We need to chill about Sanchez

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by #1 Jets Fan, Dec 14, 2010.

  1. skeleton_frames

    Feb 28, 2010
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    Great points.

    Maybe there should be a colour code for threads. One colour can be for thoughtful analysis and non-knee jerk discussion about a 24 year old, 2nd year QB who's got a bright future.

    The other colour can be for absolute bonanzas of retardation that make up 75% of posts after a loss.
  2. ukilledkenny

    ukilledkenny You bastards!

    Aug 11, 2005
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    He is certainly pressing right now. I also think WSW is right about the line. He can't have as much confidence in the line as he did early in the year when he was standing in clean pockets on seemingly every play.

    I also agree with BB that this recent stretch is concerning. I will be the first person to tell someone that inconsistency is to be expected from a QB as young as Mark but some of the stuff I am seeing from him lately is inexcusable for even a rookie to be doing. I see endless calls for slants every where on the board and I can't help but laugh a little bit seeing how many balls he has had knocked down at the line recently. How can anyone have confidence in his ability to get that ball over the line and accurate to the WR consistently?

    Concern aside, he is still doing better than I had expected going into the season even with his stretch of bad games. We have seen him come back from slumps like this already in his young career and I am confident that he will get back on track.
  3. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    On a personal note, I respect how you keep it on the merits even with people you disagree with, whether (I think in my case) where it's more a difference of degree than a real difference of pov. For some, even others who overlap but do not totally agree can set them off. "I want total agreement!"

    So, on that note, I agree that perhaps the major variable seems to be the OL. Even Mangold is dinged. Slauson is at best a work in progress. For some reason Moore is getting penalties - maybe because Woody has not been 100%. Woody is hurt. Ferguson... I don't get what's up with him, but he's not on last year's level, either. Maybe it's Slauson. And the bench has been shakey when they come in.

    Any Qb would suffer some drop off as a result. But that's not the end of the analysis. There's also the specific way in which this affects MS, and that to my view represents an interaction of that variable you might not see with someone else.

    What we have seen is a scrambling ability that gets him out of jams more than others might. But he's also not got great fundamentals on holding onto the ball, witness four times putting it on the ground against the fish. Even worse as others have noted is that he seems to regress in his keeping his proper footing. Timing also is off, trying to squeeze balls in there that don't get there as he must be thinking it would have.

    Even worse is, even if that or something like that is what hte problem is, other than fixing the OL, how do you counter the problems the OL's making for MS? How do you overcome them?

    Running the ball more sounds like the simple solution, but as Rex himself said, it's hard to stick with the running game when you are only pickng up 2.8 a carry. Problems with the running game are in any event related to the pass protection problems with the OL.

    I don't even think screens and dumpoffs are a silver bullet. Think about that dump off to Greene that was attempted. MS did not have time, or in any event rushed his throw, before the play could develop.

    So yeah, the OL is a big part of the problem. Given the current situation, though, I don't know what the answer is.
  4. Jets201

    Jets201 New Member

    Oct 19, 2010
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    Sanchez has shown the ability to be a very good NFL quarterback, what we saw earlier in the season and late last year was not a fluke. Obviously, defenses have made adjustments and Schitty has been unable to respond to them. He sucks. Look at 2008: Schitty had Favre, a guy who could throw for 300 yards in his sleep even if me, my cousin, and my uncle were his wideouts, and he didn't have one 300 yard passing game the entire 2008 season. Not one. It would also help if the o-line would step up, they are playing nothing like they were earlier in the year.
  5. Toon is God

    Toon is God Active Member

    Nov 13, 2006
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    He's an inexperienced QB on a team supposedly loaded with talent. He's effective when the run game is going and he gets good O-line play. Many QB's in the league are the same way.

    I just wished he would quit that puppy dog shit on the sidelines after a bad series. Not that I want a Tom Brady primal scream match but we need that attitude Cavenaugh was preaching on Hard Knocks...that "allright damnit, I got this, let's go" attitude.
  6. Jets201

    Jets201 New Member

    Oct 19, 2010
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    I know this is not the Schitty thread but I think he's mainly the reason for Sanchez' inconsistency. Football coaching is chess and Schitty is playing checkers.
  7. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    Yeah, I don't pay too much mind to slant suggestions. If it's there and he is not blocked off by the pass rush, but MS is not 6ft 6inches.
  8. Organized Chaos

    Organized Chaos Well-Known Member

    Oct 5, 2009
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    In Sanchez's defense the last game was played in terrible conditions. Henne looked bad also, and Henne has looked good against our D in other games this season and last season.

