Pat's : multiple murderer in Hernandez Brandon Spikes leaving the scene of a crash in which a woman and child in another car were injured Packers : Brandon Underwood domestic violence against his wife 2 counts of sexual assault Letroy Guion felony drug possession and weapons charges Cowboys Steelers : Big Ben multiple rapes, Pouncey shootings, some committed with Hernandez in Gainesville Dallas one of the most notorious teams for drugs, prostitution , Dex Bryant arrested for hitting his Mother. Denver mostly Duo's but some notable arrests , John Boyett head-butting and hitting a cab driver and trying to hide from police by stealing a shovel and covering himself in mulch. TJ Ward throwing a glass at a female bartender after being told he couldn't buy at the strip club. Elvis Dumerville aggravated assault with a firearm. Von Miller multiple arrest for failure to appear, Not exactly model citizens.
I would jump at Mixon in round 4 with no hesitation, possibly round 3. He should have walked away , but he didn't. He would have been a first round pick so he is going to loose out on millions of dollars. Punishment enough. It's becoming too common to see this type of incident. This is not domestic violence, a man preying on a woman. This is a female instigating a fight with a man. She assaulted him and should have been arrested. If it were a guy who hit him you would all be fine with his reaction. We don't know what was said, what led up to the altercation but she was the aggressor . He reacted. Poor choice of reaction granted. But he deserves to have an opportunity to move forward with his life. I see how quick some here are to forgive Enunwa, why? Because his wife or GF dropped the charges? That's common in domestic violence. Usually a pattern of abuse. But Enunwa had a break out year so it's O.K. This was a kid, probably drunk , reacting to being assaulted period.
The Ravens. He then played for Washington and NE. Who cut him when the league reinstated him? The Browns
Seriously? She shoved him and slapped at him. He blocked the slap. He had zero reason to punch her. She was there with friends. He came in like he was looking for trouble and said something to her. He has NOT been punished enough imo.
I don't in any way condone hitting a woman. He should have walked away but look at the video, as she walks in with her friend , you see her friend gesture to someone off cam. She and her friend were just hurtling racial slurs at Nixon before entering. Nixon approached the guy and was talking with him, she shoved him. He made a gesture to back her off and she instead hit him. This is a kid who just turned 18 hours before. He was called racial slurs and assaulted. He should have walked away but didn't. He served a years probation, 100 hours community service and had to attend counseling. The university suspended him for a year. Mandated more counseling banned him from extra curricular activities and imposed other restrictions on him. He could have transferred and avoided all the sanctions opposed on him. He didn't. He publicly apologized, dealt with his mistake and by all accounts grown into a good young man. He has lost millions of dollars in potential income,all hope of endorsements,and will forever be known as the guy who hit the girl in Pickle's. The girl , who has a drug history, multiple arrests, is a racist is looking for $. Suing Nixon and the owners of Pickle's. She claims Pickle's should have provided security to protect her. She instigated the incident and struck first. In her police interview she claims she fled into Pickle's to escape Mixon. She will be remembered as the poor victim. Lesson to out college students , if you're female, strike an athlete. You will get paid. There is a big difference between domestic violence and defending oneself. So yes I'm serious. A young kid made a mistake and paid for it. Just as parents much teach their sons not to hit women, I have 2 sons, one has graduated College already, the other will start in June , both know if they hit a woman I would kick their ass, we have to teach our daughters, it's not OK to hit a guy, because the reality is. They may be hit back. Seriously what would your reaction be if it were a guy who hit him same way she did and he knocked him out?
If what you say is true, that changes things, but in the video I saw, she and her friend walked into the restaurant and Mixon comes in at some point later. It looks immediately afterwards, but there's no way to tell if the video was edited. There were no racial taunts or slurs. They were talking to no one when they walked in. I saw no gesture to her to back off. After she shoved him, I did she he feinted like he was going to hit her and then actually did. He came up to them, not vice versa.
Not to get all generic but I'd pass on Mixon. I totally get other teams drafting him; the Jets are a unique case of self-inflicted circus syndrome. Whether this guy will live up to his talent or not is irrelevant. We can live without him. Bringing him here will only pile on the distractions. Enough is enough.
Cook was arrested for punching a woman in the face at a bar two years ago (found not guilty) and had an animal cruelty charge for chaining up 3 puppies with no shelter with two of the dogs left choking. It just seems like the fact that we don't have video of Cook doing these things is the only reason why he's still a projected top 15 pick
Wow! I didn't know that about Cook. That really lowers him in my estimation. I would not be happy with him at #6 unless Mac has thoroughly checked these situations out, and spoken with Cook at length about these incidents, and perhaps Cook has had some therapy or counseling.
Unless he's truly repentant, had some counseling and it was just a one-time youthful indiscretion (and I don't know how one could determine that for certain), then I say let him fly up the rankings. Let him be someone else's headache and PR nightmare. I wouldn't take him in the 10th round (if there was one).
I want us to use our compensatory pick on Mixon. If we need to use our other third rounder to get him I could live with that.
Moral dilemma. Daniel Jeremiah said one scout at his pro day said he had a Rd. 1 RB pro day and it's not even close. Praised just about every facet of his workout. I originally said not to take him at all but the fact is someone will and whoever that is basically traded a 2nd or 3rd pick to a 1st for free.
I wouldn't say that it's for free. There's almost always a cost involved, even if it's hidden. Maybe the cost will be a PR hit in taking a lot of flak from the public and media. Maybe it will be that you get him and discover he is a thug and a punk and stays in trouble with the law. Maybe he hits his girlfriend and gets suspended. IMO the only way there won't be some cost involved is he basically has a good character and is just a one-time, stupid mistake of youth.
The kid has said all the right things about the incident and deserves a second chance. Some team will take a chance on him, why not the Jets? What do they have to lose? They are a rudderless ship right now with practically no young high end talent. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk