Very Interesting Take on Tebow from Denver Fan Forum

Discussion in 'Tebowmania' started by Big Blocker, Apr 4, 2012.

  1. instaGATOR

    instaGATOR Banned

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Question for Anybody and Everybody:

    Which is more important for a Cold Off The Bench Raw Rookie NFL QB,,,

    Pass Completion %. (Elway 47.5 -- Tebow 47.3)


    ~ Passer 'Efficiency' Rating. (Elway 54 -- Tebow 75)

    ~ TD's to Int's Ratio and/or TD's to Turnovers Ratio.
    (Peyton 26 to 28 (.93 to 1) - Elway 4 to 14 (.29 to 1) - Tebow 17 to 9 (1.9 to 1)

    ~ Team Leadership as exibited by the W/L record.
    (P.Manning 3-13 --- Tebow 9-7)

    Please explain your answer in detail if you believe that it's the Completion %.


    And NO, I'm not saying that Tim is ALREADY a better QB than Elway or Peyton were after 10+ years in the NFL.
    Just that he is WAY BETTER in his first 16 (2 seasons) starts.
    >>> And Tim 'works harder' than anyone to continue getting better.

    And IF Tim's donkey receivers had caught just 1 more out of 10 passes, his Comp % would have been 57.3%.
    His young (Lloyd/Gaffney-less) receivers had multiple drops in the same game.
  2. CowboysFan

    CowboysFan Banned

    Nov 17, 2011
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    Unfortunately slap is the one that is generally and usually wrong but lets not let the actual facts get in the way of the anti tebow narrative.
    #162 CowboysFan, Apr 13, 2012
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2012
  3. Catt_County

    Catt_County Banned

    Aug 19, 2005
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    Once again you reveal that you are an idiot.

    John Elway's rookie season was 1983. Tim Tebow's was 2010. That's a 27 year difference there, skippy, and the style of football played was very different than what's played today. DOH.

    If you want to compare rookie QB stats then compare rookie QB stats to rookies today, 2009-2011. In fact, I think you should take the 2011 crop because they didn't even have OTAs or rookie camps. Heck, the 2011 crop didn't even get their playbooks until a training camps opened or a few days before. I'd call that just about as "raw" as rookies are gonna get. Compare your boy Timmie to Andy Dalton who took his Bengals to the playoffs as a rookie, and the Bengals actually won more games than they lost.

    You want another super rookie QB performance? How about Ben Roethlisberger in 2004 who came in off the bench in Pitt's 2004 season opener because of Maddox's injury and took the Steelers to 15 straight wins.

    The next year, 2005, Kyle Orton came off the bench and led the Bears to an 11-5 record after starter Rex Grossman was injured. Oh, yeah, I forgot, Orton was sooooo awful even if he led his team to more victories in 1 season than Tebow did in 2 years. Reality is that as a "raw rookie", Orton was pretty good.

    Take your contrived statistical bull shit and shove it where the sun don't shine.
  4. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Yeah, as a "raw rookie" Orton was very good, then he apparently hit his ceiling, explaining why he is now a backup QB.

    As for Elway and the 20 something year old stats, go ahead and compare his stats that year with his contemporaries. You'll find that he was one of the worst QBs in the league his first year as a starter. Sound familiar ? :)
  5. Slap

    Slap New Member

    Mar 23, 2012
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    So, you lie through your teeth, get exposed and then lie some more.

    You really are Pat Robertson.
  6. Catt_County

    Catt_County Banned

    Aug 19, 2005
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    Who the hell cares about Elway's first season except you because you can use it to attempt to make some statistical case that says Tim Tebow is NOT a crappy QB. Well, Skippy, you go right ahead. It's rather obvious that you're a few cans short of a six pack.
  7. MikeDevito

    MikeDevito Active Member

    Dec 11, 2010
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    Guess what you get if you switch the first letter of tim tebows first name and last name?

    Tim tebow
  8. instaGATOR

    instaGATOR Banned

    Mar 22, 2012
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    First off, I got your 'skippy' swinging bubba.

