What would you do if you were Mike McCagnan?

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by JethroTull, Feb 21, 2017.

  1. We really aren't gonna get anywhere w. this discussion. That said when it comes to bashing poor teams that come across the Patriots schedule...BB does tend to keep it classy.

    How can you honestly say the Patriots did nothing wrong in deflate-gate when we have all those text messages? And if you were planning to overlook those...that precedent went out the door as soon as Tommy boy DESTROYED the phone when it had been requested for supplemental investigations..?Do you understand the type of peril "Destruction of evidence" is in a federal proceeding within the Civil realm? The very burden of proof is "Preponderance of evidence"...well destroying one of the main pieces of evidence when called upon..would be awfully favorable to removing the notion of ANY preponderance. When you consider all that..their behavior after the fact makes plenty sense. Again...not to repeat myself...but you are suggesting giving the Patriots the benefit of the doubt within these proceedings. But what single piece of evidence...just ONE...justifies such a stance? Not the MIT report...not questioning the Wells report based on confusion over the burden of proof...not Bill Cowher or Jimmy johnson radio quotes from 10 years ago...something that actually suggests that the capital punishments handed down to the Patriots..and further accusations of systemic wrongdoing are completely null & void? Winning doesn't count.

    Surely Marshall Faulk & Ladanian Tomlinson lost their share of other meaningful games over the years...why would they only mention the Patriots? Both were class acts their entire career...why would they stick their neck out & risk being labeled as "sore losers"..unless they had legit beef?Bth lost plenty of other heart breaking games over their career...why just the Pats?

    It boils down to the evidence that has been provided over the last 15 years. As a Jets fan cursed w. arguably the biggest FAILURES in sports..why would we feel anything but disgust & rage w. the stuff that's been suggested against the Patriots? The constant winning & fans rubbing it in our faces only makes the situation more acute...but if someone in the Jets division is potentially standing in the way of the Jets actually winning...with less than credible means behind the scenes...with plenty of evidence & league mandates to back it up...why would we have any respect or sympathy for that franchise? Sure...the Jets have problems of their own..self inflicted that have stood in their way..but you can't tell me the Patriots success hasn't stood in the Jets way of killing their demons..?

    I can't imagine Patriot fans feeling any differently if the shoe was on the other foot.
  2. Patriot

    Patriot Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2017
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    1. Marshall Faulk lost only 1 Super Bowl and it was to the Pats. His team totally underestimated the Patriots and they lost. On the Patriots winning drive in that Super Bowl, there is video of the Rams sideline boasting how there was no way Brady was going to lead the Patriots to a winning score. I guess they had to eat their words. When you think you are the better team, and you lose, that is devastating. Faulk did nothing that day, not because he played poorly, but the Patriots made sure he was not going to beat them. After that Super Bowl the Patriots won 2 out of the next 3, is it not possible they may have been underestimated? Just for one moment, pretend that you are a Pats fan, how great was it to see the Rams get a rude awakening?

    2. LT did lose his share of meaningful games. However, the 2006 Chargers were considered the best team in the AFC and a good shot to win the Super Bowl that year. In that game, the Chargers had a 21-13 lead in the 4th quarter and pretty much had the game won on an interception of Brady. But then their safety Marlon McCree wanted to be a hero (how stupidly dumb) and fumbled the ball back to the Patriots. The Patriots after winning that game, some of the players decided to mimic Sean Merriman's dance on the field. LT was pissed and you know the rest of the story. To this day, I think Marlon McCree is the dumbest of the dumb of the NFL.

    3. Look when the Jets beat us last time in the playoffs, I remember a player doing a flip. I think it was father of the year Cromartie, very impressive. Did the Jets celebrate in an excessive way? Yes they did, but so what! They won the game and had a perfect right to enjoy the victory. Watching Rex Ryan's excessive celebration penalty in that game was priceless! Fat guys must have rejoiced on that! One could argue the Jets lost to the Steelers in the next game because they were still hung over from beating the Pats in the 2010-2011 playoffs. Its to bad, I still think you were a better team than the Steelers and should have won the Super bowl that year.

