Why Sanchez will succeed

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by GA Jets, May 23, 2012.

  1. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    Watching him U can see it (at least I can) Happy feet is great clue. Holding the ball forever is another clue. I think MT, RR & BS blew it when his ability to make sharp quick decisions under pressure was not tested properly or maybe not even at all. For sure he is no Brady, Montana or JWN in that part of QBing

    That simple thingy is IMHO just something for most fans who do not look at more then the W/L record to hang there hat on. I call that hoping & praying which in the NFL gets U nowhere :sad:
    #121 championjets69, May 28, 2012
    Last edited: May 28, 2012
  2. NotSatoshiNakamoto

    Oct 6, 2011
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    1) How about you have a little respect for the fact that you're on an opposing teams site and a guest here?
    2) Your ignorance doesn't make my post fantasy.

    They don't? Romo may have a little quicker release but I don't think I've ever seen him make a throw Sanchez can't. They're both fairly mobile with good escapability, throw well on the move and can improvise to make things happen as a play breaks down. Both can also throw well from the pocket and have about average arm strength for an NFL QB. They're also both about the same height and weight. Obviously Romo is the more polished QB and is a better QB at this point in his career.

    He was the "run game coordinator" in Dallas for a year - Romo's first year as a starter. I never said he was the offensive coordinator. Like I said, he was probably closer to the offense in Dallas when he actually called plays than he was in Miami.

    Garrett was still in Miami at that point in his career. Let's try dealing with reality, not fantasy.
    According to the Jets coaches and players you're wrong. We should probably believe you instead though. :rolleyes:
    Who is making any excuse about keeping quality talent around him? I was arguing that there weren't many moving parts on offense.
  3. Barcs

    Barcs Banned

    Nov 15, 2011
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    The argument was that Sanchez could not make quick decisions. In the video there, the pocket collapsed in 3 seconds and he had to adjust on the fly. Don't get me wrong, there's been way quicker pocket collapses throughout the season, but it shows he can get it done. You couldn't see his eyes in that video, how do you know the play even finished developing or who he looked at? People keep talking about Sanchez' reads, but you can't even tell in that video who's open, who's not, etc. He's going to hold the ball if there's nobody to throw to.

    You have very selective memory. Sanchez' last 3 games of last season is not his entire career. Did you forget all the comeback wins that he delivered UNDER PRESSURE in 2010? Nah, he wasn't tested at all. :lol: Maybe it's better that old cranky fans stay away from the internet.
    #123 Barcs, May 28, 2012
    Last edited: May 28, 2012
  4. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    Listen I have seen many, many more QBs play then U so I am just giving U my HO no difference then U giving your HO. My son who certainly is younger agrees with my analysis of MS. U do not have to get nasty or call me names just because I have a difference of opinion with U. Surely being a NYJ fan since 65 I hope MS succeeds rather then flops but at this juncture I am just giving my observations of him up to now :sad:
  5. BeastBeach

    BeastBeach Banned

    Feb 21, 2012
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    He spent the entire 3/4 seconds staring down whoever that was that was in motion and was running a wheel route. The only other guy on that side of the screen was covered from the time the ball was snapped.

    You can clearly see his head facing the direction of the player running a wheel route and he doesn't take his eyes off of him to either look toward the middle or right of the field until he is forced to scramble because of pressure.

    It should not take 3/4 seconds for a QB to scan one side of the field, nor should he be waiting that long for one guy to be open. By this point in the season he knew that the line was not doing a great job.
  6. Catt_County

    Catt_County Banned

    Aug 19, 2005
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    Romo is an inconsistent passer? Right. :rofl: He's the 2nd ranked QB all-time in career passer rating-- 96.9 and he's the 4th ranked all-time in yards per attempt: 8.1.

    What NFL professional has actually said that Schottenheimer's is so complex that professional football players have difficulty mastering it? You and other Jets fans are twisting comments from individuals saying that "Schotty runs a complex offense" into meaning "Schotty runs an offense that's too complex for pro players to play effectively." Sorry, but that's BS.

    Complex offenses are the norm in the NFL not the exception because of the sophisticated defenses filled with big, fast defenders teams face. Simpler is NOT necessarily better unless a team is loaded with talent and can do what it wants to do despite the defense. The Jets don't have that kind of team.

