I don't think it was a leak either. I think it was Woody trying to save face to a bunch of football guys he was trying to win the respect of. Sounds like it only worked once. At least Charlie Brown got to see the football this time before it got yanked away.
OH MY GOD HE DOESN'T HAVE WRITTEN PROOF THIS IS JUST A DARKSIDER CONSPIRACY!!!! I was once where you are, in terms of NFL gullibility. Like 10 years ago even. In terms of mental acumen, like 30.
So in the middle of interviewing candidates to be his GM Woody was throwing the old GM under the bus? Really? I just think the far more likely prospect is that Sundquist blogs and tweets a lot and used the wrong word to express the notion that Woody had to be convinced to bring Tebow in.
For the purpose of full disclosure all post by Biggs are the opinions of Biggs. Biggs is a fictional character loosely based on a former DE of the NY Jets who played for the Jets in the late 60's and the Washington Redskins in the 70’s. Any opinion stated by Biggs that seems like a fact is merely a coincidence.
It's just to dumb a thing for a guy who wants to work for an NFL owner to put out there unless it was a favor to an NFL owner.
He's trying to sell himself as an owner to a bunch of guys that can try to save his franchise. Richest used car dealer ever.
Might it be CAA, Timmy's agent who was forcing him on the Jets? CAA represents tons of NFL players, (NBA too) and have been known to strong-arm teams into signing or trading away their players. I don't believe it happened here, but it's definitely conceivable when you factor in not much interest shown from other teams, and the marketability of Tebow in NY. (throwing a bone to the I believe Woody crowd)
this is a poll for foolish darksiders who a) choose to believe vague hearsay rumors of "impressions" from failed GM candidates b) are dumb enough to think that ted sundquist was authorized by the NYJ to speak on behalf of Mr. Johnson; and c) who choose to believe every negative and assinine thing that they read about the Jets - the team that they supposedly root for.
sundquist just comes off looking like an idiot who makes up stuff and who shouldn't be trusted w/a FO job ever again. Nice going Ted.
I thought Tebow and Rex have the same agent. (Snatches your bone away from the Woody crowd). :smile: I'm curious how an agent has leverage with a player no one wanted?
There was only two teams involved, us and the Jags. Marketability in NY wins out over playing for the Jags even if they offered a bigger contract. Tebow was a unique situation. He's more pitch man than he is QB. But still, if I was Woody there is no way I let agents dictate how I run my team. We see it happening in the NBA with CAA, and I'm sure they're trying to do in the NFL.
Correct - if you don't have written proof - its called BULLSHIT. You are the most gullible darksider on here - you believe EVERYTHING that you read hear or inagine - as long as it is negative about the Jets - AKA the team that you supposedly root for.
Still waiting for you to respond about your asinine comments regarding Mangold taking two days off from camp to see his little sister compete in the Olympics. BTW - I spelled asinine correctly.
Does this mean Woody really wanted Tebow? I'm really confussed on what th sunny way to look at this is. Could you PM me the sunshiner memo on this one?
Not Tebow, but other players that CAA controls. They're also snatching up all the good first round picks. I think Coples is with them.
I see very few people ,if any, wondering why Woody would have to be convinced of anything? Football people make the personnel decisions, or are personnel decisions being run through Woody now? It's a legitimate question not being asked much.
ESPN has just reported that during a recent interview with Mark Sanchez, Mark claims Kate Upton was 'forced' on him. /sarcasim
Obviously, the stupid ass owner was way in over his head getting involved in personnel decisions that he thought could make him a quick buck. You of all people should identify with that notion.