    So, 1983 was the reason that Elway initially sucked you claim?
    It was the year and the MAJOR DIFFERENCE in how the game was played way back then huh?
    You're stupid is showing,,, and it smells like LOSER...

    Here's another 1983 Rookie QB that was 22 years old then: (you figure it out)

    Passing - 173 of 296, 58.4% for 2,210 yds, 7.5 ypa, 20 TD's to 6 Ints PER 96.0
    So apparently it was not the year 1983 that was the problem for Saint John El' Dim-way's 54 PER,,,, DOH!

    And were Peyton's first 16 (W/L 3-13) Rookie Int Record (26/28) starts also way back in 1983? >idiot<
    (Where was Peyton's 'taking care of the ball, reading defenses, passing accuracy,' etc)



    If you want to compare current rookie QB's then why didn't you compare the Top 4 QB's that were
    taken in Tebow's draft? Contrived response you say? :breakdance:

    Keeping in mind that the dink & dunk junk passes result in a higher completion percentage.

    1/1 Pick Sam Bradford
    Passing - 354 of 562 for 3,512 yds, 6.0 ypa, 9.9 ypc, PER 76.5 >>> TD/Int Ratio 1.2 to 1 (18/15)

    1/25 Pick Tim Tebow
    Passing - 167 of 353 for 2,283 yds, 6.8 ypa, 13.7 ypc, PER 75.1 >>> TD/Int Ratio 1.9 to 1 (17/9)

    >>> Tim had 1 less TD pass than Sam on 209 less attempts.
    >>> Sam accounted for 19 Total TD's,,, Tim for 29 Total TD's.
    And Sam was the anointed starter and given every advantage, not coming in cold off the bench.

    Feel free to throw in Colt >I'm Batman< McCoy or Jimmy 'da pickle' Clausen into the comparison if you'd like.
    (highly contrived & un-freakin' likely)

    Tim also got his passing stats while taking an NFL beating running the ball, not standing around as just another
    pocket p--sy QB.
    I wonder (not really) why you 'contrived' to not include either Big Ben's or Dandy Andy's rushing stats...

    Bradford Rushing - 27 for 63 yds, 2.3 ypa, 1 TD
    Tebow Rushing --- 165 for 887 yds, 5.4 ypc, 12 TD's to 6 LPF's.

    You really are this biased/hateful/ignorant/stupid aren't you? (rhetorical)


    Are you sure that my 'contrived statistical bull-chit' will fit in there, with your big head already taking up so much space? :rofl2:
  9. instaGATOR

    instaGATOR Banned

    Mar 22, 2012
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    I can now see where you got the name slap from.

    (the usual results of your more than stupid mouth-running) :eek:fftopic:

    But my own non-violent response to your idiocy is.... :lol:
  10. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Didn't really think I needed to spell out something that a 10 year old could easily understand, BUT, I guess, in your case, I was mistaken.

    Simple point. Elway, in his first season as a starter, was one of the WORST QBs in the league.

    Last I checked, I believe he ended up going to the SB 5 times, won 2 of them, and ended up in the HoF.

    Now again, a 10 year old would understand that this isn't implying that Tebow will do the same, but I'm dealing with you, so I'll state it categorically.

    That Elway became a great QB doesn't mean that Tebow will. BUT, it does mean that based on precedents, one would be kind of ignorant to conclude that someone will never be a good NFL QB based on their first 16 starts in the NFL.

    Do you have a problem understanding that concept ? If so, I'll break out the finger paint next time and maybe, just maybe, the point might get across to you.
  11. Catt_County

    Catt_County Banned

    Aug 19, 2005
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    :lol: Why don't you list all the QBs over the last 30 years who were "one of the WORST QBs in the league" in their first year as starters. Then you can put a star or something next to the name of each one who went on to be great. Except for Elway and maybe Peyton, I bet you won't find too many.

    Of course, it'll be hard to find all those QBs since most of them were utterly forgettable ...
  12. Remarker

    Remarker Banned

    Mar 31, 2012
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    Hahaha InstiGATOR, Go Gators!!!

