What doesn't anyone not like Cam for?

Discussion in 'National Football League' started by JStokes, Jan 28, 2016.

  1. NCJetsfan

    NCJetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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    I agree that there is a racial element to this for many people, and that's sad. Initially, I loved Brett Favre, but two things made me despise him by the time he came to the Jets...one was all the stupid rookie mistakes and interceptions he was still making at the end of his career, and the other was all the showboating and hotdogging..
  2. NCJetsfan

    NCJetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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    I have no problems with Cam running down the field and jumping in the air with a teammate who scores. I like that he's having fun and is enthusiastic. There's a fine line however, that imo he crosses in celebrating every first down, in doing the superman thing, and dancing.

    I have never seen Rodgers do any of those things. He punches the air or high fives. I can understand that kind of release of emotion and celebration. I despised Gastineau's sack dance as well. I criticize any player that I think goes too far with the celebration, regardless of skin color.

    I love Cam too. I just wish he'd act more like he had been there before and quit acting so childish. Moderation is the key.
  3. NCJetsfan

    NCJetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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    I don't watch the Giants, so I never saw Cruz dancing. If I had, I probably would have hated it, just like I hated Deion Sanders showboating. I think some people do dislike Cam because it's a racial thing, but I think the overwhelming majority just don't like cocky, showboating types.

    I join you in your disdain for Cruz, Hillary and Trump.
  4. NCJetsfan

    NCJetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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    Excuse me? Who in the hell are you? I could care less that his team went 15-1 in the regular season and is going to the SB, that doesn't excuse him for showboating and acting like a stupid moron in the name of fun. I live in NC and root for the Panthers too. I've never liked seeing that shit and never will.
  5. FJF

    FJF 2018 MVP Joe Namath Award Winner

    Feb 29, 2008
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    rodgers does the heavy weight belt thing that turned into the discount double check, very much like the superman thing
  6. NotSatoshiNakamoto

    Oct 6, 2011
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    remember when everyone was outraged about Culpepers roll celebration? yea me either.

    #306 NotSatoshiNakamoto, Feb 9, 2016
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2016
    phubbadaman and abyzmul like this.
  7. NCJetsfan

    NCJetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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    Ah, yes. I remember, but that doesn't seem as bad to me as the superman thing, gesturing after every 1st down he gets, dancing and the like.
  8. Dierking

    Dierking Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2006
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    I'm Scott Dierking. Isn't that obvious?
  9. Sam Hammer

    Sam Hammer Well-Known Member

    Aug 7, 2015
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    That's debatable.

    Let's be real. The Panthers had an easy schedule and their defense was one of the top TO forcing defenses in the league. This means quite often Cam was given great field position, often taking over already in the red zone. I think Cam was over rated this year as a result and I doubt they repeat what they did this year. I'm definitely not saying he's not skilled, but in the same respect he's not HOF level or even MVP level, IMO.

    Cam Newton 2015 stats:

    Passing yards: 16th
    Passer rating: 8th
    Passing TDs: tie 3rd
    INTs: 19th most
    Rush yards: 1st (among QBs)
    Rush TDs: 1st (among QBs)
    comp%: 28th

    Are those really MVP numbers, or are we just giving it to Cam because he can run? He's only top 5 in ONE passing category. He didn't finish 1st in any of them, and comp% is bad.

    And yes I hate Tom Brady way more than Newton, BUT:

    Tom Brady 2015 stats:

    Passing yards: 1st
    Passer rating: 4th
    Passing TDs: 1st
    INTs: 25th most
    Rush yards: 26th
    Rush TDs: 7th
    comp%: 12th

    Much better in everything except rushing.

    Carson Palmer:

    Passing yards: 4th
    Passer rating: 3rd
    Passing TDs: 2nd
    INTs: 15th most
    Rush yards: 36th
    Rush TDs: 23rd
    comp%: 16th

    Once again, better in all categories except rushing.

    Russell Wilson

    Passing yards: 12th
    Passer rating: 1st
    Passing TDs: 6th
    INTs: 23rd most
    Rush yards: 3rd
    Rush TDs: tie 13th
    comp%: 3rd

    So basically Cam won the MVP because he can rush and pretty much no other reason. Tom Brady had a much better year than him, and arguably so did Palmer. Russell Wilson had a better year than him and came closer in the rush yards.

