What is Your Final Vote on Rex Ryan?

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by The Dark Knight, Dec 18, 2013.


What Would You Do With Rex Ryan?

  1. Keep Him

  2. Fire Him

  1. Jake

    Jake Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2004
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    I will be fucking pissed when this dumbass franchise cans RR for some OC out there working with all pro talent, only to come to this train wreck and proceed to go 4-12 for three yrs, then his ass gets canned too.
  2. Bellows1

    Bellows1 Well-Known Member

    May 19, 2012
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    @ 1. If we go the next 5 years the same as the last 5, will you still be happy?

    @ 2. A lot of teams don't fire their coaches and still pick in the top ten. I think we're projected at 13 by the way and 13 last year as I recall. Not a great improvement over top 10.

    I like the guy, I think if he really put in an effort, we could have won 9 or 10 games last year and this (even with these rosters). There is no excuse for putting together a game plan for NE and NO, then losing to F'n Buffalo. Rex mails it in too often and so does his team.
  3. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    I'd be thrilled if we played in 2 more title games.
  4. Nesquik

    Nesquik Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2006
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    Id rather have us lose out to better place us in position to draft better in 2014 but if that means the difference between Rex staying or going id rather have him here. He's the best defensive mind in football and we would eventually regret letting him go. This was his first head coaching job and Rex would tell u himself that offense is not his specialty but the guys play hard for him, they all love Rex and we are much better than expected going into the season. Draft offensive talent thats literally all we need to do let Idzik and Marty handle that side of the ball. Rex's defensive picks have all panned out hell even Wilson hate him or love him, is a good nickel corner.
  5. 101GangGreen101

    101GangGreen101 2018 Thread of the Year Award Winner

    Aug 21, 2008
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    Case and point - expectations way too high. No coach except for Belichick wins 9 or 10 games with this roster. Actually I take that back because he couldn't perform this feat back in Cleveland.

    Patriots beat the Jets the first time around by luck, yet we beat them the 2nd time around and nearly lost to the Browns. I guess the Belichick didn't have his team prepared right?

    I bet you were one of those fans that wanted him extended after the Saints game.
  6. LeonNYJ

    LeonNYJ Well-Known Member

    Nov 16, 2008
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    No way I can stand by and be happy if the Jets lose to the Dolphins. I'd be fine with losing this week, definitely not next week. 7-9 please.

    Keep Rex and have Idzik tell him that our offense is pitiful and that the draft for the next few years will focus on offense. If he doesn't like it, he can take a walk.

    Belicheat is overrated and probably would have never won anything without Brady.
  7. BrowningNagle

    BrowningNagle Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2003
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    That's one way to look at it....

    Or - they could move on from a mediocre coach in Rex and hire the next great coach in this league who finds or develops a franchise QB and this team goes onto a decade of success.

    I have to laugh when people feel it's Rex or disaster. As if this team is having tremendous success currently or as if there aren't any good coaches out there in this country of 315 million+
  8. TonyMaC

    TonyMaC Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2013
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    Tell that to the freaking seahawks, or 9'ers or Panthers.

    For all the talk of ground and pound being dead there seems to be some effective uses of the basic concept, the seahawks actually run more than they pass believe it or not and have a shout down defense.
  9. LeonNYJ

    LeonNYJ Well-Known Member

    Nov 16, 2008
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    People like to toot the "it's a passing league and defense and running doesn't win anymore" horn because all of the talking heads like to shove it down their throats. High scoring, passing football is sexy. Beating the other team to submission in the trenches isn't so much.
  10. johnnysd

    johnnysd Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2006
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    I am shocked people want Rex to stay. He is a bad head coach in my view, but more importantly a worse coach than when he started.

    Rex is:

    1. Actively destructive to the offense. He has admitted that he forces the offense to be super conservative to limit turnovers. Big problem with this is hyper conservative offenses are easy to defend and predict, and turnovers actually increase. This approach ruined one QB, and well on the way to ruining a second.

    2. He is way to loyal to "his" guys, and plays veterans that no longer play well over younger players that need to develop. Reed, Bart Scott, Derrick Mason, Eric Smith, Kyle Wilson, and so on and so on

    3. He is vastly overrated as a defensive coach. He is a good defensive coach, but the NFL has largely caught up to him. The muddle huddle, exotic blitzes, and secondary coverages that worked well the first couple years are easily accounted for now by opposing teams. Rex is also very stubborn on defense, forcing our secondary to play lock down corner when they simply do not have the capability to do so. His defense has been worse every year, despite spending most of our draft resources on defense and 5 first round picks since 2010

    4. The team does not play hard for him consistently. Some people think the Jets play hard for him all the time but I do not see it. We will play inspired football against someone like NE, then shown no effort or resistance in getting blown out as has happened several times this year.

    5. He is a horrible in game manager making consistently bad use of the clock, and mistakes in situational end game football. He is way too likely to play soft zone at the end of games.

    6. He does not posses a winning philosophy to build the team around. Teams do not have to be air barrage teams to win but they have to at least be balanced. The Ravens structured somewhat similar to us, and playing the same defense, balances their game by being really aggressive down the field on offense. Rex gives lip service to doing that, but in the end he wants to be aggressive on defense and super conservative on defense and win games by having the opponent score less than you. Not a winning formula in my view. Your offense needs to win you games as much as the defense.

