Maybe PS2. I still don't know if I would play it enough to justify buying the game. The 2002 season (Madden 2003) was the last time I played the game often. Since then, when I have bought the game (two of the last four) I averaged 6 or 7 games. $50 to play 6 games is ridiculous. Video games just don't excite me anymore. If Madden 2008 gets great reviews, I may buy it. Just pretty good reviews- then no.
Gah! Only 5 and a half more hours until I can pick this damn game up... It better be as good as EA is saying it is going to be.
A little more than an hour and a half till I'm home playin! I've been growing very impatient throughout the day.....
Man, for anyone thinking about getting this for PS2, keep '07 and save your money. It's almost the SAME exact game. There are some slight additions, but gameplay and graphics are identical to last year's version.
If it was the same (which it's not, there are differences) you should atleast get it for the roster update and updated jerseys of the Chargers, Jets, and Eagles.