    Go Jets!!!
  13. instaGATOR

    instaGATOR Banned

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Comparisons that I've made in the past have legitimate reasons, even if the hateful/ignorant would like to claim otherwise.

    El' Dim-way - He's the current E-VP of the Broncos that 'publicly' dissed on Tim's 47.3% pass completion percentage.
    He did so while his dim-witted selective memory forgot all about his own 47.5% pass completion percentage.

    Peyton Manning - Because he's the 14 Year Vet and probable future HoF QB that it took to get Tim out of Denver without
    THEIR LOCAL LONG TIME BRONCO FANS burning down the stadium for trading away Tebow.

    Heisman and 1/1 draft pick Sam Bradford, the Okla QB that LOST by double digits in the BCS-NC game to crappy Tim Tebow and the Gators.

    Bradford, Heisman Finalist Colt McCoy, and ND's Jimmy 'da pickle' Clausen were the other Top 4 QB's from the 2010 draft.

    Matt Stafford, the SEC/Ga QB from the same overlapping years era as Tebow.
    Mark the San-man, cause he's the current Jets QB.
    (I only compared their first 16 NFL game stats because of the erronous claims that they are both way better than Tim
    and/or sure things as NFL QB's

    Rookie NFL Rushing Comparisons:
    Mike 'A-Train' Alstott
    Former Gator RB and NFL HoF'er Emmitt Smith.
    And any QB that can run the ball, Vince Young for example.

    Where any of those younger guys end up in their NFL careers is yet to be seen and I make no 'crystal ball' claims for any of them
    that I've mentioned, including Tim.

    However, anyone can review the Pass and/or Run stats of any of them in their first 16 NFL starts and what you get
    are 'factual comparisons' of their initial abilities.

    The indisputable FACT that Tim's PLAYER EFFICIENCY is better than a combination of either:

    Elway + Alstott
    OR :eek:hmy:
    P.Manning + E.Smith

    It's just the FACTUAL REALITY of the situation. Live with it! :beer:
  14. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Catt, not exactly what you asked for, but I think it's relatively similar/

    According to Pro Football Report:

    (Search Parameters: Rookie seasons, <= 50% comp %, minimum 100 attempts.)

    Two things to note. First, the presumption that 50% or less comp % would put person near the "worst in the league". Second, am trying to figure out how to differentiate between "rookie" and "first year as a starter". Maybe broaden search to include years 1 & 2 ?

