Why Yes, I would Trade Revis

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by RochesterJet, Mar 7, 2012.

  1. klecko73

    klecko73 Guest

    If you are going to argue, at least use some facts based in reality.
    Football Outsiders released their 2011 CB round-up analysis and Cro actually rated much higher the second half of the season than Revis.

  2. Bellows1

    Bellows1 Well-Known Member

    May 19, 2012
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    As far $ THIS year yes, but his contract was front loaded, he's already been paid most of this and next years money.
  3. Dom

    Dom Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2012
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    well I don't see where you get that. I only see Cro on the list for CB that allowed the most YAC

    Anyone who has watched the jets games know that there is 0 way that Cro played better than Revis

    GMCJETS New Member

    Feb 8, 2012
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    Hard to rate a guy opposing teams dont throw at and stay from. Watch the games and see for yourself no need to listen to anyone else.
  5. laxin

    laxin Active Member

    Jan 30, 2011
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    Cro had the 6th best completion percentage out of all corners when being targeted, so Im not sure where you are getting this from.


    You seem to be missing the fact that his contract was front loaded, and even though it was a “bandaid”, he very well knew that the 1st two years of his deal he would be the highest paid CB, with the 3rd year taking a dip. He knew that we would be strapped to the cap with the contracts we had to this year, and he knows we cant pay him this year because of the cap. Next year is a different story and I expect the contract to be taken care of then, but he needs to just play football.
  6. laxin

    laxin Active Member

    Jan 30, 2011
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    Honestly not even sure what that means?...

    GMCJETS New Member

    Feb 8, 2012
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    Figures you wouldnt a jock is something athletes wear to protect their dick and balls.
  8. displacedfan

    displacedfan Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    Everything I am reading in Revis' contract is that holding out now is not as beneficial as forcing a contract a next summer. According to nyjetscap after the 2013-2014 season ends (SB) if Revis does not have contract it will be voided and the Jets take a 9 million cap hit and Revis becomes a FA. If he holds out either of the two summers then it cannot void then and he is locked in for 3 more years.

    If Revis holds out and the Jets don't blink, it seems like the Jets have all the leverage. If Revis waits until next summer then he has all the leverage.

    Can someone explain to me the benefit of Revis holding out now because if the Jets don't blink Revis seems to be screwed.
  9. dcm1602

    dcm1602 Member

    Jan 17, 2010
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    Might wanna re-read what you wrote, and realize its not english
  10. dcm1602

    dcm1602 Member

    Jan 17, 2010
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    I dont think Revis is going to hold out, most people seem to have been expressing that sentiment.

    I think Revis is just posturing hoping that its going to somehow get Tanny & Co to re-evaluate his contract now.

    Which obviously isnt going to happen.

    The Jets gave him a front loaded contract, he knows it, and he got his money.

    I think hes just setting himself up for next year, knowing this is basically a contract year for him.
  11. laxin

    laxin Active Member

    Jan 30, 2011
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    Oh yes, that is what I couldnt understand. Not the grammar that would make an english teacher gag.

    Well, I guess I will just agree to disagree because I dont really feel like getting into this type of argument. You are obviously just looking at it in a vacuum and arent giving an inch at looking at it from a wider perspective.
  12. jetlife21

    jetlife21 Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2008
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    I don't really think it's fair to bash Jenkins. He was a damn good player before the ACL's went.
  13. dcm1602

    dcm1602 Member

    Jan 17, 2010
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    Unfortunately this was barely for the Jets at all.

    Although I wouldn't bash Jenkins the guy was a monster, just unfortunately the trade we made for him didnt pay off.
  14. laxin

    laxin Active Member

    Jan 30, 2011
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    It doesnt even matter what kind of player he was, great, good or bad, his opinion is all I was pointing out... If he felt/feels that way and played with Revis, Im sure other Jets players might feel the same if he were to hold out.
  15. AarontheJet

    AarontheJet Active Member

    Jul 30, 2011
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    Revis has nothing to gain by holding out this year, but next year? Then he'd be a genius and would make mad money.
  16. LI JET FAN

    LI JET FAN New Member

    Sep 8, 2002
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    Ok let's pay Revis the money he's asking for and then cut Mangold and some other players to pay for his contract. Right now the keys Jets are close to being maxed out on the cap. Mevis can't be be paid this year unless teammates restructure their own own deals.

