something? 8 Plus - 41 2009 - 11 wk 1, 30/Stuckey wk 2, 9/Keller wk 7, 35/Clowney wk 8, 19/Edwards, 16/Keller wk 11, 29/Cotch wk 13, 13/Edwards wk 15, 65/Edwards WC, 45/Keller AFCC, 80/Edwards, 9/Keller 2010 - 14 wk 2, 10/Edwards wk 3, 24/Keller, 12/Keller, 67/Edwards wk 4, 41/Edwards wk 6, 32/Edwards wk 9, 79/Edwards wk 10, 25/Cotch, 37/Holmes wk 11, 41/Holmes wk 12, 13/Holmes wk 16, 23/Holmes DIV, 15/Edwards AFCC, 45/Holmes 2011 - 16 wk 1, 26/Burress wk 2, 17/Holmes, 11/Keller wk 3, 18/Tomlinson, 16/Burress wk 5, 9/Kerley, 21/holmes wk 6, 38/Holmes wk 12, 14/Burress, 18/Keller, 16/Holmes wk 13, 30/Holmes wk 14, 19/Tomlinson wk 15, 25/Holmes, 9/Burress wk 17, 10/Turner 8 or less - 20 2009 - 5 wk 3, 6/Cotchery, 2/Hartsock wk 4, 3/Edwards wk 10, 7/Cotch DIV, 2/Keller 2010 - 5 wk 4, 2/Keller wk 11, 4/Edwards, 6/Holmes DIV, 7/Holmes AFCC, 4/Cotch 2011 - 10 wk 1, 4/Keller wk 7, 3/4/3/Burress wk 9, 8/Holmes wk 10, 7/Burress wk 12, 3/Keller wk 14, 4/Holmes wk 16, 5/Baker wk 17, 1/Keller
Holy shit we're going to be critical of the distance of his TD passes now? Do you get extra credit points for a 99 yard TD? And if we're going to look at these numbers, how do they compare to other QB's?
MBgreen wasn't the problem, he was a good dude and really funny. He just chose to leave. I have no beef with him, I don't know where you're getting him being a "bad guy".
Don't forget about Sanchez's arms, they're way too long. Probably why he can't throw farther than 6 yards for a TD...