    Losing is tough, but when you have a game won, and it gets away from you, it really sucks. The Patriots for some reason always seem to do just enough to win. As far as I am concerned, they should change their names to "Heart Breakers". Many of teams had them beat to see their victory simply snatched. Look at their last 2 Super Bowl victories, did they not just rip the hearts out of the Seattle and Atlanta? Both Faulk and Tomlinson had their hearts ripped out, because of the Pats. Does it give them an excuse to be sore losers? No it doesn't, hence no class!

    You keep using the term classy players and all I can say is "How do you know this?". Look OJ Simpson came across more classy than any of those players and the truth finally came out about him. I would not trust any NFL player to watch my kids because I simply don't know or trust them. I do admire athletes for their talents on the field, but outside the field as far as I am concerned, they are probably just dumb jocks that are over paid. They are just entertainers and nothing more, so don't take them so serious.

    I bring up the fact the Patriots are winners not to rub it in. I do so in the name of discussing how to be a winning football team. In a league where parity is designed into it, the Patriots are simply killing the NFL corporate game plan. I am pretty sure there are many people who are sick of the Patriots winning and I can't blame them. But when you see someone or something that is extremely successful, doesn't it make sense to study it and understand it? I hate to admit this, but as a Pats fan I am starting to be embarrassed on how good this team is. But when people start throwing the so called cheating theory out, I go from being embarrassed to wanting even more blood.
  3. 101GangGreen101

    101GangGreen101 2018 Thread of the Year Award Winner

    Aug 21, 2008
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    lol it was actually Braylon Edwards, but this was pretty funny. But I think the Chargers beat the Patriots in 2008 if not for Rivers playing on 1 knee.
    Patriot likes this.
  4. Patriot

    Patriot Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2017
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    So it was Edwards? I remember a lot of Bostonians being pissed about it, I thought it was very impressive. Then again how stupid would it been if he got hurt doing this? How you lost to the Steelers the next game still blows my mind. By the time the Jets woke up from their hangover, there was not enough time to beat the Steelers.

    You may be right about the 2007 Chargers I think you meant. Trust me 2007 is a year the Pats fans will always remember!

    I do remember that game and many folks in New England plus the media developed a lot of respect for Rivers for playing hurt. I also recalled them making fun of LT for not playing hurt. I called up the radio stations and blasted the dumb folks on the radio station over LT. A running back with bad legs is useless and saying he wasn't as tough as Rivers was simply dumb and stupid. So since both Rivers and LT were out, the Chargers were gamers to give the Patriots a good game.

    Had the Chargers beaten the Patriots that day, that would have saved us from that heart breaking loss to the Giants that year ending our perfect season. The football Gods were cruel to have both LT and Rivers hurt that game! This loss would have been much better to take then when you are one game from football eternity as the best team ever!

    But as they say "It is what it is". The Giants were the better team that day and deserved the victory.
  5. Snoopdogg

    Snoopdogg Well-Known Member

    Nov 22, 2012
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    Obviously I would draft another talented interior defensive lineman with character issues. It's worked for us so far...

    Sent from my Pixel using Tapatalk
  6. Attackett

    Attackett Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    Ugh, still to this day pisses me off how flat they came out against the Steelers. It was also the day I lost faith in Rex and he never won it back.

    In all my years watching football I don't think I've ever seen a team come out so flat in a championship game. Ugh, going to cry in my cereal.
    NYJetsO12 and FJF like this.
  7. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    I'm going to bring this part of your post up because you are either conveniently forgetful, which I doubt, or simply making a stilted argument, which I'm sure of.

    That playoff game was following a 45-3 beatdown of the Jets where your douchebag secondary was very publicly mocking the Jets and it was publicised on all of the major networks. I could provide the video clips, but I'll wait for your denials before I do that.

    Then, the week before the playoff game, a 3 year old YouTube video suddenly surfaced with TMZ of Rex Ryan and his wife's toes. Very stupid and embarrassing, but they were playing against the classy Pats, so it wasn't an issue.

    Enter Wes Welker and his "good little foot soldiers" press conference.

    Of course, the stand up man that Beliturd was, he benched Welker for the first drive of the game, but only after letting him return the opening kickoff.

    Who the fuck do you think you're fooling here?

