Why Yes, I would Trade Revis

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by RochesterJet, Mar 7, 2012.

  1. Barcs

    Barcs Banned

    Nov 15, 2011
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    16th, maybe for THIS YEAR ONLY, but if you look at his entire contract that isn't the picture it paints.


    Revis made 25 million last season. If you average that with the 7.5 from 2010 and 7.5 from this season it averages to 13 million a year, assuming they renegotiate next season. That is more than Nmandi or any other CB, but obviously not the highest paid defensive player in the league.
  2. FrankWhite

    FrankWhite New Member

    Mar 8, 2012
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    False. They didn't overpay by THAT much. Scott was an unrestricted free agent who was coming off a great few years. He was expected to have a lot of suitors, and the Ravens were even toying with the idea of keeping him around and letting Lewis walk. They knew full well he was never going to be here a full 6 years, which is why the contract is so back loaded and he'll never see most of that money.

    Yeahhh.. No. Not exactly. They kept shifting money around to pay him less, particularly last year where he took a full blown pay cut of 1 million in exchange for his salary this year being guaranteed. That part is true. However, next year you misrepresent the "cap hit" in a big way. Yes, there would be dead money if he's cut but it was part of the plan all along. His salary is 8.65 million and they'll owe him only 1.5 if and when he's cut. That means they SAVE 7.15 million dollars on the cap. It's not like they're paying him to not play for the team, which is how you made it seem.

    Again, more half-truths. They cost of paying them 4.5 million dollars next year in 2013 is because they paid them less in these past 3 years. In the grand scheme of things they SAVE 8.56 million on Pace and 7.15 from Scott. That's nearly 16 million dollars they're saving. They're not losing anything by cutting them. Again, it was VERY CLEARLY planned out that way. For 2012, yes, both are getting more than they're worth. But that's because for the past 3 years they were giving up salary and allowing the Jets to do things like sign Mangold, Brick, Harris, etc. Pretty good trade off if you ask me.

    Again, failing to disclose all the facts. David Harris played for peanuts for 3 years and didn't complain one time. Then he gladly accepted the franchise tag.. if they didn't re-sign him, he would have been an UNRESTRICTED free agent. That means any team could have signed him, and he could have gotten that contract--or more--from somewhere else. Look at the deals guys like Karlos Dansby got for a comparison, you know, other unrestricted free agents. When Willis signed his deal he had 2 full years on his contract left making very little. Basically, the 49ers bought out those 2 years in exchange for a few extra years at a reasonable price. He would have played those 2 years for roughly 3 million dollars combined and decided to instead take the 5 year deal for 50 million and get a bunch of money up front instead of risking it. Had he been an unrestricted free agent he would have gotten a ton more. You're comparing apples to bananas. Not even close.

    Right.. all the other teams in the NFL have stars at every position and never face cap problems I suppose. What about how the Jets pay their d-line nothing, their RB's nothing, the receivers very little, etc. They have the best corner in the NFL by a wide margin, should they not pay him? They have another excellent corner that is vital to the defensive style Rex Ryan wants to play. They have to pay him.

    And Wayne Hunter was more of a mistake in evaluation than anything. He played well in 2010 and they thought he was ready so they gave him a very decent sized contract to start and backed him up with Vlad. So far that evaluation has cost them big time. But it's not like they threw a minimum salary bum in there for the hell of it.

    So they should pay people what their contribution to the team is, but not pay their best player? Hmm.. failing to see the logic there, bud. And where were these big time safeties coming from that they were supposed to sign and give big money to? I haven't seen any come available, have you?
  3. FrankWhite

    FrankWhite New Member

    Mar 8, 2012
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    Not really, as I just showed.

    So they decided they were making a run in 09, but went with a rookie quarterback who only had 16 starts in college? Seems counterproductive. They clearly had a plan beyond one season..

    No. Until after the 2012 season. All his points about 2013 were wrong, and all the info can be found on nyjetscap.com

    So you dont think this Jets team can win anything in either 2012 or 2013.. why exactly?
  4. srqman1

    srqman1 Tired of BS

    Oct 11, 2010
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    In what universe would a #5 alone beat the Jets?
  5. Dierking

    Dierking Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2006
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    Let me ask YOU this: How did all those teams that actually won enough games to make the playoffs manage to do it without Darelle Revis?
  6. FrankWhite

    FrankWhite New Member

    Mar 8, 2012
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    Not quite sure what your point is.. There are 31 other teams that don't have Revis, some of them made the playoffs. That somehow means the Jets don't need him?

