Am I missing something or did I blow the whole 8ball during lunch.didn't you start this thread?and doesn't the thread title read and I quote "We Will CRUSH YOU"?so is that not smack talk or are you just scared of big brother? ha ha ha
doesn't matter to me.smacktalk is one of the greatest things about sports.and you my friend are going down xmas nite. how about a friendly wager?
Who says Steinberg didn't leak it for the exact reason you stated? I had Ricky in FFL last year, and he started coming on late in the year. So I hope they find reefer madness in his piss. BTW, if we were 5 yards short vs. your boys last December with Bollinger at the helm, I wouldn't be so confident.
You know it. Name the conditions and I'll be happy to meet them. You guys have a nice matchup against us at home though. Catching us at the ass end of a 3 game road streak is a nice little deal.
lets see there is always the popular sigs or avatar bets.but those aren't always fullfilling.I mean it will be holiday week and who knows how often you will be here. maybe a replica jersey bet.loser has to wears rivals jersey.winner buys and mails to loser. loser than must take picture with the jersey. now that sounds good.. pm me to discuss..
That is scheduled. Remember, the NFL is going with a flexible schedule where in the last weeks of the year except for week 16, the NFL can change any Sunday afternoon game into a Sunday night game to provide better games for primetime. The Jets just may find themselves on prime time a few more times.
Wow, its great to know that the Jets got their Christmas gift early this year! I love having 9 home games!!!
Classic Phin fan. They never remember the 'phanton calls' that go their way. You should just focus on your impressive run to finish the season. Remember how meaningless your game was against the Pats they were laughing their asses off at you and pulling drop kicks while you barely beat their scout team...
Yeah, I proposed that the loser has to actually hand pick the Replica of the Winner's choice - and purchase it. He also has to put it on and take a picture to be submitted to The Gang Green before shipping it out to the winner. That way, the loser is actually the loser.
I remember the fantom call with 2 minutes left on a play that kept a drive alive that would have otherwise been dead. Bottom line, you lost. We won. You suck, We don't. Hopefully that's simple enough to end it.