    Rk 	Player 	         Year 	Age 	Draft 	Tm 	Lg 	G 	GS 	Cmp 	Att 	Cmp% 	Yds 	TD 	Int 	Rate 	Sk 	Y/A 	SkYds 	AY/A 	ANY/A 	Y/G
    1	Drew Bledsoe 	1993	21	1-Jan	NWE 	NFL 	13	12	214	429	49.90%	2494	15	15	65	16	5.81	99	4.94	4.54	191.8
    2	Kerry Collins 	1995	23	5-Jan	CAR 	NFL 	15	13	214	433	49.40%	2717	14	19	61.9	24	6.27	150	4.95	4.36	181.1
    3	Heath Shuler 	1994	23	3-Jan	WAS 	NFL 	11	8	120	265	45.30%	1658	10	12	59.6	12	6.26	83	4.97	4.46	150.7
    4	Steve Beuerlein 	1988	23	4-110 	RAI 	NFL 	10	8	105	238	44.10%	1643	8	7	66.6	26	6.9	215	6.25	4.82	164.3
    5	Jim Everett 	1986	23	3-Jan	RAM 	NFL 	6	5	73	147	49.70%	1018	8	8	67.8	8	6.93	50	5.56	4.95	169.7
    6	Bernie Kosar 	1985	22	1-Jan	CLE 	NFL 	12	10	124	248	50.00%	1578	8	7	69.3	19	6.36	121	5.74	4.88	131.5
    7	Donovan McNabb 	1999	23	2-Jan	PHI 	NFL 	12	6	106	216	49.10%	948	8	7	60.1	28	4.39	204	3.67	2.41	79
    8	Jack Trudeau 	1986	24	Feb-47	IND 	NFL 	12	11	204	417	48.90%	2225	8	18	53.5	29	5.34	213	3.78	3.05	185.4
    9	John Elway* 	1983	23	1-Jan	DEN 	NFL 	11	10	123	259	47.50%	1663	7	14	54.9	28	6.42	218	4.53	3.33	151.2
    10	Eli Manning 	2004	23	1-Jan	NYG 	NFL 	9	7	95	197	48.20%	1043	6	9	55.4	13	5.29	83	3.85	3.21	115.9
    11	Craig Whelihan 	1997	26	6-197 	SDG 	NFL 	9	7	118	237	49.80%	1357	6	10	58.3	21	5.73	168	4.33	3.33	150.8
    12	Gus Frerotte 	1994	23	7-197 	WAS 	NFL 	4	4	46	100	46.00%	600	5	5	61.2	3	6	18	4.75	4.44	150
    13	Don Majkowski 	1987	23	10-255 	GNB 	NFL 	7	5	55	127	43.30%	875	5	3	70.2	10	6.89	77	6.61	5.57	125
    14	Vinny Testaverde 	1987	24	1-Jan	TAM 	NFL 	6	4	71	165	43.00%	1081	5	6	60.2	18	6.55	140	5.52	4.21	180.2
    15	Billy Joe Tolliver 	1989	23	Feb-51	SDG 	NFL 	5	5	89	185	48.10%	1097	5	8	57.9	9	5.93	75	4.52	3.93	219.4
    16	Scott Brunner 	1980	23	6-145 	NYG 	NFL 	16	3	52	112	46.40%	610	4	6	53.1	10	5.45	76	3.75	2.82	38.1
    17	Cody Carlson 	1988	25	Mar-64	HOU 	NFL 	6	5	52	112	46.40%	775	4	6	59.2	10	6.92	72	5.22	4.2	129.2
    18	Boomer Esiason 	1984	23	Feb-38	CIN 	NFL 	10	4	51	102	50.00%	530	3	3	62.9	5	5.2	52	4.46	3.77	53
    19	Craig Krenzel 	2004	23	5-148 	CHI 	NFL 	6	5	59	127	46.50%	718	3	6	52.5	23	5.65	158	4	2.33	119.7
    20	Mike McMahon 	2001	22	5-149 	DET 	NFL 	8	3	53	115	46.10%	671	3	1	69.9	21	5.83	122	5.97	4.15	83.9
    21	Brent Pease 	1987	23	11-295 	HOU 	NFL 	7	3	56	113	49.60%	728	3	5	60.6	5	6.44	36	4.98	4.47	104
    22	Kurt Kittner 	2003	23	5-158 	ATL 	NFL 	7	4	44	114	38.60%	391	2	6	32.5	5	3.43	30	1.41	1.1	55.9
    23	Ryan Leaf 	1998	22	2-Jan	SDG 	NFL 	10	9	111	245	45.30%	1289	2	15	39	22	5.26	140	2.67	1.93	128.9
    24	John Skelton 	2010	22		ARI 	NFL 	5	4	60	126	47.60%	662	2	2	62.3	9	5.25	65	4.86	4.05	132.4
    25	Michael Vick 	2001	21	1-Jan	ATL 	NFL 	8	2	50	113	44.20%	785	2	3	62.7	21	6.95	113	6.11	4.31	98.1
    #174 Demosthenes9, Apr 15, 2012
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2012
  15. crawdad

    crawdad New Member

    Apr 15, 2012
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    Slap is really a pretty good dude and knows football well. I have known him on forums since 1999 or so.
  16. Coach K

    Coach K New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    Tim tebow is john elway and emmitt smith combined

    Denying this is outside the realm of reality.

