In Pittsburgh, I hope. I mean, FAR away from where someone like me might need triage. I'm no biology expert, but with what you've posted here, I'd hate to consider the medical options available to me.
What exactly don't you understand? Let me rephrase...UNPROTECTED rape will have evidence, DNA, semen, tears. If you're going on said ho's accusations, she said in her report "we then went on to have unprotected sex." Bold...face...lie. Unprotected sex would leave evidence. Again, doesn't take an M.D. degree to know this, really. Do you know anything about football, or would you just like to continue throwing unfounded accusations?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't sunshine boy Mark Sanchez accused of rape allegations as well at college or something along those lines? And he WAS arrested! Ben was NOT! Talk about hypocrites? Calling the kettle black? Stick that up your buttholes, Jets fans. HAH. EAT THAT! How can you support this SCUMBAG of epic proportions?! (Rolls yes) lmao. Total OWN.
Im pretty sure nobody cares about some bitches that falsely accuse higher people of rape and such. Ben was just drunk and flopped out his best impression of brett favre, while sanchez was 19, someone that young should be smacked on the wrist. Talk about the game.
Good job posting an incident from 5 years ago that you didn't even find out of your Steeler buddies had to tell you
Too funny too funny. I tried talking about the game but noone wanted to listen other than maybe 2 people. Mark "dirty" Rape-ez versus Ben Rapistberger. Should be a good one! lmao. Wow, hypocrites all over.
EXACTLY! I totally forgot about it. I'm glad I'm aware of it. Looks like all you assholes can shut your piehole now because your franchise is a worthless piece of shit, just as you see our QB. Difference is, he actually got arrested, HUGE difference.
Except that's not what you said, Quincy. What you said was that it's not possible to commit rape and not have semen present inside the victim; which is wrong and, frankly, stupid.