What should the Jets do with Revis?

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by MBGreen, Aug 28, 2010.


What should the Jets do?

  1. Hold their ground

  2. Trade Revis to the highest bidder

  3. Cave and pay him

  4. Try to negotiate with him after this season

  5. I like Canadian Beer

  6. Bury his agents in cement

  7. Other

  1. semperfigreen

    semperfigreen Well-Known Member

    Jul 2, 2008
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    I have to admit that I went from being calm about everything a few weeks ago, to extremely angry. If he does not sign before opening game, he can sit his stupid ass in Alliquipa, PA for the next 3 years with Uncle Gilbert.
    If he doesn't sign before game 1, then we will play the year without him. Every friggin analyst is making this bigger news than it is. D will be great regardless, but if we are gonna advance the offense and Sanchez need to step it up
  2. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    Darrelle Revis is not the key to a Super Bowl for the Jets. He certainly makes the team better but Mark Sanchez is the key player and so if the Jets really are planning to pay Darrelle Revis $120 million+ over the next 10 years they better be willing to renegotiate to $150 million for Sanchez after his third season if the Jets have won a Super Bowl at that point.

    The Revis contortion has become so extreme at this point that I honestly believe the Jets would be better off just to let his agents shop the market for an acceptable trade/deal. No cornerback is wirth what the Jets are reportedly willing to pay and certainly not what Revis is asking.

    Great player but not a defining one, because his position does not allow that.
  3. semperfigreen

    semperfigreen Well-Known Member

    Jul 2, 2008
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    Good post. It seems as if a trade will be out of the question (unless a team is dumb enough to pay him that much) If we find a team that wants to talk, we should demand either top DE, OLB, or CB with a few picks

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