Why is suggesting Tebow Sacrilege?

Discussion in 'Tebowmania' started by RMorin, Oct 3, 2012.

  1. stinkyB

    stinkyB 2009 Best Avatar Award Winner

    Aug 28, 2002
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    I don't think anyone "wants to use that as a feather in the cap of Sanchez?", but if you want to go there, one could say that Sanchez has beaten the Pats 3 times, including the best game of his career in the playoffs in Foxborrough. :shit: :breakdance:
  2. catfish

    catfish New Member

    Mar 31, 2012
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    I understand where you are coming from, however I would caution 2 things.

    1) be wary of basing QB performance observations on preseason(Matt Flynn)

    2) McElroy is a similar style passer as Sanchez, with the problems with talent surrounding the QB he may have the same struggles as Sanchez.

    Tebow at least could bring something different to the table with escapability and ability to run out of a scramble(which doesnt require the line to open a hole) I am not advocating starting Tebow, just saying if a backup is going to start I don't think McElroy is a good choice.
  3. Red Menace

    Red Menace Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2008
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    Sanchez has a lot more feathers in his cap than Tebow but many MS haters will refuse to acknowledge them just to keep their preconceived ideas about Sanchez being the worst QB to ever play the position alive.

    I was simply agreeing with the previous poster about why Tebow was so successful as the Bronco QB, he was not throwing for three hundred yards a game and 3 tds with 1 int. The broncos defense kept the games close and he was able to run the option with Mcgahee as his option.

    He is still the same QB, minus the stout defense and Mcgahee as the other option at RB. That's why the wildcat with tebow is not working with the Jets.

    I was just using the Pats game as an example of what is going to happen the moment he becomes our QB as some here want him to be, if you guys think MS has been bad, you will see worse with Tebow as our QB.

    be careful what you wish for:up:
  4. dr.velociraptor

    dr.velociraptor Tired of BS

    Jan 3, 2012
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    To me Tebow was nothing but a gimmick, it was ownership and management continuing this circus mentality that started with Rex's stupid boasts and foot escapades. Tebow is terrible, he is not an NFL QB. To start Tebow means we're simply punting the season and trying to fill seats with a vaudeville act, we are living up to our joke reputation and as a fan that's the line in the sand for me.

    If Tebow starts I won't watch another game all season.
  5. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    Suggesting Tebow is sacrilege because he's a crappy QB unable to play well consistently in the NFL and this is likely to remain the case whether he gets starts or not.

    Last year the Broncos got a few players back from injury, particularly on the defensive side of the ball, and they had a guy they drafted turn into a star on the defensive side of the ball and Tebow got the benefit of a crappy defense turned good all of a sudden. This was enough to let him make a contribution to winning some games that were deadlocked otherwise.

    Then the Broncos started to rely on him and collapsed because he's just not a good player at QB. He doesn't have the skills and heart will only get you so far when that's the case.

    This year the Jets are collapsing all around the QB. Putting Tebow in here is just going to turn the season into a grinding mess that will wind up 4-12 or something like that. He's not getting Champ Bailey back at the same time he comes in, he's just lost Darrelle Revis for the season. He's not going to get the benefit of Von Miller turning into a star alongside him. He's not going to get the benefit of Elvis Dumervil recovering from an early injury to have another dominant season.

    This season is a mess at this point and the Jets don't have any factors working in their favor. Putting Tim Tebow in would turn the mess into an unholy pile of steaming crap because he'd add to the problems not fix them.

    That's why it's sacrilege to suggest putting him in at QB. Sanchez is having a truly crappy year in truly crappy circumstances but he's not the main problem. Tebow would become the main problem.

    I can't believe the Tebow fans want their guy in there right now. Don't you guys understand that the legend is going to die about 4 games after Tebow has been put in? He's not going to have any more support than Sanchez did and even if he can motivate people he can't make old players young again. He can't make scrubs into stars.

    There are no fishes and loaves falling from the skies here. This is the Jets, not some miracle team that's getting back it's best defensive players just as he shows up.
  6. LoyalJetsFan

    LoyalJetsFan New Member

    Sep 2, 2004
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    Because anyone with even an ounce of football knowledge would see that the Tebow is not a NFL QB. Kid can't throw and he is still surrounded by the same talentless personnel. Plus the stats you posted are FUCKING RETARDED. You are comparing a 12 game career as a starting QB vs 3+ years.

    Please go away
  7. catfish

    catfish New Member

    Mar 31, 2012
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    not last year, any other comparison is apples to oranges, Tebow beat the Texans 2 years ago, and the steelers last year, think that is going to be a fair comparison to what happens this year?
  8. reverseapachemaster

    Mar 18, 2012
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    So far he hasn't shown that ability this season.
  9. catfish

    catfish New Member

    Mar 31, 2012
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    I don't think it will be much better no matter who the QB is, I prefer to ride it out with Sanchez, all I am saying is Tebow last year was put in a worse situation than Mark is in now, his numbers suffered as a result. I don't want Tebow playing at all this year, but am surprised that Tebow "will never be a QB" while Sanchez"just needs time to develop" When Tebow in his first 16 starts put up comparable numbers to what Sanchez was able to do in his 3rd year.

