Would benching Sanchez "ruin him"?

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by ouchy, Oct 3, 2012.

  1. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    To be fair, I can see where he got stuck in the "went out with injury" thing since it happened so much. I agree with him on that part, it is completely different when someone replaces you due to your being injured.
  2. NYJets82

    NYJets82 New Member

    Aug 19, 2012
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    Ouch -- just read this on ESPN. Always shocks me when they have actual information in one of their articles.

    "He's had 35 off-target throws, the highest percentage of off-target incompletions in the league, according to ESPN Stats & Information." -- regarding Sanchez.
  3. Backup QB

    Backup QB Active Member

    Jun 22, 2012
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    Kolb got benched. Skelton took his job. Kolb did not have a psychological break down. End of story.

    Kolb, however has not been pampered from day 1 in the NFL like Sanchez, much like Tebow has not. I'm actually not really a fan of Kolb, but I am definitely pulling for him. I like when players keep after it, and do well when they get a shot.
  4. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    let me chime in real quick here.

    sanchez has NEVER been good. he has ALWAYS been inconsistent. he has always thrown the ball behind guys, he has always played scared. he has for 3 years now regularly thrown the ball into the back or back of the head of a receiver who had not even completed his route. BECAUSE HE IS SCARED and cant wait to get the ball out.

    he consistently is late getting the ball out when he has time. he consistently sucks donkey balls and infrequently is even adequate.

    so yeah ive been saying it, ill continue saying he. he sucks. just like the yankees fan that used to call wfan all the time GET HIM OUTTA HERE!!!!
  5. displacedfan

    displacedfan Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    Fair enough

    Equal I get. Bradford got hurt last year right?

    Answer me this. Is the dynamic between switching Player A for Player B because Player B is injured the same as switching Player A for Player B because Player B has performed poorly?

    I think the dynamic between switching players in season because of injury differs from switching because of performance. That's why I think the ARZ isn't a good comparison for the Jets scenario. I think the dynamics are different. I also thinking switching someone in the offseason from starter to backup is a different dynamic than switching them in season. Obviously we disagree, but you clearly aren't grasping what I'm saying. Maybe because I haven't explain myself clearly, who knows. I just don't see how it compares. If Tebow beat out Sanchez in the offseason I get it. If Sanchez got injured, Tebow came in, and now Sanchez was coming back I get it. I don't get how ARZ works if Sanchez is switched in season because of performance.

    I also don't see how there is a right or wrong. I'm just trying to figure out why people think it's similar. One involved injuries, this one doesn't. Maybe being benched is benched, but I think injury vs performance creates different settings. Wouldn't a better example be a couple years ago in Philly when Kolb was switched for Vick of I remember correctly in a similar scenario to where the Jets are. And Kolb eventually joined ARZ and is trying to make the most of it? Again, I think injury creates a different dynamic because it lets the FO/CS fall back on, we will bring the injured starter back when he is 100%. It isn't by choice the backup is coming in. It is out of necessasity.

    I don't think it's a right or wrong scenario. I think its open for discussion because we truely don't know how players would react if Player A was hurt, Player B took over, and then Player A came back even with Player B's play because A is healthy vs Player A is benched because of poor performance, Player B comes in and does just as bad, Player A comes back. Does it change how the rest of the team views A that A was brought back as a well there was something worse? What happens if A doesn't play much better, does the team roll its eyes and say not this again.

    I just think injury vs performance benching is different and can't be viewed together.

    Oh well.
    #125 displacedfan, Oct 4, 2012
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2012
  6. Diddy

    Diddy Active Member

    Sep 13, 2012
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    I'm starting to like Kolb, he was thrown under the bus in the Peyton Manning sweepstakes, lost his job to John Skelton, and got it back after Skelton was hurt and seized the opportunity. I hope he does well, but the o-line is an concern.

    Stephen A Smith is right, even though he is a moron. The Jets pampering Sanchez has made his psyche fragile. He hasn't faced adversity like a Brees, who was undermined by management when they drafted Rivers and had to respond to keep his job in 2004 for the Chargers.

    Why do you think Drew Stanton was angry when the Jets traded for Tebow, because he knew Sanchez's psyche is fragil and he will get to start again. That is why a lot of agents wanted their clients to go to the Jets this year because they can start sooner than later.

    What makes me angry is that Sanchez is getting paid $10 million in guarantees and yet Tanny makes people like Mike Devito take pay cuts, even though they have been performing adequately. That extension was such a mistake because it is rewarding mediocrity. It was a kiss and make up contract, even though it saved cap space, for the Jets even entertaining the idea of Peyton Manning. It's the definition of stroking Sanchez's ego, and I wonder if Sanchez is a QB that can take a team to the Super Bowl.
  7. Backup QB

    Backup QB Active Member

    Jun 22, 2012
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    a) When I first brought up Kolb, I included Philly and Arizona in my comparison.
    b) In both situations Kolb was injured, but was physically able to return and lost his starting job to his replacement.
    - Therefore, he was benched in favor of another player even though he was able to perform.
    - He was not injured at the time in which another QB was playing in his spot.
    - He could have played, but the coach chose not to play him.
    - He was the starter, but then he wasn't.

