broncos left so many points out there... Could have had 7 on the last one if that TE caught the ball on the slant...
Maybe, but the ball came out due to Woodson's blow to Brady's head. It should have been a personal foul. The Pats actually got jobbed on the play.
Is God a Patriot fan or what? This is unbelievable. Even the refs are against the Steelers, when has that ever happened before? The Pats have gotten breaks after breaks this season, they played Eagles without Vick, don't get to play Manning, the QB at KC gets hurt just before them, Bills bench the best WR. Now look at the gift they may get now.
Can't call penalties on replay though. Reversing a fumble on field is more egregious of an error than missing a blow to a helmet. And back then did they call blows to the helmet like that as often as now? Any which way, they took advantage of the opportunity given and they weren't given a Super bowl like the Steelers in 06. EDIT: just rewatched play on youtube, no way thats helmet contact. Look at the replay at 6:15. Blow to the head caused the ball to come out. Should have been called on the field.
That gets called 50/50 now days, not sure it would be called back then. Can't remember how they called hand to the helmet plays then, thought hitting the helmet became illegal and really looked at closely the past couple years. All I know that ball is touching his left hand and it comes out. Definitely not clear enough to overturn
So the ref called the play dead early therefore possession cant be given to Denver... Same thing happened last year with Big Ben in Miami I believe. Or the year before.
If James Harrison made that hit, its illegal. Agree on the good non call. They call that play too much based on how the hit looked, not on where the hit was made.
Good non call. Williams was nowhere near the receiver's head. Just laying the lumber isn't a penalty, at least not yet.