its a must.....and 1st tasting will likely be around 7pm. was thinking about a head start later this afternoon - want to wait to see of any trades go down. LOL.
I'm going with a modification of Emeril's Puttanesca sauce, (3 types of olives, green, kalamata and oil cured) add some prosciutto too. In Italy the lady's of the night served this to their customers before they got f*cked so I figure its appropriate to have this on draft night before Mac f*cks us in round 2 again with yet another round 2 bust or project
about to wrap up the days real job (started at 5:30) and head home for pre-draft happy hour. see you folks on whatever draft thread is constructed.
Hey Brook, 'on the wagon' myself for the last year and a half. Some non-alcoholic options: instead of just pink lemonade try an "Arnold Palmer" (combination pink lemonade and freshly brewed iced tea) with your lahmacun . To go with the spicier cigkofte tartare (or meatballs), in place of some yogurt-based drink such as ayran, maybe try a cool, refreshing vanilla milk shake with mint. On the other hand, If you want to meet fire-with-fire and go toe to toe with the cigkofte, a hot and peppery Virgin Mary using clamato juice should do the trick (and don't forget the Gold's horseradish).
Cigkofte is raw beef mixed with bulgur and heavy tomato and pepper paste with tons of spices. Lahmacun is a Kurdish Pizza. Ground beef mixed with tomato on thin bread.
ROFLMAO!!!! Actually, I had googled lahmacun, but hadn't gotten around to googling cigkofte yet. I thought others might wonder what those were, so that's why I asked.
Congrats to both Brook! and you, Joe, for being on the wagon! I wish you the best with that!!! Stay strong! Seeing this picture, reminded me of my ex, however, and I could have gone all year without having that happen. LOL I had never heard of Pickapeppa sauce until I met her. She loved it.
I have church choir rehearsal tonight, and we have our monthly choir dinner beforehand. I have no idea what's on the menu for tonight, but am certain it won't be as interesting or exotic as most of the choices I've seen here. Probably chicken and a couple of veggies, and no booze! The latter will have to wait until I get home! LOL Fortunately, our church cook is very good, so at least the food will be good.