    And the Patriots as a team don't even approach the level of douchebaggery of their fanbase, but I'm guessing that's mainly due to dick size.

    Fuck. Off. Bitch.
    BrowningNagle likes this.
  8. Patriot

    Patriot Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2017
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    As to the YouTube video of Rex Ryan, I don't understand the big fuss. The man has a foot fetish over his wife's feet, so what? He was with his wife, not some hooker.

    You seem very angry and as to your salutation towards me, all I can say is this!

    Vulgarity is an attempt of a feeble mind to express itself forcefully! Have a nice day.

  9. You're nothing more than a passive aggressive Patriots homer working incognito in an attempt to shoot across our bows in a gentler pleasant sort of way.You are absolutely no different than 95% of the Parasite Patriot fans I see every fucking day. You wanna be loyal to your team & be happy with their accomplishments? More power to you. Why the fuck do you need to come on a Jets board to achieve that?You think bringing up spygate/deflatgate on this board is gonna yield praise for your team?What did you really expect the reaction to be?Oh sure man...Patriots lost multiple first round picks for simply video taping from the wrong part of the field...and we can side step the whole deflatgate fiasco b.c of MIT's interpretation of a gas law.Forget after being caught cheating after being warned ahead of time not to by the Jets...Patriot fans & the media referred to the Jets as"Rats" & proceeded to pour salt in our wounds throughout 2008 & beyond. And what did the Jets really do wrong? Stopped a chief rival from blatantly stealing play call signals in their OWN STADIUM?!But we're the bad guys?! Give me a fucking BREAK!

    You claim to like the Jets...but if you really understand this franchise...and relate to its wounds..why in the world would you come here glorifying the fucking Patriots & trying to rationalize their wrongdoings? Yeah you sure like the jets...as your personal PIN CUSHION for ego boosting.

    You get away w. it b.c so many on here have their tail between their legs b.c our team is a bunch of failures & your team has every little THING go their way. Every bounce.Every call.Every transaction. But god damnit I have a backbone. I'm not gonna sit here & let you make passive aggressive inferences to boost your ego & sink our damaged psyches further into the gutter. We may be god AWFUL on the football field, in press conferences,behind the scenes, at pro days, at the combine, at league meetings..etc,ETC. But the fans of this franchise deserve better than what they've gotten from the ownership & from the football gods. We are at absolute rock bottom as a franchise. There is literally no fucking HOPE. We are STILL passionate...STILL have fight..and we still cheer on the ineptitude.We deserve BETTER than posters like yourself coming here w. mixed intentions.

    I for one am not gonna sit here & let you get your jollies just b.c you appear slightly less threatening than the average Boston parasite. I fully intend to block your posts from appearing on my feed....you bring nothing positive to the discussion & have questionable motives. I will however allow ample opportunity for a reply before doing so.Spare me the half hearted Jets Propaganda...Though I guess that's better than having to hear about Hoodie dracula or fucking Tommy.
    #249 KurtTheJetsFan, Mar 9, 2017
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 9, 2017
    NOVAJET likes this.
  10. Mainejet

    Mainejet Well-Known Member

    Feb 3, 2015
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    Well, at this point in FA when just about all of the big names have already moved, it is worthwhile asking, "WHAT moves, if any, will Mac make?" It seems as though at this point that Mac is shopping off the discount rack? That could be a great move and it could very well be disastrous? Either way, I thought Mac would take some big names and that is obviously not going to be the case. Lesser names, but hopefully still very deserving and on the rise?

    The rebuild on the fly blew up in Mac's face. Two years after that started we are right back where we were. Now, Mac has chosen the complete blowing up of the roster and starting over. There's simply no way the Jets will field a good team this season, as in like a team that could even get close to the playoffs? That's not happening no matter what Mac does.

    However, he can begin to build for the future, say 2018? As a turning point in the Jets fortunes assuming everything goes right? And I do mean everything needs to go right. This team is so depleted right now, they'd might as well be an expansion team............
  11. PulseJet

    PulseJet Well-Known Member

    Sep 27, 2012
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    To address the original post, the Maccagnan rebuild is well underway. He has the start of a core nucleus of players 26 years old and under that had alot of playing time last year and contributed to the team:

    Offense: Bryce Petty, Wes Johnson, Brandon Shell, Brian Winters, Quincy Enunwa, Robbie Anderson, Jalin Marshall, Austin Sefarian-Jenkins, Charone Peake.

