Do you honestly think it's going to be changed back? It's an option poll. If you hate white that much change the settings on your screen. I wonder how you've typed in Word, or Excel all these years with that horrid white background. Haha
I don't care what your little color selector says, it's not white. It's yellow. Excel is white. I clicked on a few of the websites you posted and they're white. If the background were actually white it would probably be a lot more appealing to me. It's not. It's yellow. It reminds me of an old crusty newspapers color.
The new look is okay but I preferred the grey background on posts. Also you might want to update the calendar since it ended on December 2006.
How come you have a live link to "Myrtle Beach Condo For Rent" at the bottom of this post (#143)? Does this mean I can advertise my used patio furniture I'm trying to get rid of now? I think this site is great. Now I don't have to use Craig's List.
Didn't realize he was a mod, but I see it now. Okay, just having fun anyway. I like busting some balls in the offseason. Come to think of it, I like busting balls whenever.
#FFF is blue, I think you mean #ffffff Same thing with #ddd, #dddddd is a light grey just like the previous settings.
People bitching about something as mundane as background colors is hilarious. It's not like it's pink and black. I'm just glad Petro has taken the time to not only put this forum on the net, but keeping with the upgrades as well. The changes look fine.
I ran it by Petro before I added it. This site is great, I'm glad Petro provides it for us - and I can certainly appreciate the amount of effort that he put into it. I'm just not a fan of the new layout. Apparently some folks have there balls shrivel up when people share there dislike for it. Petro asked for our opinions. I'm especially enjoying the folks talking down to everyone who doesn't like the new look, as if anyone who dislikes it is somehow out of touch with what things "should" look like. Awesome stuff.
# = hexadecimal, RGB = 3, so #fff is a shorthand to #ffffff just how #ff0099 can be written as #f09 and #fff is as valid as #FFF