    Poor clock management, poor route running, poor execution are signs of poor coaching not an "overly complex" playbook. It seems to me that what the Jets need is better coaching and smarter/harder working players along with better discipline/accountability. That discipline comes from the top, the HC, not the OC or DC.
  7. Catt_County

    Catt_County Banned

    Aug 19, 2005
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    See my previous post.
  8. Catt_County

    Catt_County Banned

    Aug 19, 2005
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    This actually makes a lot of sense in an awful lot of bull manure in this thread.

    One of the big problems in establishing a team identity is that teams are constantly in flux because of free agency. That means that teams need to be selective in the FAs or college players they sign/draft. They have to fit the team's identity. This means that the GM/talent evaluators/HC etc all have to be on the same page philosophically in that they have to agree that they're only going to pursue/sign/draft players who "fit" the team and walk away from others.

    I think that the Jets seem to do this well on the defensive side of the ball, but that they crap the bed on the offensive side. That doesn't mean that the players they sign are all lousy but they too frequently don't "fit" whatever the Jets are trying to do on offense. Maybe that's because the Jets don't really know what they want to do on offense. Maybe that's because the offense is Rex Ryan's redheaded step-child.
  9. JetsVilma28

    JetsVilma28 Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2005
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    ^ how is toronto this time of year? Is it still cold up there?

    Yea, we're a ground team. This year, now, and forever. The bills are one of the best teams we run on. We physically and emotionally dominate Toronto in the ground game. This year we'll ground 'n pound with shonn Greene, st. Tebow, sprinkle in a little McKnight, sandy Sanchez and this new kid from butler is going to earn a spot. Once we suck the defense in, sandy Sanchez and st tebow will hit you over the top to Keller/hill/ and capt Holmes.

    Our defense is going to be absolutely brutal and stifling. Fitzpatrick will be demoralized after his run in with our New York Jets. Sleep well Catt county, you're in for another boring season :wink:

    #129 JetsVilma28, May 28, 2012
    Last edited: May 28, 2012
  10. Catt_County

    Catt_County Banned

    Aug 19, 2005
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    29th in YPC in 2011 says that the Jets were hardly a "ground team" last season. Since you're essentially returning the same personel that ran for that scintillating average, all you can you do is pin your hopes on Tony Sparano and his OL coach who thinks Wayne Hunter is a great RT. :rofl:

    I can't wait for Hunter matched up against Mario Williams. :metal:
  11. I can't wait for the Jets running game to get another look at that garbage buffalo run defense they've made look so pitiful in the Rex era.
  12. JetsVilma28

    JetsVilma28 Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2005
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    I'm really looking forward to our home opner welcoming your garbage, sorry-ass soccer team. The stadium is a zoo the first week of the season. I feel sorry for your mother.
  13. displacedfan

    displacedfan Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    Look at his game logs. He has trouble stringing together 3-4 good to great games in a row, hence inconsistent. He did better last year stopping his bad game slides at 1 or 2, but he goes on runs and slides. An overall number won't show that if your highs outnumber your lows, but you can still be inconsistent going high high low low low high low high high high, etc. He even does this in game where he will start 0-8 or 0-9 then catch fire.

    You broke specific examples of mine into generalities. Of course it goes back to coaching and who was the offensive coach the past few years? The guy that has been here 5-6 years and the Jets offensively have shown similar problems under a plethora of different players, QB, and HC?

    I never said simpler was better. In fact I responded to you because you said Schotty's complex offense is untrue. ("Third, the alleged "complexity" of Schottenheimer's offense is simply untrue.") Now you are backtracking to separate argument. I was contesting you on the untrue comment and you are now backpedaling. From what I am reading, you do concede Schotty ran a complex offense. That is the main point I was trying to make.

    We will now see this season if that offense was the main cause of offensive problems or not or if it was more of a combination of factors. Schotty doesn't absolve the offense of the problems they had on the field, but when problems like this occur under different QB's and HC you have to go to the common link. We will now see if he was a main reason or one of the reasons.
  14. laxin

    laxin Active Member

    Jan 30, 2011
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    Stop just naming stats. Its more than obvious that Romo is an inconsistent passer. If you watch the games there wouldnt be a need to name stats because Im pretty sure any cowboys fan would just agree. How Romo does is how the cowboys do, and the cowboys have been one of the most underachieving and inconsistent teams in the NFL. One game they look like the best in the NFL, next game they lose to one of the worst and look like garbage. Same with Romo.
  15. Zach

    Zach Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2002
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    Ok... let me throw my wet blanket on this optimism.