    I count 7 potential starters on Offense this year under 26, the big question mark being QB. Quincy can be a 1,000 yard receiver, I think the reason they cut Mangold was because Wes did a good job last year, and Winters and Shell both performed fairly well. I'd like to see them jell as a unit together.

    Defense: Leonard Williams, Darron Lee, Juston Burris, Jordan Jenkins, Marcus Williams, Lorenzo Mauldin,Calvin Pryor, Darryl Roberts, Deon Simon, Julian Stanford. Not to mention Sheldon Richardson, who is still on the roster.

    7 potential starters on defense as well. Leo is a star in the making. There has been criticism of Lee, but with only 13 games played and 9 starts he was second on the team in tackles and third in assists. Jordan Jenkins was solid. And these guys are only 22yo.

    Yes, alot of these guys are question marks, but give them a season and see what they develop into. The real issue is the Jets only have a few players between 27 and 30 that are any good. Wilkerson, Powell, Carpenter, Skrine and McClendon. Thats a pretty garbage core.
  12. Mainejet

    Mainejet Well-Known Member

    Feb 3, 2015
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    In regards to players that actually contributed and played well in seasons past or last season I would say the following 4:

    Bilal Powell - Whenever he touched the ball, generally good things happened.

    Quincy Enunwa - I was amazed at his improvement catching the ball. I agree he could very well be a 1000 yard receiver given the right guy throwing him the ball.

    Leonard Williams - This kid is so good I would not be surprised if he ever won defensive player of the year. This is a guy Mac should build the defense around.

    Muhammad Wilkerson - He may have like shit last season, but this guy has been great otherwise. I still don't think giving him the big contract was the wrong thing to do. He had played above and beyond his contract for a few seasons prior to getting the big money deal. He will rebound and he's in his prime........

    All of the others that you mention IMO are question marks. Some more so than others, but Robbie Anderson for example....I think he's a really good player that is growing. The question mark is will he able to take a pounding and still remain healthy. He really is a small, skinny kid. He's going to need about 10 pounds of muscle or he'll end up on the DL all the time.
    NYJetsO12 and TwoHeadedMonster like this.
  13. PulseJet

    PulseJet Well-Known Member

    Sep 27, 2012
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    Agreed on the above. There are question marks. Alot of the guys I mentioned, including Anderson, Lee, Peake and Jenkins are 22 year old kids. They may not become stars, but will they continue to mature and become quality players that help the Jets win games? To be seen. That's what will make the Jets an interesting watch in 2017.
  14. jilozzo

    jilozzo Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    yes u are correct in most ways.....the inherent problem is the starters are not impact players - or at least not yet. yes Williams may be that guy but he plays DT. yes enunwa can be a beast and #1 but he needs protection from a #2 WR and TE. we need impact players at certain positions that make a difference. LT, WOLB, SS/FS, and last but not least QB.

    once we get those positions covered - all of the other guys will raise their game as well.
  15. PulseJet

    PulseJet Well-Known Member

    Sep 27, 2012
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    Yeah I agree with that. I wonder how much of whether these guys are impact or not is because of coaching. For example I really want to see if Kevin Greene can develop pass rushers out of Mauldin and Jenkins (and whoever they may draft.) Mauldin has shown flashes, so you wonder if he just needs time to develop.
  16. jilozzo

    jilozzo Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    just thinking outloud here .........howard (draft) S-Jenkins, powell, decker, enunwa, and forte all on the field - folks that's a credible offense. the missing ingredient of course is the QB.
  17. Patriot

    Patriot Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2017
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    Kurt you just don't get it. You decided to insult my team, the Pats, and I defended them. In your world, it doesn't make sense for a Patriot fan to be a Jets fan. But what you don't understand is that an old fart like me who has been watching football all the way back to 1968, was actually a Pats/Jets fan back then, when football was really football. So why would I allow the Tuna, Rex Ryan, and so on to change my mind? My disdain for today's football is not because I am an angry person. Its because unlike other Pats fans I realize our success is on a watered down game geared more towards fantasy geeks.

