Some stuff here. "I agree, this is just not worth it and I can deal with essentially no draft this year but i can't go another year without one. This would be stupid, especially considering we just signed carter. I just don't understand why we sign carter and abraham. If anything i think we should just get a pick this year for ramsey and draft a defensive end." "A more reasonable trade would be Ramsey & 2 5th rounders for John Abraham but now that we have Carter, we would decrease it to just 1 5th rounder with Ramsey... anyone that does not want to be somewhere should be cheaper" "Only if the Jets throw in Shaun Ellis and Jonathan Vilma in that trade. " OVerall, they do not like this deal, but I love it.
After all this, I really don't get the feeling that this trade will go down. Just something missing in it all. Maybe it's just me.
You could walk away(THEORETICALLY) with Cutler, Max Giles, and Laurence Maroney and Still have 2 Number ones next year.
Dude, why do you still have that really horrendous avatar? It's not like its funny. It makes my stomach turn every time I see it.
I just hope something happens soon. All this JA speculation and talk is getting beat to death. Get something done and move on.
This is a load of bunk. It hasn't been reported anywhere else and my buddy has been listening to the flash for a while. People who post such junk should be banned. -X-
Dude, I have no problem with you being gay but I really don't need to see your boyfriends hairy ass every time you post..