Tom Couflin: "after 7 sacks and a true ass whooping in preseason, THANK GOD we dont play the jets this year and TRIPLE prayers we don't see them in the SB" Michael "you could fly a jumbo jet and 12 overweight flight attendants threw my front teath" Strahan: "dang! i timed my retirement well. Good luck assholes!!!"
OL was incredible was Jones. If defense keeps getting big plays like the past two weeks, than we are a scary team:hackett::jets:
Im going to say Feely was the Hero of the day. Booted kicks out the endzone, and nailed 4 straight FGs. Think about it, if he misses the first one of those, we are only up 7-0, got nothing out of a bomb to Keller, and the Rams arent quite as demoralized. He just kept on knocking them through and kept piling on the momentum for us. Congrats to the Jets, Feely just was on fire today and nothing was going to stop him.
Thanks for playing. The player that gets this coveted award should be the guy we couldn't have won without and that was Thomas Jones. But I'm very tempted to give it to Jay Feely - heroic performance by him today.