Where would Geno Smith have gone in this years draft?

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by jetfannerd, May 11, 2014.

  1. Barcs

    Barcs Banned

    Nov 15, 2011
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    I wouldn't be so sure of that. It isn't so cut and dry. They are very close. Its easy to say that in hindsight of Geno's struggling 1st year in the NFL, but based on college the picture is quite different. Check this out:


    Geno Smith's last year was better than Bortles, Bridgewater or Manziel in almost all categories. Looking at stats alone (which I know doesn't tell the whole story), these guys would probably be rated around the same level but Geno edges them because he put up 42 TDs with just 6 ints, has more experience, better completion percentage, more yards, etc. Geno probably goes near the end of the 1st near Manziel. I still think Bortles was a reach. I feel that all four of them were mid-late first round picks.
    #41 Barcs, May 12, 2014
    Last edited: May 12, 2014
  2. The 1985er

    The 1985er Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    I wasn't crowing about Bridgewater I was mocking your flawed logic.

    Once again draft position means squat. Andy Dalton and Colin Kaepernick are better pro QB's than Gabbert, Ponder and Locker.

    I don't see how Manziel who literally has to put his body into damn near every throw has more touch and is more accurate than Geno. I don't see how Bortles who throws ducks all over the place is better than Geno. Carr and Bridgewater is debatable. IMO those will be the two best QB's in this draft. And keep in mind I'm dismissing Geno's pro career and sticking strictly to Geno the draft prospect of '13 compared to Bortles and Manziel of this year.

    I bring up Tebow because you're harping on about draft position.
  3. DoubleDecker87

    DoubleDecker87 Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2012
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    Geno caught a lot of unfair flack for the last half of his senior season. He started off so hot that when his numbers started to come back to life people wrote him and the heisman off when in reality his stats where still better than every other QB in the nation.

    Comparing the 3 ( looking back I'm glad the jets didn't take another QB and give up on Geno)

    - Selfishly I love Johnny and would've took him because he's a winner and I just think him in New York would've been unreal.
    - I wasn't a fan of Bortles until late he has the perfect build for a QB and if he would've slipped I would've took him. (Really close)
    - Geno would've been the 3rd guy I would've took. I think now that he has real NFL receivers he could be the best of these 3, yes the best. Who knows, only time will tell.
  4. dannymac910

    dannymac910 Member

    Apr 24, 2010
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    You guys really think these kids that came out this year are better than a 2nd round pick last year that has already proven himself a solid starter a full year before these guys even touch the field? Cleary the fans do not respect Geno at all. You guys deserve Simms to start.
  5. The 1985er

    The 1985er Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    He's been more accurate than not though. And yes I'm not gonna dismiss his bad stretch and even during his up and down early stretch he displayed good accuracy and touch on his throws and mixing in the run.
  6. JStokes

    JStokes Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2013
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    I'm not crowing about draft position--I care about the players. The NFL chose those draft positions but the anamoly of Tebow and McDaniels is obviously lost on you. And I never agreed with the draft positions of Gabbert, Ponder, Locker OR Dalton. And again, you are confusing pure arm strength as something approximating accuracy. Manziel has a fantastic arm and does not need to put his body damn near into every throw--you're just making stuff up because it sounds good. But you've obviously not watched him. Geno's "touch" in college included shovel passes to Tavon Austin--literally handoffs-- that Austin would rip for 60-70-80 yards. Manziel didn't need those gadget plays. Geno-strong arm, low football IQ, long release and inaccurate. You saw it last year.

  7. The 1985er

    The 1985er Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    Your logic is wherever a player gets drafted that's where they were intended to be drafted. No matter what, then in this thread you're harping on about draft positions. My point is that Bridgewater the best college QB of 2013 was the 3rd QB taken in the NFL draft. So Geno being a 2nd round pick in 2013 means nothing. And Geno being a 2nd round pick doesn't mean that he wouldn't have been a better prospect than Manziel or Bortles.