    1. True, Schottenheimer IS the true root of all evil on Jets offense. (Which is precisely why I expect Bradford to fail miserably this upcoming season - he has no protection, no weapon AND Schottenheimer as his OC. Triple-whammy no matter how you slice it.) So... Schottenheimer sent packing is a good sign for the offense - that I agree. At the end of the day, when you are at the south pole, any direction you take is north.

    2. That said, it still doesn't mean Sanchez will succeed. Causation and relation are two different animals, and others QBs performing admirably after leaving Schottenheimer's evil grip doesn't mean much for Sanchez - he doesn't have the kind of experience other QBs could tap in. As for Sanchez, this mutant shit variant of Coryell offense from Schottenheimer is all he learned the past three years, and he failed at it rather miserably too. (To his defense: nobody succeeded in that bullshit system either.)

    3. Sparano did have fine season in Dallas calling the plays - but he was not the OC (1) and he had but 1 year of experience calling plays in the NFL. (2) Rather, larger body of work from his Miami days predict that this offense will struggle yet again. He did make 1000 yard rusher out of Reggie Bush, but his OL also gave up 50+ sacks last year. Unless Sanchez picks the brain out of Pennington's head over the summer, you should expect him to get mauled week in and week out.

    4. Still, Jets offense should come in at the 50% line - that is, 16th total. That's a remarkable improvement from the total disaster last year. If the newly infused talents on defense start to contribute, that may be more than enough to put the Jets past the post season again. Just don't even bother to think that the offense will carry the team. That will not happen - at least not this coming season.
  16. Burnz

    Burnz Well-Known Member

    Mar 7, 2010
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    Turnovers on special teams and Defense barely holding on and being pinned down deep.
    Always being down because we couldnt score

    They're are plently of reasons why we couldn't and didn't run the ball

  17. Barcs

    Barcs Banned

    Nov 15, 2011
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    I don't see that as humble, no offense. Every single post you make is constantly bickering and complaining about every thing the team ever does. It gets old, and it's always the same stuff, I apologize for insinuating you were cranky, but that's how the post comes off when you read it. I saw MANY split second decisions that Sanchez made in 2010. While I'd agree they weren't as prevalent in 2011, to say that he's never had the experience or training for that seems silly to me. Do you really think the coaching staff has simply ignored that aspect of his development? I'm just saying that Mark Sanchez can get it done, and you seem like you won't even give the kid a chance in a new system. I just don't see any justification for saying he can't make quick decisions, when he's done it.
    #137 Barcs, May 29, 2012
    Last edited: May 29, 2012
  18. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    The OL was beat up last year and the #s of other backs drags down our team YPC. Shonn Greene ended up w/ a respectable 4.2 YPC, if our Ol is healthy our ground game will be much better.

    Hunter faced off w/ Mario in 2010, mario dominated him(those are the types of tackles Mario does well against while when matched up w/ Brick the year before Brick dominated him) and the Jets won. Expect similar results.
  19. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    The way things stand right now the OL isn't going to be much better this year and could easily be worse. The nagging season long injuries last year were limited to the LG and he was already an average player at best. If Mangold or D'Brick had been hurting badly last season the Jets probably go 5-11/6-10.

    It's one thing to say the Jets are just going to run the ball and establish the offensive flow that way. It's quite another to actually do that in the absence of the players to make it happen and Greene, D'Brick, Slauson, Hunter and Keller are not the players to make that work.

    The last time the Jets went G&P they had Alan Faneca at LG and Damien Woody at RT. They had Thomas Jones and Greene at RB. They had Tony Richardson as the lead blocker.

    The 2012 Jets are a pale copy of that team and to think they're going to be able to G&P well enough to make the playoffs is ridiculous.
  20. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    Yes they may have overlooked that very key part of QBing :sad:

    How many more wins do U see the "new" system adding to our bottom line vs last year? :sad:

    When I feel the NYJs are true contenders I will be put out a APB for U :sad:

    I think that my view of the NYJs is way different then yours since to me every season they do not win the SB is totally unsuccessful whereas I am sure U jump for the joy if they acheive a 9-7 record :sad:

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