You know the thread is taking a good turn when we're talking about grooming habits. Let's just keep it to the self barber within us and not stray into manscaping or ladyscaping. Before your time, there was a thread a hundred years ago 'Do You Manscape?' Comments were like, "I do it to make my dick look bigger."
I don't believe I've ever had this done before. Any of you young bucks from TGG care to give a review?
Will a VPN and private mode be enough protection to find out what the hell that is? F’ it, gonna have to find out.
Jim Carrey gave a pretty scathing take. You know there are going to be some who are going to give him shit for it: I agree with all of it, especially the standing ovation part. The only thing worse that I can think of was the gutless sheep standing ovation for Roman Polanski.
Ha, I was kidding because my point was that Kim Kardashian already did that, sucking dick and leaking it herself. Alright, the Word Play is getting me a little sick here.
I have zero fucks to give about any of this but I’m telling you right now Jim Rome totally deserved to get his assed kicked back in the day.
Jim Rome is insufferable. abyzmul used to belong to an unmoderated mb of Rome's back in the year of the flood and Rome would get trolled to Hell, hahaha.
If you have first-hand real life experience, who am I to argue. I'm just talking about his radio persona. As soon as I hear that damn voice *click*. And the whole Jim Everett thing was a tool move, c'mon.