COMBINE OFFICIALS RE-CHECKING YOUNG'S TEST? There's talk around Indy that the combine folks are taking a closer look at the score of six generated by Texas quarterback Vince Young on the Wonderlic test. They're supposedly checking to see whether Young's incomprehensibly low marks might be the result of errors made by Young in answering the questions. But if this is true, isn't answering the questions properly part of getting the answers right? And understanding how to take the test and answer the questions is a big part of what a seasoned agent can teach the guy. Even if the combine folk find that there was some sort of a problem with Young's answers, and that he actually got more than six right, we're not quite sure what will happen. We've never heard of this kind of thing before. Then again, we've never heard of such a high-profile quarterback generating such a bad result.
His agent probably got the test for him beforehand and gave him a sheet with the answers so he wouldn't forget them.
Yis, don't be a tool. First off, blowing out of proportion some conspiracy about how agents get the test firsthand is not the way to approach this. I doubt that happens really ever; one or two cases, sure, but not with near the consistency you seem to think. Second, no one cares about the damn wonderlic. Whether you're bright or not you can bomb that test if you don't care. It sure looks easy to us because when we take it we're focused on beating all those football players.
It's well-known that a lot of agents do get copies of the tests beforehand. Yeah, you can bomb if you don't care. But if you don't care about doing well, what does that say? And some teams do put a lot of stock in the Wonderlic.