Jets Insider 58% 12356 votes The Gang Green 15% 3228 votes 17% 3548 votes 10% 2195 votes Total: 21327 votes Obviously...JI has a few programers...Or they are counting the number of donuts Sooth has had this month...
Wow..the polls really turned around. We were dominating early on then NYJF caught up and we finished the bottom 2
Jets Insider 37% 12940 votes The Gang Green 9% 3241 votes 48% 17024 votes 6% 2201 votes Total: 35406 votes Aww man what the hell happened there. I've voted a heap of times, but it still makes no impression on the count
lol it's not a program it's simply doing after voting just hit backspace and click vote again and again. TGG is lazy, I had a macro but I was the only one to do it. BTW- JN is killing us also just an FYI.
Jets Insider 19% 12975 votes The Gang Green 5% 3297 votes 73% 49563 votes 3% 2201 votes Total: 68036 votes JetsNation gains 15,000 votes in about an hour and a half??? Something fishy is going on around here.
The whole thing is a load of crap, but it would just be too funny to watch you-know-who lose badly in this.
wild i think you screwed us here.... dont think they dont browse our forums. 20 bucks they saw your macro
It would have been nice but why be that site that cheated. Were all Jet fans so let them have what ever satisfaction they get outta using a macro to be in a magazine.