    Sanchez does look better than last year, but it sort of sucks to have such talented WR's with a QB who is basically learning on the job because he didn't play that long in college.
  9. Chrisp22

    Chrisp22 Active Member

    Sep 8, 2008
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    The conditions were not that bad. The wind died down prior to the game starting although there was a steady one. Yes, it was wet but it was not a torrential downpour (which Sanchez played in vs Minny.)

    In windy conditions, you can't throw off your back foot, etc and expect the accuracy you might get in ideal conditions. You really have to heave it into the wind and keep it on a spiral for any success. In that case, why toss the ball so deep down the field anyway? Work the shorter stuff (which Sanchez needs to get better at to raise his completion rating.)

    Safer short passes, get some completions, move the ball, then take your shots downfield.

    I know it not a comparison between Brady and Sanchez but in snowy, windy conditions, Brady kicked the Bears ass.

    The coordinator, HC and the QB have to get together and figure this shit out before stepping out onto the field again if they don't want to get embarrassed next game.
  10. Mehl-56

    Mehl-56 Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Dude... really, the conditions??? How long before we call a spade a spade and take the kid gloves off with Sanchez... he just sucks lately, he needs to get better, end of story.

    His OC hasn't helped matters, and needs to get back to running the ball but not just for the sake of running it. We can't get the ball to our play-makers because no one is PUT in position to succeed by the game plan... Brian Shottenheimer's idea of ground and pound is to run directly into the middle of a 8 man front twice for 3 yards. For some reason he has abandoned any use of play-action, abandoned an athletic mismatch of a TE, truly believes that all 4 receivers running go routes works against NFL defenses and thinks all his cute audibles are really fooling everyone.

    I mean this is ridiculous... WTF...

    JETSJETSJETS17 Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2010
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    I got the chance to listen to Mark on 1050 at 5:20 today - I must say that I am much more confident and comfortable after hearing that kid speak. It's nice to know that these guys care more than anyone will give them credit for - yes, its what they are paid to do but just like our own jobs, we can go through the motions and still be employed.

    Mark knows what he has to do. The team knows what it has to do.

    Sunday will prove it.
  12. S.HOLMES.10

    S.HOLMES.10 Member

    Dec 13, 2010
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    Trent dilfer was saying that he needs to get used to the cold weather try different things like wear gloves and so forth... Who knows LOLOLOL
  13. ukilledkenny

    ukilledkenny You bastards!

    Aug 11, 2005
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    That's why I expect to him bounce back from this stretch. I didn't hear him today but anytime I hear him talk he gives good answers. It's one thing to talk and another to actually do it but I feel pretty confident that he cares a lot about being a good QB.
  14. MikeDevito

    MikeDevito Active Member

    Dec 11, 2010
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    I feel confident this week that the receivers, backs, linemen....will all be motivated.
  15. Jetfan76

    Jetfan76 Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2010
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    Motivated by what?
  16. bloke911

    bloke911 Active Member

    Apr 4, 2010
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    Motivated by Sal's stupidity. Every week we do something stupid we come back with a big win! DUI, Spanish Hooker, something else (I don't F'ing care) now Sal's trip.

    We're going roll the Steelers at home, mark my words.
  17. Jetfan76

    Jetfan76 Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2010
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    We did somethin stupid last Monday night by gettin humiliated on National TV and didnt respond to well.Sorry to say but I will believe it when i see it against the Steelers and to think a month ago I would have said I am completely confident goin into this game.
  18. S.HOLMES.10

    S.HOLMES.10 Member

    Dec 13, 2010
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    I hope saw because Lebeu is going to send the house to Sanchez come Sunday afternoon....
  19. bloke911

    bloke911 Active Member

    Apr 4, 2010
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    We were out played and out coached last week. Brady was F'ing brilliant. No DUI's or sexual harassment.
  20. Jetfan76

    Jetfan76 Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2010
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    Dont forget about Mr. Head and Shoulders waitin to make his weekly pick six!

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