Vince Young - 6 on Wonderlic? per PFT - MERGED

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by JetsIn2004, Feb 25, 2006.

  1. ukjetsfan

    ukjetsfan Well-Known Member

    May 2, 2005
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    The majority of questions on this test are measuring the quality of education a player has received, not his intelligence. There is a huge difference. A person can be highly intelligent but totally uneducated, therefore scoring low on IQ tests and Wonderlic tests. This is the reason why IQ tests are very controversial.

    Years ago the IQ test used to include things like 'Match these items into pairs' and it would show a cup and saucer. A kid who came from a family that did not use cups and saucers would fail to answer correctly. It would not mean he was unintelligent.

    Some of the questions on this Wonderlic test demand knowledge of algebra - Young might have simply dogged through his classes and never really learned anything. It doesn't automatically mean he is not intelligent. It means he has a poor standard of education. Or it might mean he just couldn't be bothered with the test because he sees himself as a football player and thinks his talent will carry him through - we just can't know.

    FREEJET New Member

    May 21, 2003
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    Can we do a lobotomy and put Chad's brain in Young's body? We already have enough invested in Chad!!!
  3. MSUJet85


    Sep 22, 2004
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    It may be true but then again McNabb got a 12 on this thing, and Marino got a 14
  4. Joe Willie White Shoes

    Joe Willie White Shoes Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2003
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    Did you see the sample questions? It measures basic intelligence and the ability to think. What is the 9th month of the year? Which number is the lowest 33, 13 3 .3 ? If a person who attended college cannot answer question such as these, how can he recognize defenses or audible? We are talking about the most cerebral position in sports here, not some position where you let athletic ability take over. The Jets should pass and with Mangini's statement that he wants smart players and after being around Brady for all these years, I would be floored if the Jets draft Young.
  5. Russ Reign

    Russ Reign New Member

    Jun 21, 2005
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    There is no way VY got a 6 on the Wonderlik... This is a typical stupid rumor by someone trying to create negative publicity for him... Daunte Culpepper and Brett Favre scored better than VY? Yea OK... have you ever heard them interviewed? They can barely speak in complete sentences... I'm not saying Vince is a rocket scientist, but there is no way that someone with a 2.8 college GPA gets a 6 on Wonderlik... such an assinign rumor... You'd have to be braindead to score that low...
    #105 Russ Reign, Feb 26, 2006
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2006
  6. ThunderbirdJet

    ThunderbirdJet New Member

    Jun 14, 2005
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    PFT today claims that they got confirmation from another source.... Young did score a six.

    I mean come on.... one sample question shows 5 figures... all but one have 4 sides, the other has six. Which one doesn't belong.

    At another site, there is a full sample test, 50 questions, 12 minutes. I'll take it this afternoon and post the site for anyone who would like to take it.
  7. Barry the Baptist

    Barry the Baptist Hello son, would you like a lolly?

    Dec 12, 2003
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    This is great if true, I didn't Mr. Overhyped to begin with. This would just almost gauruntee he won't be a Jet.

    BTW just took the sample questions skipped 2 (the long math ones) and still scored 12 out of 15. Misread one of those 5 names... dam Nieman and Neiman
  8. Russ Reign

    Russ Reign New Member

    Jun 21, 2005
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    I think I have to see this directly from the NFL to believe it... I don't see how anyone could seriously get these qusetions wrong... Marino and McNabb did horribly according to that ranking site... They both seem very intelligent in interviews... I still think this whole thing reeks of BS lol... Mr. Pennington is supposed to be a Rhodes Scholar, and can only get 25 on a common-sense test?
  9. Russ Reign

    Russ Reign New Member

    Jun 21, 2005
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    One thing is for sure... we will know if this is true come draft day cause there is NO WAY Mangini would take VY if this supposed score is true...
  10. Sundayjack

    Sundayjack pǝʇɔıppɐ ʎןןɐʇoʇ

    Sep 5, 2003
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    Oh the irony. Vince goes to the combine, refuses to throw or run, but decides to take the Wonderlic? HAH!

    Shame on his agent.

    The rough part for the kid is that every team even remotely considering him will be putting him through all sorts of cognitive aptitude testing. He's got six weeks of test taking in store for himself. Hehehe. . .

    Good luck Vince! :)
  11. LI JET FAN

    LI JET FAN New Member

    Sep 8, 2002
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    Tony as I recall you were a big Supporter of Young. Is the results of the Wonderlic that bad that you'd write Young off? Just asking. :grin:
  12. Beamen

    Beamen New Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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    Okay, if I see this posted one more time I'm gonna flip sh*t. The Wonderlick has NOTHING to do with literacy! It is a test of logic, reasoning and common knowledge. I have a very close friend who is illiterate, yet he managed a 3.5 GPA throughout high-school, got into advanced placement classes, and was my co-captain on the football team and is currently being recruited by several schools including SUNY Albany.