    I think what Wilson did without beast mode for most of the year was much more impressive than Cam Newton riding the coat tails of his defense and running backs. Newton is just flashy and demands more attention. Russell Wilson had a better year, IMO and Cam is over rated. Call me racist, but I'm just stating the facts here. Cam isn't a great passer by any stretch of the imagination. People need to calm down on the HOF talk. One good season does not make somebody a HOFer, especially with a 28th ranking in completion percentage.

    So the glaring question here is: Why was he voted MVP? Surely it wasn't just his race.
    #309 Sam Hammer, Feb 10, 2016
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2016
  10. NCJetsfan

    NCJetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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    LOL Whatever. Let's just say I completely disagree with your rationale. He has more physical talent than any QB in the NFL. He is still evolving as a leader and in the more cerebral aspects of the game, but I believe that he will get there.

    Your using solely stats to base your comparison is ridiculous imo, as is dismissing him because his D gave him shorter fields with which to work, or because he didn't need to throw as much because Carolina likes to run the ball a lot, and/or because he is such a talented runner. That's part of the package. You can't logically dismiss it. It's something that makes him stand out from the rest of the QBs in the NFL. He is truly a double threat on any given play. He has a cannon for an arm. Other QBs have short fields with which to work and don't produce the points that he does. He's only going to get better. Generally, he's as good as Wilson, Rodgers or Roethlisberger in avoiding sacks and stretching out plays. He's setting records every year with his running and he's doing very well passing the ball. The important thing with Cam is that he makes those around him better and he sustains drives and produces points. As for the ridiculous stats you cited, it just shows how little you know about Cam and the Panthers and obviously haven't watched them very much. Cam spreads the ball around, and he's had a bunch of passes dropped. Benjamin dropped quite a few last year, Funchess dropped a number of them this year, as did Cotchery and the other receivers, TEs and RBs. So that skews completion percentage. He's not the pure passer that Rodgers or Brady are, so his completion percentage may never equal theirs, but it doesn't have to. He gets the job done his own way. His ability to avoid the rush makes his OL better. His running ability opens things up for deep passes and for the RBs. He is a dynamic, charasmatic QB and leader and works as hard as any QB in the game.

    Your saying that race was a factor in his winning the MVP is ignorant and racist.
  11. Burning Elvii

    Burning Elvii Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2015
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  12. Sam Hammer

    Sam Hammer Well-Known Member

    Aug 7, 2015
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    I didn't dismiss his ability to run, I factored it into the stats. I was trying to be fair, which i why I mentioned his defense and the short fields. It all plays a role. I know it's not just the QB stats that determine MVP voting. Team record comes into play. Clutch ability and leadership are also important along with countless other things.

    I'm just saying, Cam had a lot of help getting there. Was Cam more clutch than Brady this year? Was he a better leader than Brady? Is he more valuable to the success of his team than Tom Brady? I sure don't think so, and I'm one of the biggest Brady haters around.

    Newton's just not a very good pocket passer. Denver exploited this in the Super Bowl and he did next to nothing. I understand that he makes up for much of that with his rushing, but his completion percentage is on a level slightly above Mark Sanchez. Actually, Sanchez had a higher percentage the past 2 seasons. But your list of excuses for the low % reminds me of Sanchez apologists, that's why I bring him up :p

    I'm not saying Cam's bad or anything, just the HOF talk is way premature. He's got a lot to prove. IMO he's still got to improve his focus and leadership along with his passing accuracy. He seems to struggle late in games. He also must show he can do this more than 1 year. If Cam repeats this performance or improves on it next year, I'll be on board.

    I'm being facetious about the race thing. I was just trying to show how ridiculous it sounds to claim something is race related with no evidence whatsoever, as some were doing earlier in the thread. Obviously it wasn't a racial thing with the voting. The funny thing about that is most of the voters are white. Also, looking back at Mike Vick's MVP year, it was very similar to Cam's and that Eagles team was only 10-6. Vick at least had a top 10 completion percentage, though.
    #312 Sam Hammer, Feb 10, 2016
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2016
  13. 74

    74 Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2012
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    He got to play the NFC South two times through and the NFC East. The schedule was cake. Still, they dominated and that's hard in the NFL regardless.
  14. NCJetsfan

    NCJetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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    Ok, sorry if I misunderstood you, but it sounded to me as if you were. Cam can't help where his defense gives the offense the ball. So he's supposed to be blamed and looked at as less because his team has a great defense and he doesn't have to take the offense 80 yards every drive? Every QB has help. Football is a team game, not a bunch of 1-on-1 contests. I don't understand your point.

