Worst Draft Ever

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Dr. Christian Troy, Apr 27, 2008.

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  1. Namath2Kolber

    Namath2Kolber New Member

    Nov 28, 2006
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    Wait . . . so you're saying that a 4th or 5th round pick has a better chance of making the team than a 7th rounder??

  2. JetsLag2

    JetsLag2 New Member

    Jan 29, 2008
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    I agree it was a good draft, But I think Lowry will be a CB. He does everything right in coverage its just a matter of if he can stay tight against top speed. Looks like he would play nasty in zone or a cover corner with safety help over the top in a nickel.
  3. Barry the Baptist

    Barry the Baptist Hello son, would you like a lolly?

    Dec 12, 2003
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    Lets see a bunch of undrafted FA's are going to put this team over the top? I doubt that.

    Lets see as far as needs:

    Pass Rusher Gholston
    Playmaker and Red Zone Threat: Keller
    Tall Possesion WR: Marcus Henry
    Secondary Depth: Lowery
    Back Up QB with poetential to start: Ainge

    Where did we not draft a need? Lets see would I rather have Ainge or an OL with huge character concerns who OBTW was coached by our OL coach, they obviously passed on Nicks for a reason.

    As far as your last paragraph, what do the Pats do if Moss and Brady get hurt? How about the Vikings if Hutchinson gets hurt? What about the Chargers and Gates? Every player in the league can get hurt on any play. Every single team in the league has the same exact questions, it's not just the Jets that have that problem.

    I'm just curious what players would you have prefered the Jets to draft instead of the guys they took. Don't give me positions I want names.
  4. James Hasty

    James Hasty Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2003
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    The Good

    1. Would have liked to trade down but Gholsten (although risky) was probably BAP
    2. Moving ahead of the Chiefs (Flowers) and Skins (Thomas) in round two for the lower of two fourth round picks
    3. Trading down with the Packers in round four to recoup our missing fifth rounder
    4. The Erik Ainge pick - roll of the dice with plenty of upside

    The Bad

    1. Not moving down from 6 when C Long and McFadden went off the board
    2. Not moving further up into round one for Mendelhall or Jenkins
    3. Not finding a way to get into the early third round to nab one of the studs taken there
    4. Lowery is a smart player and big but speed, athleticism, and tackling are big weaknesses for a CB with the talent aailable at that spot
    5. 6th and 7th round picks were taken ahead of players that were better values

    The Ugly

    1. Dustin Keller over Devin Thomas, Brandon Flowers, Tracy Porter, Limas Sweed, AND Kenny Philips. Seriously WTF is up with that?
  5. James Hasty

    James Hasty Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2003
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    A starting cornerback would have been nice.
  6. Jersey Joe 67

    Jersey Joe 67 Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2006
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    excuse us for having a fuckin' opinion, that differers from all the "experts" on this site.

    i agree with the poster, that this draft sucked. we were all bitching and moaning about how we would'nt give up any draft picks to move up for DMC, arguably the best player in the draft. one that can come in an immediatly make us a much better team. how the fuck can ANYONE not be flipping the fuck out, that we give up a draft pick, to pick a FUCKIN' TE!!! one that is'nt even a REAL TE, but a HYBRID, who's undersized, and WON'T BLOCK?!!!

    Get real people. we've got 2 fuckin' QB'S that ain't worth a shit, and we let the DULL-PHINS,take HENNE? Are you fuckin' stupid TANGENIOUS?!!

    we did not improve the areas our team sorely needed help in. Don't fuckin' tell me that we drafted a starter, next to revis. what about opposite rhoades?

    I'M sick and tired of the arrogance of the so called "gang green fanatics", and thier bullshit of putting down posters because someones opinion does'nt follow suit with thier thinking.

    remember, opinions are like assholes, everyones got one. not to mention entitled to one.:mad:
  7. KY_Jetsfan

    KY_Jetsfan New Member

    Apr 27, 2005
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    How in the world can a draft suck 10 minutes after it's over??????? It takes no less than 2 years to even think about evaluating a draft...

    Threads like these show how incredibly low some people's football IQ can be!!! In this case, I would venture to say OFF THE CHARTS LOW...
  8. Hemi

    Hemi Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2007
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    So let me get this straight. Drafting a left tackle, a center, getting a pro bowl FA guard, getting a FA RT, getting a FA nose tackle, trading for a young solid DE last year.....none of this is about working on the lines?