    The sooner us life long jets fans can accept this fact that our new honorary fans are trying to share with us the better everyone will feel.
  17. Coach K

    Coach K New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    That's cause tim tebow is the alpha and omega
  18. DimsAllmighty

    DimsAllmighty Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2011
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    We're gonna have fun fun fun until daddy takes the Tebow away!!!
  19. Catt_County

    Catt_County Banned

    Aug 19, 2005
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    The problem with your list is that you used very arbitrary criteria without any context. Without knowing how other QBs were performing at the time, you can't say that these QBs were "good" or "bad". Furthermore, you need to have clear criteria about what constitutes a "starter" in terms of games played/games started in order to differentiate between QBs who were backups getting playing time and genuine starters. IMO, a starter is a QB who started at least 8 games.

    The chart below summarizes the passing games for the last 29 years (1983-2011). I've given sample years prior to 1997 and all the years from 1997 forward, so that you can see the change in the passing game over that period.

    Year	Attempts	Cmpls	Comp %	Yds	TDs	TD%	INTs	INT%
    1983	31.4	17.8	56.9	204.6	1.4	4.4	1.4	4.4
    1988	31.5	17.1	54.3	200.7	1.2	3.9	1.2	3.9
    1992	29.9	17.2	57.5	187.6	1.2	3.8	1.2	3.9
    1997	32.8	18.4	56.2	201.8	1.3	3.9	1.0	3.0
    1998	32.3	18.3	56.6	205.0	1.4	4.2	1.1	3.3
    1999	33.8	19.3	57.1	212.3	1.3	4.0	1.1	3.4
    2000	32.9	19.1	58.2	206.9	1.3	3.9	1.1	3.3
    2001	32.6	19.2	59.0	205.8	1.3	3.9	1.1	3.4							
    2002	33.8	20.1	59.6	212.2	1.4	4.0	1.0	3.1
    2003	32.2	18.9	58.8	200.4	1.3	4.0	1.1	3.3
    2004	31.9	19.1	59.8	210.5	1.4	4.5	1.0	3.2
    2005	32.2	19.1	59.5	203.5	1.3	3.9	1.0	3.1
    2006	32.0	19.1	59.8	204.8	1.3	4.0	1.0	3.1							
    2007	33.3	20.4	61.2	214.3	1.4	4.2	1.0	3.1
    2008	32.3	19.7	61.0	211.3	1.3	3.9	0.9	2.8
    2009	33.3	20.3	60.9	218.5	1.4	4.2	1.0	3.1
    2010	33.7	20.5	60.8	221.6	1.5	4.3	1.0	3.0
    2011	34.0	20.4	60.1	229.7	1.5	4.3	1.0	2.9
    * stats from Pro Football Reference
    In Elway's first starting season, 1983, the league passing % was only 56.9%, so his 47+% was less than 10% points off the league average. Elway's 23.5/game attempts was about 3/4 of the league average.

    In Tebow's first starting season, 2011, the league passing % is 60.1% while Tebow's completion % of 46+ is even less than Elway's. Furthermore, Tebow's 19.3 attempts per game is only about 57% of the passing attempts of all QBs in 2011.

    Your attempt to use statistics to "prove" that Elway was terrible as a first year starter, and so, that Tebow's lousy stats as a first year starter are immaterial, is a FAIL. The league has changed significantly in the last 30 years, particularly the passing game. While Elway's stats were not very good, in the context of the times, they were acceptable for a first year starter, especially for a rookie.

    In today's NFL, Tebow's stats as a first year starter are NOT acceptable. A team in the 21st century NFL cannot expect to win many games when its starting QB completes only 10 passes a game. Over a 16 game season, that projects to only completing 160 passes for less than 2000 yards and 14 TDs when the average league projections are for 326 completions for nearly 3700 yards and 24 TDs.

    Tebow needs to significantly improve his passing game before he's considered anything but a gimmick QB, and you citing all the stats in the world is NOT going to cover that up.
  20. Wednesday

    Wednesday New Member

    Mar 21, 2012
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    That is the bottom line....

    but he'll sell a lot of Jerseys and put asses in seats. I bet there will be more Tebow jerseys out there over Sanchez jerseys before he even takes a snap...

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