    The Jets defense, and specifically Revis had very little to do with not making the playoffs last year.
  7. Dierking

    Dierking Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2006
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    No. The Jets lack of talent all over the field except for CB, which is a factor directly attributable to overpaying for Revis, is what keeps them out of the playoffs last year. the Jets defense sucked balls at critical positions like safety and linebacker and got no pressure from the front seven.

    He's a great CB.

    CBs are just not that valuable that you can sacrifice an unlimited amount of your cap to the position.

    Christ, I don't understand why some people are so fucking dense.
  8. srqman1

    srqman1 Tired of BS

    Oct 11, 2010
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    Lack of talent all over the field? In some areas, sure, but all over? Dear God.
  9. Dierking

    Dierking Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2006
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    "Dear God"? As in "Dear God, why is Wayne Hunter starting this Sunday when all available evidence indicates he is a career backup at best?"


    "Dear God, why are we starting a free agent who was working in a car wash last week to play center opposite Haloti Ngata?"


    "Dear God, in what kind of world is Eric Smith supposed to be able to actually cover Rob Gronkowski?"

    etc, etc, etc.

    GMCJETS New Member

    Feb 8, 2012
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    They had an offense and a QB able to move the ball and score points. The NYJETS and Rex Ryan seem to be trying to rely on DEFENSE.
  11. Dierking

    Dierking Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2006
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    Excellent observation. A decent, productive offense seems to be required to make the playoffs, and that in turn requires dedicating a significant portion of your salary cap towards that part of the team, does it not?
  12. Bellows1

    Bellows1 Well-Known Member

    May 19, 2012
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    Actually, trading up to #5 to draft a rookie QB with only 16 games sounds counter productive. But yes, I think they thought the defense and some production from the Offense would get them there...it almost worked. Other than the QB, we did have an impressive offense in 09. It wasn't until the play-offs that Mark really shined.

    I'm talking about Pool, Harris, Scott and Pace. These guys all had huge contracts. Harris and Pace will still be big cap hits if cut or traded before the end of 2013 and they're on the books for big money.

    I think they can win games, what I meant was they will have more money to play with after next season. No, they're not a SB caliber team, if that's what your asking.
  13. Bellows1

    Bellows1 Well-Known Member

    May 19, 2012
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    Which is why we can't afford Revis @ 16mil.. I'm glad you came around to our point of view. :)
  14. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    Trading up for a QB in a year you were planning to make a Super Bowl run would be one of the most stupid moves an NFL team has ever made given that no rookie QB has ever started in a Super Bowl, let alone won one.

    I'm guessing that what actually happened there was the Jets were hyping the year with no expectations they'd actually make much noise. Just selling tickets basically. Then the defense turned out to be better than expected in Rex's first season and they kind of got caught up in all the hype, never quite remembering what the ultimate limiting factor was going to be.

    The Jets traded up for Mark Sanchez to get their franchise QB, not because they had any expectation of actually going to a Super Bowl that year,

    GMCJETS New Member

    Feb 8, 2012
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    So paying Holmes $10 million a year is not a problem hows his production?
  16. NYDeadEye

    NYDeadEye Member

    Jul 31, 2011
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    I really can't see Rex letting Revis go, his defense strategy relies from the outside, in. It starts with the CB's for Rex, and Revis is his staple. If we let Revis goes, we lose our dominance in our secondary, AND we also don't have a pass rush. It'd make our defense extremely vulnerable.
  17. FrankWhite

    FrankWhite New Member

    Mar 8, 2012
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    I agree, I don't understand how some people can be so fucking dense. People like you? I forgot the Jes have NO TALENT all over the field because thye paid their star corner 16 million dollars a year. That's clearly an "unlimited" amoun, and they have no room for other playerst!

    Maybe you should check and see how much money they spent at linebacker last year before you act like Revis took ALL THE MONEY... But hey, why bother dealing in facts right??

    Let's cut Revis!! Great ideas here!!
  18. FrankWhite

    FrankWhite New Member

    Mar 8, 2012
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    Oh wow Pool had a huge contract huh? Christ Almighty if you don't now what you're talking about, don't bother trying to pretend..

    I mean really.. Pace and Scottnare big are big cap hits when cut after this year?. Really?? You're just flat out wrong.
  19. FrankWhite

    FrankWhite New Member

    Mar 8, 2012
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    Ok, all your ponts in your big post were still wrong so I don't know what your point is here...
  20. FrankWhite

    FrankWhite New Member

    Mar 8, 2012
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    Yep, because Sanchez, Holmes, Brick, Mangold, Moore, Keller, Tebow, and even Hunter and Greene make NO MONEY this year... We had to sign bums for all those spots because Revis took ALL the money!!! AHHHHH!!!!!! You're so right!!!!

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