Is there any discussion that takes place where you don't troll out the worst sort of lefty talking points trope? Empire had zilch to do with the Beirut barracks bombing in 1982. Or the multitude of PLO attacks on US targets in the 1970's and 1980's All before Bush the Younger. Don't you have some incoming college freshman minds to polllute?
Bladerunner is a little different, because the message peeks thru the costume. In BR, he asks all the elemental human questions, a bout life,love,death and destiny...And in the best (perhaps ever) marriage of message and movie...after asking them through story, just to make sure the point isn't missed, he states them don't need to ponder the existentialist memes in the story, because he puts them right to you.
That's a great description of BR. Reminds me a little of Ex Machina with actual subtlety and storytelling lol
The Jew is using the black as muscle against you. You may very well be the most humour challenged poster on the board.
We'd live in a world of constant terrorism, only you'd like the terrorists and think of them as freedom fighters instead.
Maybe you should get a translator then. Because I don't think I'm alone trying to decipher your crazy rhetoric. But when you talk pro WW2 Nazi and say they would have brought the world peace (guys like you would be dead if they won the war-no NYJ-no problems with minorities because no minorities), etc. Just own up to your words. btw when's your next Bund meeting? I hear you can still buy George Lincoln Rockwell posters on Ebay.
Where did I talk Pro WWII Nazi? did I say humour challenged? Maybe English challenged would have been better... FCOL... And FWIW I am a faithful follower of Brother John Birch and I belong to the Antioch Baptist Church.
King George thought of Washington, Jefferson and Adams as criminals worthy of hanging if he could get his hands on them. If he'd put down the colonial revolt he'd certainly have done that. Then he'd have ordered the histories written in a way that no right thinking person would consider walking in their footsteps in a future generation.
Here is what you said. So explain what exactly you are talking about. For once in plain english. The way I read it you say the Jews (who you claim control the business world-exactly what the Nazis said) got exactly what they deserved. And it wouldn't be such a bad world if the Nazis were in charge.