Hilarious. NOW he's going to fall because he failed the Wonderlic test? He's been overrated since the Rose Bowl. I've been telling you all along that he doesn't deserve to be in the top half of the first round. The fact that he's this dumb absolutely GUARANTEES he'll be returning punts in the NFL. Sooner than I even would have thought. I hope NO and Tennesse thinks like some of you and this wasted pick comes off the board before #4.
Considering Danny Boy smoked more pot than Bob Marley and Jerry Garcia combined, that's pretty good. Marino's stock just keeps rising in my book. At least since he's been retired anyway.
DREW HENSON BESTEST QB EVEEEEER!! EVEEEEEEEEEEER!!!! HE CAN CUT UP DEFENSES CUZ HE'S A GENIUS!!! Stupid ass test. Gotta give you props for the research. Thank god you're here to consistently do that research. I'm too lazy personally hehe :grin:
Well here is the site I got the info from and there is a larger sample right there Link Too much of a pain in the ass to make it look neat, as you can see most of the real high scores came from nobodies with most of the better QBs were in the 20s, and the reason why I chose that sample size was because it is so that everyone doesn't call Young useless because of his low score (if his score is true) because it doesn't tell you much about the QBs ability, or how he will translate to the NFL so that we don't make the Marino mistake AGAIN
To some people football comes natural to them... Are not smart but can play. If this is true he will definitly fall and it assures us that we are going for a vet qb.
I expected a low score, but not this low. This doesn't change my opinion at all. I still wouldn't draft him top 10.
This is scary news. I don't want a retard for a QB. You have to be trying really hard to score that low on this test. There is no way he falls out of the first round, regardless of what the score really was.
I have a hard time believing the validity of this claim. I read the sample questions and I mean come on, people aren't that stupid, at least I like to think that they're not. PFT is very unreliable anyways. If this is true, then, as many have stated, this is bad news for our Jets.
The only reason why this makes me mad is the whole college system itself and how it is so wrong concerning D1 athletes. If Vince Young got a six on his wonderlic there is no way he could get passing grades in college classes.
remember this is a rumor! Our resident genius, CHAD, is rumored to only get a 25 on the test. Other top QBs like TOM BRADY got a 35! Should we restructure CHAD if he is not as smart on a dumb test as others in the AFC EAST? An idiot can not QB TEXAS to a championship and lose only two games in 2 seasons!
KJ, three things to consider my friend .... 1. A College playbook is microscopic compared to an NFL playbook ... it's like the difference between a comic book verses an edition of War & Peace ... no kidding KJ, an NFL playbook is massive 2. It wasn't until his junior season that Vince Young made himself look like a 1st RD Pick ... prior to this year Young {and his team} had success, but Young often looked confused and nowhere's near 1st RD material ... so did it take him that long to really grasp the system? 3. That system was, for lack of a better phrase, pretty watered down for a QB ... for the most part it required one option and if that option was covered Vince would often just tuck the ball away and run, and of course dominate as a physical force as a runner ... but this was not a system that required much reading of defenses and scanning for second and third options ... for the most part it accomodated Vince Young's athleticism