    I am not saying all these moves are great, but how much more are they supposed to do, I do see work being done on the lines, what are you looking at? And who gives a crap what Parcells does, he will quit on the Phins in a year or two anyway.
  9. vilmatic

    vilmatic Active Member

    May 28, 2004
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    I think the best part was when you projected the second day pick we'd get for Gholston when the schrapnel from his bomb took out the Tangime. Sometimes you can see at first glance the sophomore in hot pants for the dime store whore in five years more that she is, but I'm going to say athleticism, combined with intelligence and passion, guarantee success, for both Gholston and Keller. That's a Joe Willie No Lie, Hillbilly guarnatee, put it in the bank and mark it COD cuz owlyall done.
  10. #28Martin

    #28Martin Well-Known Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Worst fans some of these Jet fans.
  11. #28Martin

    #28Martin Well-Known Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Go root for the Dolphins. Bunch of negative crybabies.
  12. Jersey Joe 67

    Jersey Joe 67 Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2006
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    go fuck yourself, asshole
  13. theanalogkid

    theanalogkid New Member

    Feb 25, 2006
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    1. Gholston was the best pick at 6, anything else is a reach, and he fits the defense, it's not a square peg in the round hole.

    2. Ainge is a developmental QB and wasn't suppose to be a franchise player, he may very well be, but no one takes a QB in the late rounds with the intent of making them a franchise QB. The best he'll be is a emergency QB/2nd player. Maybe he turns out to be something good, but I don't think the Jets took him to make him the #1 QB, if he does and is great, it's pure luck.

    3. Woody is a legit concern, but he's an upgrade over Clement, I'd expect the Jets to get an RT next year.

    4. Baker is slow, has decent hands, but is not going to out run any defender except for maybe a DT. He's a blocking TE, who because there was no one better in front of him got the #1 TE job. Baker would not be starting as the #1 TE on most teams. He also has no leverage to demand more money, there is Bubba Franks who is still a good blocking TE, and now the Jets have Dustin Keller.

    5. It's a logical fallacy to claim that because past drafted TEs sucked this one will too. It's also fallacious to view the Jets FO as a monolithic organization. The people who drafted Mitchell are not the same ones who drafted Keller.

    6. You complain about trading up to get someone who is not a pure position player, but yet you want someone who can score points if the Jets trade up. Keller can score points, he did in college at Purdue, go check out the highlight videos.

    7. It could very well be every one of these picks can be a bust, but we don't know yet, so it's obviously too quick to pass judgement on this draft class when they have not yet taken their first NFL snap.

    8. Gholston and Vilma are not the same players, Gholston is going to be an OLB in a 3-4, where Vilma was playing ILB. Gholston is 266lbs, Vilma's 228 or so. Gholston is ripped, and very strong, he will knock the RB backward. Vilma has to drag the RB down while the RB is able to cross the first down line. There are plenty of players who went from DE to OLB and were successful. DeMarcus Ware comes to mind.
    #53 theanalogkid, Apr 27, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2008
  14. Barry the Baptist

    Barry the Baptist Hello son, would you like a lolly?

    Dec 12, 2003
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    How many starting CBs were available in the 4th round? Would you have prefered a CB to a big target in Keller? There weren't any starting CBs available. The Chargers drafted Cason at 27 and I think he will be a spotty starter at best.
  15. JoeJet

    JoeJet Banned

    May 7, 2006
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    If you are a Jet poster making less than $500,000 a year, or somebody flipping hamburgers, or figuring out how to make your next mortgage, STFU. There is a reason you are struggling. Tannenbaum and Mangini are NOT struggling. SO,,, STFU. They are alot smarter than you.
  16. Barry the Baptist

    Barry the Baptist Hello son, would you like a lolly?

    Dec 12, 2003
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    It's kinda funny to watch our #1 pick blowing by the Phins #1 in all those highlights they showed. Jake Long is already having nightmares about Gholston kicking his ass twice a year.
  17. James Hasty

    James Hasty Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2003
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    In round four I liked Orlando Scandrick and Jack Ikewougna at our spot. Two other CBs were taken at the top of round four that laso could potentially become starters. Had we obtained a third rounder our options would have been even bigger.

    Of course I would have prefered a CB to Keller. If we gave up our other fourth rounder we might have gotten Jenkins at # 25. Porter was available at # 30. I would have taken with one over Keller.

    Also, if we traded down from # 6 we could have had McKelvin or DRC. From the trades that were execulted it is clear that the opportunity was there to trade with the Saints or others.
  18. James Hasty

    James Hasty Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2003
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    We aren't the ones that took Schlagel in round three so I wouldn't be so sure.
  19. Salz

    Salz New Member

    Jan 19, 2004
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    This is the best argument ever:

    "Three entirely different regimes drafted bad tight ends in the last 15 years, so that means that if this new regime drafts a tight end, he will be bad too." Great argument, guys! These morons would have said the same about Kellen Winslow if we drafted him.
  20. Kris 15

    Kris 15 Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    :rofl: Awesome.
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