Watching SNF made me think.. When's the last time we played a Sunday night football game? The Buttfumble was NBC but on Thursday night. I can't even remember the last one. Was it the 2011 opener vs Dallas?
Looked it up, we played the Pats in mid 2011:–present) Unbelievable that such a big market team has gone over 4 years without a game in that slot. By comparison, the Giants have played 13 SNF games since our last, and they haven't been even been good.
They actually had us play 3 times on Sunday nights in 2011. Beat the Cowboys then lost to the Ravens and Pats.
I was driving home the other night and had some Fox Sports radio show in and the main guy says dismissively "Well now that Jameis Winston is an elite QB" yadda yadda yadda, and I'm thinking "wait, isn't this turd just in his second game of the season???" and concluded that he had turned some corner and would surprise me. 4 picks later, I'm not listening to Fox Sports radio anymore.
Count your blessings that we haven't been forced to listen to Rodney Fuckface Harrison blowjob the Patriots way in a long time.
Vikings spent a 1st round pick to pair a QB with AP to make this season matter and now AP looks like his knee is fucked. They should change their colors to green and white.
Damn Peterson had to get carried into the locker room. Looks like a serious season ending injury. AP28 has been one of my favorite non-Jets to watch over the years and imo the most dominating HB I've seen outside of Barry Sanders & L.T during his prime years. I've always been 100% confident Peterson would crack the top 5 for All-Time rushing yards but at the age of 31 I'm no longer sure about that. He's ran with violence over the years and his aggressive style of play could very well be taking it's toll on his body & future within this game.
Nice watching Green bay get beat down on prime time. And to a division rival... hopefully changing of the guard. 5 sacks 1 INT 2 fumbles lost Lacy sucks now too. I thought he got back in shape lol