    You can be illiterate and be a great football player and a smart person. That's why the players take a logic, reasoning and common knowledge test and NOT a literacy test!
  13. edal

    edal New Member

    Feb 22, 2006
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    I dont know how you would'nt do practice tests before this if this could change where you could get drafted significantly! I beleive that Tennessee was looking to draft Cutler anyway which is why it was rumoured that we were going to try and jump them and pick 2nd.
    #113 edal, Feb 26, 2006
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2006
  14. Serphnx

    Serphnx New Member

    Dec 25, 2005
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    Whatever, we wanted Cutler anyway.
  15. jets1960

    jets1960 New Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    I never liked Young anyway. I want a smart QB. Looks like we're not getting Cutler now. Not at #4 anyway.
  16. Long Time Jet Fan

    Long Time Jet Fan New Member

    Sep 18, 2003
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    A fifth grader got 5 out of 15. From PFT.


    In the wake of Vince Young's incredibly low score of six on the Wonderlic test, league insiders are predicting that Young soon will fire agent Major Adams -- or, at a minimum, add another more experienced agent to the team.

    Adams has very limited experience in the agent business, and none when it comes to managing a guy who's likely to go at the top of round one. As a result, Young wasn't ready for the intelligence test that every incoming NFL player takes.

    "The experienced [agents] will jump all over that," said one league source. "The next chapter will be interesting."

    Still, the source predicts that Young won't go lower than fifth overall in the draft, despite predictions by other league sources that Young could drop out of the first round. "Teams that are interested will interview him and bring him in to their facilities to spend as much time as they can with him," said the source. "They will find out that he is okay."

    Back to the test, there definitely are ways that players can get themselves in position to get their highest scores. Incoming seniors take the test in conjunction with their pro day workout in order to establish a baseline number. Then, they take it again at the combine. We've heard rumors over the years that some agents have access to one or more versions of the test, and many league insiders attribute significant increases in scores from one year to the next to the aggressive efforts of the agent to get the guys ready to take the test.

    And even if there's cheating involved, we've heard in the past from management-side sources that it's no big deal. If a guy can memorize multiple versions of the Wonderlic, they've explained, the player will have no trouble figuring out the playbook.

    In Young's case, he has only taken it once. At the combine.

    Pro Football Weekly has a comprehensive look at last year's Wonderlic scores, which includes a comparison between the combine score and the score generated in the prior year. Some of the low scores included a nine for receiver Chris Henry, a nine for defensive end Eric Moore, a nine for defensive tackle Mike Patterson, a nine for cornerback Lamont Reid, and an eight for cornerback Cedric Williams. The lowest quarterback score was Brock Berlin's 13.

    But Berlin more than doubled up on Young.

    So that gave us an idea. We printed out the 15 sample questions that we posted on Saturday, and we asked Florio Jr. (who is in the third grade and whose class has yet to delve into the multiplication tables) to sit down and give the thing a try. We gave him five minutes, which admittedly is a slightly greater questions-per-minute average than the NFL types get to answer 50.

    Florio Jr. got five of them right.

    Five out of 15 for a third-grader. Six out of 50 for a guy who attended multiple years of college, without failing out.

    One reader suggested to us that Young's low score suggests that he might have a learning disability. That's fine, but how does a guy with such a disability remain academically eligible at a major institution like the University of Texas?

    Stay tuned. This thing raises a ton of questions, and we have a feeling that it eventually will mushroom into a far bigger story than it already is (especially since, you know, we're the only ones talking about it).
  17. Sundayjack

    Sundayjack pǝʇɔıppɐ ʎןןɐʇoʇ

    Sep 5, 2003
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    Vince showing signs of intelligence already. :)

    He should have fired his agent the minute he walked out of that test room with urine-stained drawers.
  18. Mexican Buc

    Mexican Buc Well-Known Member

    Jan 2, 2005
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    Didn't Daunte score in single digits too? He turned out alright.
  19. ukjetsfan

    ukjetsfan Well-Known Member

    May 2, 2005
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    I think we can assume these are the sorts of questions he got right - he did score six after all!

    Of course his score is embarrassing, I'm just saying there may be other reasons why he did so poorly. Maybe he has undiagnosed dyslexia or is a very poor reader. It doesn't mean he is necessarily as dumb as a horse.

    I'll admit it doesn't look like he's the sharpest tool in the box, I just wanted to throw it out there that we don't have all the information.
  20. Sundayjack

    Sundayjack pǝʇɔıppɐ ʎןןɐʇoʇ

    Sep 5, 2003
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