    I don't know how many different ways I can say it. It does not matter if he was injured. What matters is that they gave his job away when typically, that is not what happens to a starting QB.
  8. Aewhistory

    Aewhistory Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2012
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    I keep hearing this concept of Sanchez being "ruined". I simply disagree. While I think I understand what most people mean, it is apparent everyone is over lookng one of the most prominent examples of supposedly "ruined" QBs who turned their careers around: Vinny Testaverde. Supposedly he was trash after his Tampa bay years just as so many are writing Sanchez off after these years with the Jets. The problem is that once VT had a decent supporting cast he became much of the QB everyone thought he could. His time with the Browns/Ravens was overall good and he damn near led the Jets to the promised land. Frankly, if not for a fluke injury I think there was an excellent chance that he'd have taken us to our second Super Bowl appearance (I've always felt that the Jets were that good in the late '90s).

    It is true that VT's years with Tampa were an albatross around his career and undoubtedly affected
    him. Perhaps that is what posters here mean when they say Sanchez is "ruined". I suppose the problem I have is that VT, despite his massive early failures, turned into a very good QB for a decent but not exceptional Browns/Ravens franchise and looked damn near HoF quality for the Jets. If anything, this seems to show that VT was able to slowly put the years of failure behind him and grow. For me, VT is the quintessential player that was supposedly "ruined" but actually emerged from the rubbish heap to fulfill most of the earlier expectations scouts had of him.

    Now Sanchez and VT are two different people and I happen to think that VT was a better QB overall, but that doesn't mean that Sanchez isn't capable of the same type of turn around. He may or may not end up as good as VT was at his best, or he might prove me wrong and be better, but naysaying him to death doesn't help when his supporting cast would kill a HoF QB, let alone someone with lesser abilities and/or a more fragile psyche. Sadly, this turn around will likely not happen for us; it will require a change of scenery as well as a new supporting cast. And yet that is precisely my point: if altering the team, talent, chemistry, coaching staff, etc. can still turn a player's career around then I don't see how you can say that player is ruined. Only if some sort of permanent damage has been done, something that cannot be reversed, undone, or fixed, would I say that The Sanchize is truly a ruined player. I tend to think that hasn't happened in this case.
    #128 Aewhistory, Oct 5, 2012
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2012
  9. Aewhistory

    Aewhistory Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2012
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    I think I see what you're saying. I actually just wrote another message discussing this issue of Sanchez being "ruined" and, in a way, you've actually provided a response to that as well. I've had a problem with fans saying that Sanchez is ruined as a player, but it is perhaps more accurate to say he is probably ruined for the Jets. That makes MUCH more sense to me.

    So would you say that benching Sanchez would ruin his relationship with the Jets because his ego is too fragile or too overblown? Or maybe both? You see, what I am struggling with is this: if he has a fragile ego and sitting him is what "breaks" him then good riddance. I sympathize as a human being, but as a fan and even an armchair GM I'd have to say that someone with such a fragile ego should never have been put (or put themselves) in Sanchez's position. It is a recipe for disaster.

    OTOH, if he has an overblown ego and sense of self worth, then let him prove it. You might be right in that if we sit him he doesn't fight back, but that is someone who is weak IMHO. Sanchez often seems entitled tho. I sense that he is entitled to sit his ass down for awhile. :smile: This way we can really see what he is made of. If you are right and he doesn't fight back, asks for a trade, etc., then I will personally carry his luggage onto the jet carrying his sorry ass out of town. If he fights for his position and all the money he is being paid then maybe we still have a QB worth keeping. Bill Parcells did this to some players if memory serves.... Unfortunately the only thing Rex and BP seem to have in common is a weight problem.
    #129 Aewhistory, Oct 5, 2012
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2012
  10. NYJets82

    NYJets82 New Member

    Aug 19, 2012
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    Yup, I agree with all of that. And to answer your question, I think it's that his ego is too overblown. It's not that I think he's necessarily an egotistical person, but I think we've developed him with the constant subtext of him being our "franchise QB". We started him immediately, never brought in any competition, pretended we weren't really interested in Peyton, and immediately scrambled to announce Tebow would NOT be competing with him for the starting job. Everything we've ever done says he's our guy, he's the Jets' franchise quarterback, and we're developing him into the next Peyton/Brady/Eli/Big Ben/Flacco type of organizational pillar. There's never been a situation where we've said "prove it".

    So four years in, if it gets to the point where we voluntarily bench him, I think that pretty much severs the relationship. I think the only way to read that is that the organization has decided they were wrong about him. And naturally, it's just not a good fit to keep a guy on board after he knows you've lost faith in him.

