Will the Jets draft Vince Young?

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Bledsoe11, Feb 20, 2006.

  1. EcKo151

    EcKo151 Active Member

    Mar 5, 2004
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    I hope so...I don't want the Jets to be submissioned into taking him.
  2. JVilma51

    JVilma51 Member

    Feb 11, 2005
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    i hope not i dont see success for him at this level
  3. JetBlue

    JetBlue Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2004
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    you have to ignore all of Matt Leinart's accomplishments and proven abilities as a QB to believe he will be a bust. coming to that conclusion only reveals a bias against him, not an objective or even rational opinion. coming to that conclusion AND believing Vince Young will be special only confirms that position.
  4. Serphnx

    Serphnx New Member

    Dec 25, 2005
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    Proven abilities? In the NFL? When he's never played a down? Yet somehow Vince is the one that won't have skills translate over. That's rational? Ok bud. By the way, you do know that Ryan Leaf was one of the better players in college history right? I suppose it's irrational to say he was a bust, even though it happened, because I'm not allowed to look beyond stats and team wins, unless of course it's to criticize Young, because that's "rational". Let's ignore Young's accomplishments, because it's "rational" to do so.

    And I suppose I'm not allowed to make this post either, since it reveals a "bias" against you. Since I've come to a conclusion opposite of yours, I must not be objective or even rational.

    I don't mind others having different opinions than me, but to claim your opinion is right and mine is wrong is just irritating. What are you, 12? The irony is that you accuse me of conclusory statements without rationale, when your very accusation is the same, and the reasoning you forwarded, if it can be considered as such, is extremely thin.
  5. Altoona

    Altoona Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2005
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    Very well said. In purely objective terms, Leinart's measurables are not at all particularly impressive. He may turn out to be an excellent pro. He also may turn out to be a bust as may Cutler and Young. There is no such thing as a "sure thing" when drafting a QB. The draft choice is tantamount to a bet being placed. The higher the pick, the heavier the bet. The analysis that goes into assessing the viability of the bet being taken entails, among other things, an evaluation of the prospect's tools, intangibles and historical performances taken in the context of the system being used and the level of competition being played against. In terms of potential upside, there is no one who ranks higher than Young. Cutler has a flamerthrower for an arm but he may not have the best judgement. Leinart is a very sound player with top intangibles but whose measurables are quite ordinary and reflect the the most modest upside of the three top QB prospects.

    Those who unequivocally categorize Young as a future bust are revealing a largely subjective emotional bias as well as a general lack of sound football judgement.

    Leinart is not the QB that Palmer was/is and never will be. Cutler might be the next Favre but could also be the next Browning Nagle. At the college level at least, Young has demonstrated a degree of poise under pressure and clutch playmaking ability that he has been able to elevate in proportion to the importance of the game being played (as has Leinart). When you factor in, however, Young's vastly superior physical tools, it clearly makes him the prospect with the greater potential upside. Young has a chance to truly redefine the position the way many thought that Vick would (but can't and likely never will).

    Some of the top NFL QB coaches have expressed the opinion that Young's throwing motion is in fact easily correctible and believe his throwing form not nearly as off the mark as many seem to think it is (i.e., no nothing media types).

    I'd personally be content with any of the three but my overwhelming preference is for Young.

    I'd also prefer Marcus McNeill to D'Brick but that's another story....
    #25 Altoona, Feb 21, 2006
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2006
  6. Big Poppa Naich

    Big Poppa Naich Active Member

    Oct 30, 2002
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    IF Young is there at #4, you have to take him.

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