Emanueal - Make Tonight My brother just brought this band to my attention. They are kinda like a mix of Glassjaw, Takign Back Sunday, Avenged Sevenfold, and a few others. IDK, although they have as[ects that sound like alot of different bands, all together it sounds new and refreshing, they might end up being one of my new favorite bands.
Audioslave...Out of Exhile. New albums always send me back to appreciate the previous ones even more.
Emanuel is a really good newer band, I got their first CD (soundtrack to a headrush, Make Tonight's on it) about a year ago, and still give it some pretty good listening time. The Willing is my favorite song on the album, just a badass track. They're actually due for a new album sometime soon, maybe spring? I'll have to look into it. A Change of Pace- Weekend Warriors