    I know the difference between arm strength and accuracy. Manziel has an average at best arm (good luck to him throwing in the wind in Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, and Cleveland in December) to throw anything beyond 20 yards he has to put his body into it. He is undersized and is built like a punter/kicker. He does have good athleticism and can move in the pocket and scramble for yards. But with the way he's built and practically everybody in the league being as fast or faster than he is that stuff won't be as effective in the league. Some of the issues with Manziel was the same issues they had in Colt McCoy and they eventually let him go for a strong arm QB in Weeden. Geno has better accuracy, better touch and has decent and is built to withstand taking hits. Btw I wouldn't comment on a player if I never watched him.
  8. dmw

    dmw Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2010
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    Ask me again in a few years.
  9. DoubleDecker87

    DoubleDecker87 Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2012
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    The first time WVU ran that touch pass was against Clemson in the orange bowl and then they hardly ever ran it again.That is not how Geno broke any of the records he broke. That's an untrue phrase used far too many times. Geno threw the ball downfield a lot and it showed last year with how accurate he was with flag football receivers.
  10. TNJet

    TNJet Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2011
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    No. 18 overall in the first round, all he had to do was change the Q in QB to a C. We always go after D in the first round. Silly rabbit, tricks are for kids.
  11. TNJet

    TNJet Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2011
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    Johnny played in the Major league the rest played in a rookie league. Apples to Oranges. C'mon man!
  12. Footballgod214

    Footballgod214 Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2005
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    Yup...Geno would have made it to the 18th pic
  13. DoubleDecker87

    DoubleDecker87 Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2012
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    I wouldn't go that far. The SEC as a whole is very overrated. They have great teams and they have terrible teams not many in between. They play 4 non bcs games, then teams like Vanderbilt, Kentucky, miss st, Arkansas, Ole miss, ect.. Bama, LSU, Auburn (sucked his heisman year) are the only 3 games they have all year granted they are very very very good but everyone else blows but that's another conversation
  14. JStokes

    JStokes Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2013
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    1. Geno was no where near as good a prospect WHEN HE WAS DRAFTED as either Manziel or Bortles. You're being a subjective fan and not being objective. Nobody is taking the 2o13 over the 2014 Bortles or Manziel. They just aren't. Be honest with yourself.

    2. Comparing Manziel and McCoy is insulting to all football fans intelligence everywhere.

    3. Continuing to say Geno is accurate or more accurate than any of the top 4 QBs this year is hopeful thinking and not based on reality. You can continue to repeat it but it's not going to make it true. Geno throws a great ball and when everything is perfect and his feet are set, he can be very accurate. Every QB can do that. That's not the norm. He was woefully inaccurate a ton in 2013 and it wasn't just pressure, during that stretch he was missing guys that were standing completely still and were wide open. Don't know what that was but we ALL saw it.

    4. I don't believe you've ever seen Bortles play a game and only looked at clips and you've definitely never seen Manziel play because you're so far off base on who he is and what he does. Could he flame out? Absolutely. But mention of McCoy and Tebow on the same paragraph let alone the same sentence is just silly.

  15. JStokes

    JStokes Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2013
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    Said by someone never.

  16. PulseJet

    PulseJet Well-Known Member

    Sep 27, 2012
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    Looking back at Geno's 2013 Jet highlights (I'm surprised there are 9 minutes worth) I have to say there were some very nice plays by him, especially scrambling and play action. We all saw him at times throw some inaccurate passes and have some long windups but not on the highlight clip. It shows some nice mechanics and things to build on.

    I think if you compare Geno's highlight reel to anyone but Manziel you would come away thinking he is a comparable playmaker. And the Jets in 2014 are better positioned starting a 2nd year QB than the teams starting a rookie. Lets see what Morningwheg can do with Geno one year on the roster and better offensive weapons.
  17. JStokes

    JStokes Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2013
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    I've always said, best way to judge a player is by a youtube highlight clip. Good find.

  18. PulseJet

    PulseJet Well-Known Member

    Sep 27, 2012
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    My point being, I think all the drafted QB's this year have flaws. Geno had major flaws as well. But if Geno responds to his training he will make a very decent QB. I was surprised by that reel because all I remember were the INT's and sacks he took, not the nice plays and the good mechanics.
  19. DoubleDecker87

    DoubleDecker87 Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2012
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    You're right as always.. Kentucky, Mississippi State, Arkansas, Tenessee, and Ole miss are powerhouses. It's top heavy the bottom half is sun belt worthy. Florida lost to georgia southern last year. And if you would've read my post you would've saw I mentioned that each Sec seam plays 4 non bcs games a year 2 are normally FCS
  20. JStokes

    JStokes Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2013
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    All schools play patsy out of conference games. ALL of them. And EVERY conference has it's dregs. ALL of them.

    No conference is even close to the SEC. If the SEC is very overrated then every conference in the entire NCAA is MASSIVELY overrated. Florida was the best program in the nation for a few years just a couple of years ago, Tennessee before that.

    Dote on Geno, dump on every other QB ever, but dumping on the SEC is just silly.

    Best conference top to bottom then every other conference in the NCAA and it's not close.


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