Don't spend much (any) time on what-ifs. Mine started small and at 30 years old they have grown into clinical depression, anxiety, insomnia, two trips to the ER because of heart problems, potentially bipolar disorder, not to mention the four medications I take every day just to try to have a shot at getting through each day. Not trying to suggest everyone who has ever had a what if will experience what I just described, but based on my experience I think you should try to control your thinking now so it doesn't consume you later. You seem to be a very smart individual who probably has a lot going for them. The right girl will come, sometimes when you least expect it. Enjoy the shit out of everything in between.
The right girl always shows up when you stop looking for her. Edge is right. It's just a matter of when. And the less you worry about when, the less problems you have with women. Concentrate on your life and you'll find someone. Pussy is pussy. If you want sex, it's there in college. If you want a friend in life that also becomes your lover, and someone you can lean on and someone that can lean on you, concentrate on your studies - and you need to realize that what you are studying should be what makes you happy in life, not what your parents want you to study, not what you think will make you the most money - then things will fall into place. This is a hard path, nobody said it would be easy but also nobody wanted to break your heart and tell you how painful it can be. But above all, find a woman that will let you poop directly into her anus.
I was wondering who wrote abyzmul's post until the last sentence. Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk
She's in her early 20s and not on Facebook? That doesn't even make sense to me. It's the 21st century so you should be able to stalk the hell out of her somehow. Where there's a will there's a way. But yeah don't do that. Just find out how to get in touch with her and do it. Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk
some have profiles hidden. When I was looking 2days ago I think I fount her but no image was showing and no details/hints to say that it was close to being her.
for fun I decided to check out today's horoscope and it reads ( dont normally believe in them but this was a bit scary, no?) : The current astral configuration may reconnect you to someone whom you once knew a while back, and had almost forgotten. But they have obviously not forgotten you, as they seem to have made definite arrangements to be in your vicinity at just the right time. While you may be shocked, you may also be a lot more surprised to discover just how well you now get on.
You should order some Chinese takeout and if the fortune cookie reads "A starship ride has been promised to you by the galactic wizard" you know you've met The One. _
HOO-LEE-Sh!T. I am in contact with her via facebook. I swear, shit just popped up randomly as people you may know. WTF. P.S. This process has shown me how scary FB is!
I swear this shit is crazy and no. Choose a differnt pic and ill rock it for a week since ive been so annoying.
Bang her friend, then hopefully word gets out to your crush and maybe down the road you'll bang her. This works in college I promise.
no, I calculated that posts' metrics score and it correlates strongly with high levels of gayness. =p