    I would thin Tebow would get the benefit of the doubt much more so than Sanchez at this point
  10. LWC611

    LWC611 Member

    Jan 3, 2005
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    This... But that would suggest the Jets do not know how to get a back up QB as well....
  11. catfish

    catfish New Member

    Mar 31, 2012
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    he has been called on to do 2 passes so far this year, the rest have been designed runs. A scramble is not a designed play, it is what happens when the play breaks down.
  12. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    This is true. A run is when the WR's are blocking at the line of scrimmage. A scramble is when they are blocking 10 yards down the field.
  13. catfish

    catfish New Member

    Mar 31, 2012
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    you are right. here are the stats from last year to be fair


    YPA = 6.4



    2 questions, given the numbers which QB would you take, and if I told you one guy had 16 starts and the other had over 40 which would have the greater potential?
    #53 catfish, Oct 3, 2012
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2012
  14. Jtuds

    Jtuds Active Member

    Dec 5, 2004
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    Individual stats mean what exactly in a team game? QB changes should be based on a subjective analysis of performance. This isn't fantasy football.

    Mark Sanchez isn't a very good quarterback but he is a better one than Tim Tebow. Mark can play QB decently in ideal circumstances. Tebow can't even do that.

    If Sanchez gets pulled, it'd not Tim Tebow who goes in, it's Greg McElroy. He is a quarterback. And given a half decent situation, probably would be better than Sanchez. Unfortunately if he does start this year he'll get killed and never materialize.
  15. John Chisum

    John Chisum Banned

    Sep 11, 2012
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    I am a Tebow fan. I admire the guy and believe in what he can bring to a team. We differ on how much TT can help. I think he can help this team more than you think. That remains to be seen and we don't know the future til this all plays out. You could be right, I could be wrong. I do respect you for honest assessment and not taking shots at the guy. You make good points. You give an honest critique that has merits. Some of them I agree with. One question I have is how prepared is this team for a new offense. Is there even a Tebow offense that the Jets have in place? Was a TT offense just smoke and mirrors and only a few plays out of the whole playbook? I don't know. I have nothing against Mark and have liked him in the past. I just think with guys going down that maybe TT could be that spark or change in momentum for the team (if he is given the reigns). And when is the right time, I don't really know now.
  16. catfish

    catfish New Member

    Mar 31, 2012
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    realistically the ability to scramble is the only skill I see Tebow bringing to the table over Sanchez. I think they are pretty equivalent as passers, and the numbers seem to back that up. I don't think scrambling is going to save this season, so it is better to ride it out with Sanchez, things may come together once you hit the softer part of the season
  17. catfish

    catfish New Member

    Mar 31, 2012
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    statistics give a numerical representation of what i happening on the field, the "eye test" is one of the least accurate ways of determining what actually happened. Memory can be affected by many factors especially when emotions or pre-conceived notions come in to play. Unless you have the time to sit down and watch the all 22 tape and break it down play by play you don't have the information needed to provide any fact based analysis on what happened on the field. Stats are not the best option, but short of doing the breakdown I described they are the best option available to the layman
  18. JetsVilma28

    JetsVilma28 Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2005
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    Once we make the move to Tebow there is no turning back.

    Sanchez at least gets a few more weeks to figure it out. As many posters have already indicated, once we make the move it's over for Sanchez in New York. The media is going to have a frenzy. Sanchez will probably try to fight Rex, who wins? only time will tell.

    If Tebow does well he could save Rex's job. If Tebow does poorly the entire FO blows up and we have a brand new Jets team come week 1, Fall '13 with Holmes still on the roster, unbelievable.
  19. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    I generally agree with Brad's longer post above except that he is much more of a Sanchez Fan than I am. But not being a Sanchez Fan hardly means Tebow would be an improvement.

    It occurs to me, however, that if Sanchez has one more bad game, then put Tebow in there just to show how he will suck even worse, so that we can get to McElroy. Meanwhile I won't watch Tebow as the starting Qb, but that's okay cause I can catch up on my yardwork and woodpile.

    Then we get to see if McElroy is any good, since the Jets HAVE to do that before the season is over.

    Let's face it - unless McElroy shows us something, or Sanchez has some miracle turnaround, the Qb for the 2013 season is not on the roster. And that my fellow Jet fans (as opposed to these Tebot fans who should just go away the sooner the better) is what the 2013 off season will be mostly about.

    I am more convinced the more I think about it the Jets need to give McElroy a legitimate shot before the off season begins.
  20. catfish

    catfish New Member

    Mar 31, 2012
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    Agree with not going back, disagree on if Tebow fails the blow up the FO. I think if Tebow fails it gets played off as an expirament and owner pressure, they draft a guy next year and move on with the FO as is, might fire Tanny I suppose

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