WORD! I had the game on via a projector on the backporch (8x4 ho-made screen). At halftime all the guys ran out back and played a game of bocce and swilled some more beers since it was so long and all the women came back out to watch the show on the screen, so I didnt see a second of it.......... by the 2nd half it was like a middle school dance. The women went back to one side of the house and the guys on the other. We got to watch the game in "peace" where talking during the game was limited to commercials, unless it was about the game
figures the guy with a cross in his avatar wants to revert to the standards of the 40s and 50s the entertainment industry is mostly shit right now im not denying that but its not for a lack of censorship. the presentation was toned down because they got a bubblegum pop star to play at the superbowl. there is no art behind katy perry. her songs are most likely the product of a focus group approved beat and lyrics tailored for the radio (no cursing or really edgy content). they are risque enough to attract the slightly older teens but not offensive enough to alarm parents of the young ones. its a farce of an industry and that people buy into it is really just so disheartening. there is a lack of anything organic anymore. its all tainted. it shows no talent or creativity because there is none behind it. its a money making machine. but ass and titties aint the reason its gone downhill; and they arent the bad part of tv nowadays either. also theres nothing shameful about pulling your pud to some porn when the mood strikes