I don't want to overthink this, since the metric of looking back and thinking which games SHOULD have pissed a Jet fan off is just too depressing. The Spike Game, Gastineau roughing Kosar (just awful), more recent games like that 05 playoff game against Pitt, how about that Chad-led fish win? But I would say viscerally there's an old one and a newer one that compete. The old one is the Mud Bowl. That was a fucking travesty, and that it involved the fish and Don Shula and his f'ing competition committee membership having the NFL let him get away with not covering the field in the rain before the game has done more to make me cynical about big time sports. A much more recent game was the Jets getting creamed by NE, and not the 45-3 game the year before, but even worse was the second loss to NE in the 2011 season. November 13th. Man we had such high hopes. NE had lost two in a row, the Jets could take first place in the division with a win, and coming off two Champ games in a row, it looked like time to show the Jets were better than NE, finally. Instead the game was a hugely deflating loss. Rex talked it up all week, and Sanchez really sucked in the game. I never got over it as far as he was concerned. Remember him calling a time out before the end of the half???? And two interceptions. All he could say was "It just wasn't our night." Translation, you sucked. That one really pissed me off.
Jets-Pitt 2005 playoff loss with Doug Brien missing two FGs in the final 2 minutes of the fourth quarter. Had a mini-break down after that for unrelated reasons. Two others of note, not that they pissed me off but that they crushed what could have been: Chad preseason breaking his hand. Vinny blowing out his achillies. _
As time wears on I have to say the Mud Bowl really eats at me. At the time I thought, oh well, we have a strong, up and coming team, we'll be right there for years to come. And the years still don't come.
1. Xmas '11 vs the Giants 2. 98 AFCCG 3. 2010 AFCCG 4. 2005 vs Steelers 5. Both of the Raider playoff loses (01, 02) - I hate the Raiders.
Me personally, in my fan history, it's a tossup between the 2009 & 2010 AFC Championship games, and the Christmas Eve Jets/Giants game in 2011 (which I attended.) Honorable mention would be the buttfumble game. That was brutal, but not as bad as the others because the stakes weren't as high. Obviously the Steelers took away our chance to go to the Super Bowl- and then the Giants, if we'd beaten them we would've gone to the playoffs and they would've missed them (and not won the Super Bowl.) On the other hand, maybe if that didn't happen, the Patriots would've won the Super Bowl that year, and I'd much rather see the Giants win it than the Patriots. The 2010 AFC Championship Game has to be the worst, for me. Unlike 2009, the Jets were really poised to win it all, I think.
45-3 Jets and Patriots both went into the game with a record of 7-2. If the Jets could pull it off, we would be on our way to winning the division for the 3rd time in franchise history. We were blown out Luckily we go our revenge later in the season, which also happens to be my favorite Jets game.
The funny part is I can't remember a specific game where I was pissed off. I remember being pissed about Herm's clock management a few times, but mostly I remember the sickening feeling from the 2 AFC CGs. 98 especially, since the Falcons had won had won the early game and I was sure we'd beat them in the Superbowl...it looked like all the stars were aligning for us.....
The buttfumble game didn't even bother me. It was such a clusterfuck I was actually laughing. I think it's the only time I laughed at the Jets ineptitude in game, which is amazing since I watched the whole Kotite era.
Yea he's a fat fuck. I loved the Falcons game last year because you could just tell he was bursting at the seams not being able to drop all his snide one liners that he had pre prepared for the Jets.
Yeah, Tirico and Nantz are about the most obvious Pats blowers/Jets haters in the entire realm of broadcasters, it's way over the border of unprofessional. I would love to rip both of their spines out of their mouths.
worst postseason losses: 2010 title game at Pitt. I really think we were the better team and we should have won and considering what we have done since it keeps getting more painful. 2004 div rd at Pitt: I don't think we would have beat NE the next week but to be that close was awful. 1998 at den: 10-0 lead in 3rd qtr then the team collapsed, best full season jet team in my lifetime. 1986 at Cle: 10 pt lead w/ under 4 mins left. 1981 vs. Buf- my 1st playoff game as a fan, the first year I can remember watching the Jets. so close to an historic comeback. worst reg season losses: 2011 to NYG 2010 45-3 to NE 2001 vs. NE- we dominated the first half but only led 13-0, we blew it in the 2nd half losing 17-16. we win that game we have a 2 game lead over NE for 1st place and the tiebreaker. There wouldn't have been a NE SB that year, it could have been us. 2000 at Bal- blew playoff app 1999 vs NYG: didn't show up 1997 at Det- blew playoff app 1994 vs. Mia 1993 at Buf- 3 missed Fgs in close loss 1986 at Mia- started 5 game losing streak to end season