I am relatively simple, if you voted for the new look that causes seizures, you are a commie pinko suck up. If you voted old you are a cool dude that gets around in a horse and buggy. I am better dead than red kind of guy.
and the winner is NEW DESIGN (also electric lights over candles, cars over horse drawn carraiges, CDs over records and Blueray over VHS)
Be nice to sg3. He's an antiquated old bastard like me, but instead of admitting it, he's still trying to convince everyone around here that he's a trendy, hip guy. He can't spell Blu-Ray because he doesn't own anything Blu-Ray, So please, let's not keep calling attention to these discrepancies and instead embrace his attempt at appearing youthful, if only just in cyberspace.
What's really sad is we don't have a freaking thing to talk about. Nothing. This is like offseason on fucking steriods. I come back to the boards after days of being away and I can pick up on threads like it was two hours ago. The owners and players better get off their asses or we're screwed. Football junkies everywhere aren't going to be able to deal with this. When a thread like this has life in May, you know something's wrong. We're all fucked if they don't get this going soon. I can't take a fall and winter without Jets football.
Well, voting has pretty much stopped already and the new design is up by 10. So, I guess it's safe to say that it's gonna stay
It really doesn't matter. We need to get a season going. All else is nonsense. Besides, I've got my SPF100 UV sunglasses I can wear.