Westhoff Correct, Pats Guilty of lining Sidelines on Punts

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by dcm1602, Dec 17, 2010.

  1. dex13

    dex13 New Member

    Nov 22, 2010
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    actually, that is not quite true. The Dolphins were fined a first round draft pick for improper hiring of Don Shula. and how many tampering charges have been filed by the Jets in recent years? there was Crabtree and Asomugha...just saying.

    The really sad part is that the Jets ST coach had to try and blame the Pats for their bush league moves.
  2. pittsburghpats

    pittsburghpats New Member

    Dec 14, 2010
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    If The Jest had just said, we had these guys standing there and Sal the Enforcer tripped the guy; this would be done.

    The reality is they said their "investigation" says Sal the Enforcer acted alone by the fact he was just standing there and kneecapped the guy. Then word came that Wrecksy and Westtrip had zero idea what was going on.

    Next word came that Recon Sal masterminded the ambush but acted alone. Something that most every knowledgeable mediots says doesn't pass the smell test.

    At this point there are only two realities:

    Wrecksy and Westrip are inept and they can't control or manage their sideline because their coaches are getting involved trying to cripple opposing players.

    The "Code Trip" was ordered from the highest (or widest) levels and the conspiracy is being protected through lies and deception.

    The "coverup" is always worse than the crime. Nobody can lie to the league.

    What's the truth about the lies?

    If none, is it hard to believe your team is out of control when you have limb assassins going vigilante on the sidelines?

    It's not hard to see that an organization who thinks it's OK to have vigilantes masqueading as coaches can't play disciplined, smart football.
  3. Pluvrr

    Pluvrr Active Member

    Apr 12, 2010
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    Watch the Westhoff press conference again. He mentions the Pats but says he "doesn't know if they do it" so I doubt that will stick.
  4. Theo Huxtable

    Theo Huxtable New Member

    Jan 1, 2006
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    Do you know what you're talking about? He was trying point out that other teams do the SAME exact thing people are complaining they do. Not that he was defending the trip, but the wall, that almost every team does should not be the focus of the controversy, at all.
  5. PatsFan2003

    PatsFan2003 Member

    Sep 15, 2010
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    Yep Bellichick is definitely getting in the way of Harrison. No question. Same thing as sticking your knee out and tripping the player. Keep trying. How come the Jets aren't getting any sympathy here?

  6. Which part of it wasn't Belichick interfering? Was it when he ran into the area reserved for the chain crew to get himself between Harrison and the field? Or was it his attempted hip check of Harrison? Or was it when he stuck his right foot out at the end of it to try to trip Harrison?
  7. PatsFan2003

    PatsFan2003 Member

    Sep 15, 2010
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    Nah. He got in front in Harrison to prevent him from getting back on the field, NO QUESTION, and Harrison pushed him out of the way. If you want to say that Belichick's fake stumble out of the way is the same as the Jets coach sticking out his knee to trip the Miami player, go right ahead. Yeah sure, try and diffuse being caught blatantly trying to hurt a player by blaming the Patriots, for something, anything. Keep going. The Patriots have already complained to the league office about it and the league is now checking the Jets for false accusations against another team, the Patriots. Go ahead. It's as lame an action as it looks.
  8. Foxy-boro

    Foxy-boro Banned

    Dec 14, 2010
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    This isn't Pats vs Jets. I am talking about any , repeat any, player, coach or tam in the entire NFL. Is that clearer for you ?

    You must be confusing the Alosi tape with the BB/Harrison tape. Alosi tripped a guy, BB interfered. I have already posted about that in another thread. Apparently it was no big deal or not illegal cuz Polian would have been right there getting the Commish to look into it.

    And speaking of ignorance.... you do know Goodell wasn't the Commish in 2004, right ?

    Now that we've cleared a few things up... care to answer my question ?
    Naw... didn't think so.

    Bless your heart.

  9. PatsFan2003

    PatsFan2003 Member

    Sep 15, 2010
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    There's the difference. Right on the mark. I remember that play and my first thought was "Typical Belicheck".

    If all the Jets had done was interfere with their human wall, the worst that would have happened was some kind of memo. No one would have been suspended imo. But when it's something in addition to the tripping, this is what happens.
    #69 PatsFan2003, Dec 17, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2010

  10. Wow, you really are the typical Pats fan, down to the letter. You are aware of what Goodell's position was in the league when it happened, aren't you?

    For all the hatred New Englanders give Yankees fans, they act EXACTLY like them come autumn.

    Is that clearer for you?
  11. BK_Jetsfan

    BK_Jetsfan New Member

    Apr 29, 2006
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    And my reaction to this is "typical Pats fan." You guys refuse to admit when BS goes your way. It's quite funny.

  12. One was a trip, the other was interference and an attempted trip. One involved a coach in the coaches' box, the other involved a coach in the chain area.

    Pretty much nobody has defended Alosi's actions. They were absolutely reprehensible. Though from what I have seen from Pats fans, if he was the S&C coach in New England, it would be excused away.
  13. BK_Jetsfan

    BK_Jetsfan New Member

    Apr 29, 2006
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    Seriously, mods, do I get banned or a warning for telling this guy what he really is? REALLY??????????
  14. The Jets went to great lengths to cover up their legal wall.
  15. BK_Jetsfan

    BK_Jetsfan New Member

    Apr 29, 2006
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    I hear they were also involved in the Kennedy assasination.
  16. Of course they were. All of the world's evils can be pinpointed to the New York Jets.

    Fortunately, at the Hall of Justice, Wonder Twins Tommy and Bill are plotting to rid the world of evil, but only through the use of good and wholesome tactics.
  17. Foxy-boro

    Foxy-boro Banned

    Dec 14, 2010
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    I believe he was the COO and/or worked with collective baragianing. Tags right hand man, so to speak. I happen to know the date he was appointed commish, cuz it was my B Day.

    Maybe I am a typical Pats fan, I dunno. But I can say that I have not trashed the Jets on this board, to date. You seem to be reading my criticism of Goodell as a criticism of the Jets. Hell... if Goodell had let Kraft handle Spygate I would have been cool with that too. Would you ?

    You are doing everyting in your power to avoid my question, which was:
    When has Goodell, a former Jets employee, allowed ANY team in the NFL to hand out discipline for league violations ? If you would like to answer that question, I will be happy to entertain further conversation on this subject. If not... feel free to keep trying to talk crap about me. I'm done playing " who did it and ran " with you.

  18. AbdulSalam

    AbdulSalam New Member

    Dec 29, 2008
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    The sheer stupidity and bias on display by the pats fans in this thread is fucking laughable.
  19. PatsFan2003

    PatsFan2003 Member

    Sep 15, 2010
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    Yeah that's right. No one has any axes to grind against the Patriots. Please. PLEASE!

    I have no doubt that if Belichick had tripped Harrison, people would have been screaming. And rightfully so. Even the whole getting in Harrisons way was bush, but Belcheck is that type of football obsessed coach. That's where my "typical Belchick" comments comes from.

    I think without the Jets coach tripping the player, nothing would have happened other then a memo. Like you said it's a reprehensible action that can't be defended. Think of it as getting stopped for a traffic violation, arguing with the police officer and finding yourself with an additional 5 traffic infractions. Keep going.
    #79 PatsFan2003, Dec 17, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2010
  20. chibucks

    chibucks New Member

    Apr 12, 2010
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    Pluvrr... your signature picture is further proof that the Jets cheerleaders are also in on this whole wall thing... :wink:

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