    I think there are QBs you can bench and QBs you can't, and it mostly has to do with how they're introduced to the organization. Guys like Kevin Kolb and Matt Moore can be yanked and inserted at will. But guys that are long-time starters, particularly guys that are made to believe they're the franchise QB, really can't be benched unless you're planning to unload them. Kyle Orton was a good example last year. Matt Cassel is a good example this year. If he loses his spot to Brady Quinn, I think he's done in KC.
    #130 NYJets82, Oct 5, 2012
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2012
  11. Don

    Don 2008 TGG Rich Kotite "Least Knowledgeable" Award W

    Mar 7, 2007
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    To be "ruined" means you have to have been good at some point and nobody can argue that Sanchez was ever good even in the two years the Jets went to the title game. In those years he was ranked the 28th and 27th worst QB in the league. So all this talk about him and all this "defending" him is nothing more than garbage.
  12. displacedfan

    displacedfan Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    Hmm I thought the situation in Philly was because of performance, not injury. I forgot about that.

    And there we go. You don't think the dynamic is different between injury and performance. I do. I think that's open for discussion, you clearly don't.
  13. Backup QB

    Backup QB Active Member

    Jun 22, 2012
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    Because you are missing the point. Whether he took a week off because his Michael Vick killed his dog, or he had to fly into outer space to put a nuclear bomb in an asteroid that was heading for the earth to save the world, or he was in jail for stealing an old lady's purse... the point is when he was available to play he was BENCHED and LOST his starting job. The reason why he was benched is because they felt someone else would have or had already OUTPERFORMED him. Why is this so hard for you to understand? His BENCHING was based off of PERFORMANCE. Jesus Christ man!

    If he was injured and never unable to return, you would have an argument. But the fact is, he came back healthy, ready-to-go, and was benched. The second part to this is that he was not butt-hurt and ruined as a result of his BENCHING.

    Why are you still arguing?
    #133 Backup QB, Oct 5, 2012
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2012
  14. DoubleDown11

    DoubleDown11 New Member

    Oct 1, 2012
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    Ok, just went this morning to ESPN.com and saw a shocking article.

    I know, it's ESPN. But it had me scratching my head. Ron Jaworski (who I know most people don't like...I'm not a huge fan of him) placed his power rankings for QB's. Here's how the AFC East breaks down:

    •No. 2: Tom Brady, New England Patriots
    •No. 24: Ryan Tannehill, Miami Dolphins
    •No. 26: Mark Sanchez, New York Jets
    •No. 30: Ryan Fitzpatrick, Buffalo Bills

    Tannehill before Sanchez?? I know Mark is bad, but look at the quote following the rankings regarding Tannehill:

    "Is Tannehill already the No. 2 quarterback in the AFC East? He has shown promise, but he’s also thrown just two touchdowns and six interceptions."

    I just don't get it.
  15. yahoo

    yahoo Banned

    Aug 18, 2012
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    Bench him, put him on celexa, and everything will be fine. I am so tired of everyone wondering if poor Markie's fragile mind can handle a demotion.

    Hell, I go through more crap in a single workday. He makes millions and he's sleeping with one of the hottest women in the world.

    Suck. It. Up.
  16. Jeti

    Jeti Well-Known Member

    Jun 10, 2012
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    I just wanna go into tank mode, it worked for Indy
  17. jb1095

    jb1095 Banned

    Dec 7, 2010
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    Sanchez has 845 out of 1542 Attempts for a completion percentage of 54.8%, he throws an average of 196.5 yards per game, and has thrown 60 TDs and 55 INTs. These are his career stats. With a career quarterback rating of 72.9, why does anyone wonder what the problem is.

    I am so tired of seeing excuse after excuse for this guy.


    Its never his god d*mn fault and I am tired of seeing. Face reality, Sanchez sucks and it is time to move on. Take the d*mn blinders off. Give someone else a shot, McElroy might surprise you. I KNOW Tebow can at least give you a better chance to WIN games as he is a great football player in general.

    As Fans, you should be calling for Marks head on a platter. get him out of the NFL, not just New York. He is a terrible QB and should not be in the NFL. The sooner the Jets head office realizes this, they better off you will all be as fans.

    Aren't you sick and tired of watching your Jets play so inconsistently? Stop clinging on to the few good games you have played in the past, no one cares about what you did before this season.

    As a hard core Pats fan, if Brady started to suck like Sanchez, I would want his a$$ replaced period.

    The difference is Brady has a bad game about as often as Sanchez has a good one. Sanchez has had so few good games his career that he isn't worth the head aches he brings.

    He has had...are you ready...FIVE games where he threw for 300 yards or more his entire career and he is well into his FOURTH season...I WANT the Jets to be significant in the AFC East.

    I WANT to fear them

    I love seeing close battle smack talking, hard hitting, may the best team win games. It just seems that no one in the Jets organization even cares. Put your head down, STOP running your mouth, and win some damn football games. I don't care about the injuries, a good coach can coach anyone up.

    No one can teach Sanchez to make better decisions though and they want to rely on HIM to win games?? WTF
  18. Backup QB

    Backup QB Active Member

    Jun 22, 2012
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  19. Jeti

    Jeti Well-Known Member

    Jun 10, 2012
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    We dont have a QB in a QB's league
  20. ouchy

    ouchy Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2007
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    Fair enough. I misunderstood your post. :beer:

    I agree with this post.

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