Heineken sucks, I would never serve that to my dinner guests, you philistine. And I make ONLY empanadas, not chimichangas. Having said that, tonite I am making home made guacamole and Burning Anus Wings. But if we trade up to get Mariota, or we grab him at 6 and don't trade him--I have a bottle of Veuve Clicquout that I'll be popping later tonite. _
Dude, my erection is getting perilously close to lasting 4 hours, I may need to go to the Emergency Room and miss the entire draft. Btw, never took you for a European. _
I think the Jets will stay put and pick Kevin White or Todd Gurley. I wouldn't mind drafting down and getting extra picks. I don't think the Jets will trade up to #2 for Mariotta.
i said in another thread, but if mariota is at 3 i think we'd trade up. the price difference from pick 2 to pick 3 could be substantial enough that we pull the trigger
Your graceful acquiescence is appreciated like you can't imagine. Thank you from the bottom of my scrotum. _
Did any of you find the Shane Ray interview a little too much? You're talking about character with your mother on your arm and you got popped for weed a couple of days ago..... Of course, I'm the last person to talk.
I don't consider weed a big deal. I'd rather drafted a blazer than a boozer. It's legal in some states, NFL should stop testing for it I'm actually baked right now for what it's worth.
If I were a Jets fan I'd feel pretty good tonight. Mariota would be a huge pick-up (assuming they don't give up the farm, Wilk etc...), but I think staying and picking White at 6 is the better play. Geno would get a legit shot of running a real NFL offense. If he doesn't pan out, Fitzgerald and their D make them still a good bet for a playoff berth and then who knows what can happen. Then they can swing for a QB next year, or even go for Petty in the 2nd.