    It sounds as if you're judging him on the SB game solely. No, he didn't look very good in the pocket in that game, but he did in plenty of other games this season. I was shocked that he just stood there like a statue, didn't feel the pressure and didn't move around. He is normally very good and eluding sacks. He's on par with Rodgers and Roethlisberger, if not better. The fact that he moves, rolls out, and throws on the run, doesn't make him less. If it did, people wouldn't say that Rodgers is great. I'm not saying that Cam is as good a passer as Rodgers, because he isn't. His ability to break tackles/sack attempts and run the ball, helps to make up for his lesser accuracy than Rodgers. Hopefully, his accuracy will improve. It needs to, but his completion percentage being lowered by dropped passes isn't an excuse, but rather a fact. If you've watched the Panthers play much at all, you see that when his receivers drop passes, it's almost never because the passes were way off target or were thrown too hard. The passes generally hit the receivers in the hands or easily catchable and they just drop them.

    I can understand why you think my HOF talk is premature. I've thought that way since I saw him play at Auburn however. He has amazing ability, and I think he's going to revolutionize the QB position. He does meed to mature, improve his focus, not sulk or pout when things aren't going well, and be a better leader. I'll be shocked if he doesn't continue to work hard and improve in those areas, along with his accuracy.

    Sorry if I accused you of being racist, but I had no way of knowing that you were being facetious. Yes, most of the voters are white. That's why I didn't understand how you could say he won due at least partially because of his skin color.
  15. WhySoSerious488

    WhySoSerious488 Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2013
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    You are downplaying his stats. Between passing and rushing TDs, he had more than any QB in football. That means at the most important position in the game, he was responsible for more scores than any of the guys he was competing against for MVP. How can that possibly be overlooked or downplayed? His team also went 15-1 and led the NFL in scoring. They had what many would consider the worst WR corps in football. They did not have a star RB (Stewart is good but also can't stay healthy). Nobody did more with less, and nobody did more, period. I think he was an easy choice for MVP. Brady was in the running until he considerably tailed off late in the season. The Pats 2-4 slide at the end, in part due to Brady's lesser play, cost them the #1 seed (and probably a SB berth). On what basis could you give him the MVP? Because some of his raw passing stats were better than Cam's? It didn't result in more wins, or a good finish to the season. I'm sorry but Brady was not as valuable as Cam. Palmer was on an absolutely stacked team, and seen as more of a product of team success rather than him being the MVP of the league. Yes, he threw the ball well this season, but so did a lot of QBs. And almost none of them played on a team as good as Palmer's.

    I think Wilson may have had the best case other than Cam because he carried the Seahawks to the playoffs after a slow start and with Lynch and Graham out with injuries. But are you really going to give MVP to a guy who led his team to 10-6 (down from 13-3 the season before) over the guy who led his team to 15-1? I still think the decision for Cam was easy, even as against Wilson.
    Ubiquitous and alleycat9 like this.
  16. Sam Hammer

    Sam Hammer Well-Known Member

    Aug 7, 2015
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    That's why I said it was debatable.

    It's like I said. Team record and his rushing ability got him the MVP. Team record is a team stat. I get that he scored many TDs, but again, his defense was #1 in forcing TOs and putting them in scoring position. Plus WRs still have to get open and make big grabs. How can you call a WR core that caught 35 TDs this year one of the worst in the league? That's laughable. The Jets WR core is considered one of the best and only caught 31.

    Sorry but now you are the one downplaying players and stats, especially the importance of John Stewart. As soon as he got banged up in the super bowl I knew it was over.

    Stewart got almost a thousand yards in 13 games and finished #5 overall in YPG, with a QB that runs a large amount of the time. That's pretty damn good. No offense, but claiming the #5th most productive RB in the league isn't a star is a little over the top.

    Anyways I still feel that Tom Brady is more valuable to the team success but that's just my opinion. Take him off the Patriots and they win maybe 3-4 games. Take Newton off the Panthers, I feel they would do much better than that (maybe 8 wins), just my opinion of course. Edelman was out half the year, Gronk was banged up, and Brady only really had trouble after the numerous oline injuries when facing top pass rushing teams. I hate arguing for Tom Shady but he's a better QB and more important to his team.

    And to the guy that claimed nobody ever mentions the Peyton scandal, it's pretty much all they have been talking about the last week. So much for that double standard for white people.
  17. mute

    mute Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2010
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  18. JStokes

    JStokes Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2013
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