    GMCJETS New Member

    Feb 8, 2012
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    Both of you know what I meant and understand it completely.

    The fact of the matter is you both dont like what I have to say and how I say it.

    Since when is this English and grammar 101?

    GAG ON THIS..........:eek:hmy:
  18. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    The cap concerns on the Jets right now all revolve around two primary isses. First, they've paid a lot of slightly above average players as if they were stars. Secondly, they keep renegotiating said players contracts to give them more cap room in a given year which builds up a bigger cap impingement a year or two down the road.

    Bart Scott was never worth a 6 year $48 million dollar deal. He wasn't worth half that. But the Jets wanted to cut down the installation time of Rex's defense the first year and so they overspent by a lot to get Scott here to help with the project.

    The Jets didn't even get a game out of Scott before they were renegotiating his contract to make it more cap friendly for 2009, his first year with the team. Then they renegotiated him again in the summer of 2011 to make the deal better for that year.

    So Bart Scott not only was overpaid to play linebacker for the Jets but the costs of overpaying him kept getting shifted down the road to the point that he's now an uncuttable $5.95M part time linebacker for 2012 and will cost the Jets $1.5M on the cap to cut next season.

    Calvin Pace signed a 6 year $42 million deal in 2008 and then renegotiated it in 2009 and 2011 to make the deal more cap-friendly for those years. The net result is that he has a $7.348 million cap figure for 2012, a number well above his contribution level to the team, and he will cost $3M to cut next year.

    So the Jets have two LB's this year with a $13.3 million cap hit between them, more than 10% of the overall cap for 2012, and a contribution level well below that. Those two guys will cost the Jets more than $4.5M on the 2013 cap for likely doing nothing.

    David Harris is a very good player. He's probably in the top 15% of inside linebackers in the NFL right now. There are maybe 5 guys in the game better than him. Maybe another 4 or 5 at his level. He's a championship caliber player.

    The problem is that he's getting paid like an All-Pro. He's got a 4 year $36 million dollar deal with another $5 million in attainable incentives for 2014. That makes him worth about as much in cap value and salary as Patrick Willis, who is the best inside linebacker in the game today.

    Harris is a good player. He helps the Jets win and they'd be worse off by quite a bit without him on the field. That doesn't mean that he contributes at the level of Patrick Willis or that he should be paid at that level. Paying Harris like he's Patrick Willis means the Jets have less talent on the roster because David Harris, good as he is, is not at the same level Willis is.

    The Jets have this problem all over the roster. They pay their CB's too much. They pay their LB's too much. They have gaping holes at FS and RT because when you're paying good players elsewhere like they're stars it forces you to take what's available and affordable at other positions.

    The Jets have a 31 year old career backup RT that they've dressed up and even paid like a starter at this point. There's no reason to believe that he's a starter other than the fact that the Jets have put lipstick on the pig and called it beautiful.

    The Jets have not been able to cover people in the middle of the field recently either. That's because they didn't have any money there last year. All the money went on the outside and to overpaid decent linebackers and so the Jets defense was weak up the middle.

    None of this is going to change or get turned around until the Jets begin acting responsibly and paying people what their contribution to the team is worth. Giving Darrelle Revis another windfall payday isn't going to solve anything except Darrelle Revis financial concerns.

    Really, that's not the Jets issue. They need to worry about the Jets competitive concerns first and let things fall where they may. The first step in fixing a problem is to recognize that you have the problem. The next steps are to change the things you are doing wrong that exacerbate the problem.
    #638 Br4d, Jun 23, 2012
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2012

    GMCJETS New Member

    Feb 8, 2012
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    Agree Scott and Pace along with Hunter are overpaid yet no one says a word. Lets just bash our best defensive player and CB in the NFL.
  20. Bellows1

    Bellows1 Well-Known Member

    May 19, 2012
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    Excellent postage. I think when they brought Rex in they wanted to make a SB run in 09. They brought in a bunch of vets Rex knew well to get his system in place. Then they front loaded and back loaded the contracts to make it all fit under the cap. When we were close in 09, they did it again for 2010, with a no cap year thinking we'd re-build after we won... we didn't win. Now we are stuck with these huge contracts and bonuses until after the 13 season.

    We do have some young talent now, if we can develop them along for a couple years and Mark finally comes of age, we'll look pretty good... in a couple of years.

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