    Passive aggressive, are you kidding me? You sound like a Millennial. Are you a Millennial or are you a shrink wanna be? Real men don't call each other passive aggressive. Now if you want to say I am a ball buster or an ass, fine. But be a man, not a Millennial wuss.

    I hope this is the last time I have to tell you this, Kurt. The reason I bring up the examples of the Patriots is not to bust your or anyone else's balls here. The reason is the Patriots are successful and the Jets would be wise to mimic some of the Patriots practices. As the God Father said, keep your friends close but your enemies closer.

    I get enough crap from Patriot fans for being sympathetic to the Jets. I have defended the Jets more than once in the Boston radio airways and have been accused of not being a real Pats fan. For example, in 2011 I warned the Pats fans in radio land that the Jets had a good chance of beating the Pats. I saw the writing on the wall when I saw the Jets beat a good Manning led Colts team. Do you know how many times I have pointed out to Pats fans that the Jets always play the Patriots tough? I was very disappointed when the Jets lost to the Steelers that year, because I believe they should have won the Super Bowl that year. I miss Joe Namath as a football analyst and I wish they had given him another chance after his drunken comments. Heck why do I even have to prove to you that I am a Jets fan. If my word is not enough, then so be it!

    So Kurt maybe you will never like me and you can block all my posts from now on, that is your right. I have tried to reason with you but you seem very stubborn. Just because the Jets are in a funk does not give you the right to trash Patriot fans and especially me, we are human beings after all. But all I can say to you at this time is this;

    Why can't a Jets fan and a Patriot fan not talk about football? Are you afraid that you may actually come to like a Patriot fan? Even worst you may start liking the Patriots, oh my God! Your contempt for me being a Patriot fan sort of reminds me of the Donald Trump situation. With all this political correctness today, it is amazing how people are actually more close minded today then ever.

    Kurt I do hope the Jets get out of their funk. The 50 year anniversary of the Super Bowl victory is coming. I would like to see the Jets win the big one before Joe Namath is no longer with us. Who knows, maybe then Jet fans like you will be less bitter and realize life is to short to be that way.
  18. Red Menace

    Red Menace Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2008
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    I was ignoring him on purpose, I knew what he was doing all along. I saw the exchange between him and The guy from Florida.

    He was warned about it, and he still continued with his passive aggressive comments.

    If it's time to turn on him it's fine, he will be banned in no time.
  19. Red Menace

    Red Menace Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2008
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    It's time for you to go, don't go away angry just go away. No one here is close minded, but we are not stupid, your a typical passive aggressive fan of a team that has had success. You wouldn't be here if the Pats had not been successful.

    Real men do call each other passive aggressive it's a fact, that's a reality in the world we live in.

    Since you alluded to yourself as an old fart, you should have enough sense in life based on your experience, to talk Patriot football on a Patriot forum, you don't need to go on another forum looking for trouble.

    We have another Poster who is a Bills fan, he does the same thing, when the bills beat the jets or look like they are going to have a good season, he starts posting again, once they go into their tailspin he leaves.
    #259 Red Menace, Mar 14, 2017
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2017
    NYJetsO12 likes this.
  20. RedRoute1

    RedRoute1 Guest

    The best thing Mac and company are doing this year that they should have done last year is completely exploring and being engaged in all of their QB options. I mentioned in another thread that the smart play last year when Fitz started playing hardball was to sign Hoyer, and i thought that at the time too...easy for me to say as i get the pressure from the fan base was to resign Fitz, but he was way too pricey for what we all knew he'd most likely regress back to...That said, there's no quick fixes at the QB spot as good QB's (and i stress the word "good") get signed by their teams...Some above "average QB's" (see Cousins) just get too pricey compared to their talent. Then the "mediocre/replaceable" QB's get to free agency because eventually they way overvalue their own self worth (see Fitz) and that comes much quicker then with the "above average" group ...So, once we all realize that our eventual long term solution has to come through the draft the easier it will be to realize that the QB free agency shuffle will continue and if that's to be the case, the Jets should be in on everyone and doing their complete due diligence which is what it seems like they're doing.

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