    7. Three non-winning years in a row. After 5 years you really cannot ignore this because at this point it is fully Rex's team and is significantly worse than the team he inherited from Mangini.

    8. He is not Idzik's guy. GM and HC need to be lock step in the way they build the team and I do not think Idzik and Rex align well. It was a bad mistake keeping Rex after getting rid of Tanny last year and is a situation that should not continue next year. GM deserves to have the HC he wants.

    I would say it is likely that Rex gets fired, but Woody is very loyal to Rex and may force him down Idzik's throat one more year. If he does we will be having the same conversation next year.
  11. pclfan

    pclfan Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2013
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    Three straight years not making the playoffs and with high no. 1 draft picks (all on defense) yet his team still doesn't play winning D. I'm sure many of the Rex advocates also want Mark Sanchez back. Five years is not firing the guy based on a whim: it's a half a decade. Again the first two years are three years ago. And those first two years are way overrated. This team loses and loses big and unimpressively.
  12. phubbadaman

    phubbadaman Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2005
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    NFL is a business. In order to keep the fans happy, you make a "change" to improve the team.

    If they fire Rex, it is a business decision, not a football decision.

    Like someone said earlier in this post. Oh, we hired an offensive coach, now Santonio Holmes won't get hurt, Stephen Hill will figure out how to get open and Ivory will learn to catch a pass.
  13. Jake

    Jake Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2004
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    I think the good HCs are rare. He gives Belicheat problems, he has the Xs and Os and the psychological factor as well. I don't buy the whole "he hurts the offense" thing when u look at other staffs their HCs all specialize. Tony Dungy did what for his offense exactly? MM can handle and develop the offense IMO.

    I've seen RR make the final 4 twice with Mark fucking Sanchez as his QB. There should be a trophy for that. Just my opinion.
  14. johnnysd

    johnnysd Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2006
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    Not a good comparison. The Seahawks are very balanced between offense and defense and aggressive when they need to be. They are a run oriented team, but they are not conservative at all on offense, and a lot of the seeming inbalance comes from having big leads late in games. The Seahawks philosophy is very different than the Jets.

    The Jets want to be aggressive on defense and super conservative on offense. You do not need to be a throw every down offense to win games, but you do need balance, need to be aggressive down the field to open up running and play action, and have the offensive ability to dominate another defense and win games outright. Rex's philosophy does not align with any of that.
    #34 johnnysd, Dec 18, 2013
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2013
  15. BeastBeach

    BeastBeach Banned

    Feb 21, 2012
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    I think it is hard for fans to be the judge when nobody knows the inner workings of the organization. If Rex is partially responsible for judging what talent to bring in and let go then he has done a poor job. As far as pure coaching I think he has done a great job on individual games, for instance the Saints this year and the Pats in the playoffs. On the other hand sometimes the team has come out flat and unprepared against weaker opponents. Do you let him stay and hope he grows into a more consistent HC or do you grab a guy who could be better? Hard to say.
  16. pclfan

    pclfan Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2013
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    I'm not so certain Rex gets another HC job (right away) if he's canned by the Jets. Maybe maybe not. He is unproven as a HC. Even as a DC his schemes are very suspect. Although many of the problems on D are because of the offense. Any D on the field all day like the Jets are cannot hold off an NFL offense for four quarters. But how many times do you see blown coverages, etc. Being over aggressive esp on third and longs. Too many times.
  17. LeonNYJ

    LeonNYJ Well-Known Member

    Nov 16, 2008
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    If you put the Jets offense on Seattle, do you think their defense would be as good?

    When you consistently have the ball less than the other team and when the other team consistently has the ball in better field position than you do, then your defensive stats aren't going to be that great.

    If I remember correctly, before the bye the Jets were actually one of the top defenses in the league.
  18. TonyMaC

    TonyMaC Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2013
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    Yet the seahawks are a very talked about team.

    To be clear its not like they CAN'T pass, a passing game is key to overall teams success and they do it well, but its not as if its the be all end all and the only thing that matters.

    Wilson has Lynch and effective receivers to take the pressure off of him in addition to a great amount of talent.

    In a way Seattle might be all the jets have been trying to be, an elite running offense with a cerebral QB and shutdown defense under a players coach. wether that bodes well for Ryan will be seen soon enough. I just hope Idzik doesn't change coaches for changes sake.
  19. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    mediocre/bad franchises make moves based on fan reaction. Unfortunately we are one of those franchises. Did you know NYG fans wanted Eli and Coughlin gone before 2007? also after the 2010 season. if they were foolish enough to listen to their fans they'd have 2 less SBs.

    he will be picked up in an instant, there is already talk that Washington would want him if they decide to fire Shanahan.
  20. Bellows1

    Bellows1 Well-Known Member

    May 19, 2012
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    Yes I was because he had a game plan to beat a better team. If he can get a team up to that standard one week, he should be able to win two in a row. He doesn't.
    Belechick gets his players to come up with a turnover when they need one to pull out a win. That ain't luck when it happens consistently. Yes they have Brady to finish off for a win, but his defense gets him the ball.

    He is as inconsistent as the team he fields.

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