i have no prob;lem with mangini ratting out bellichek, why would he sit back and let bellicheat get an advantage on his team, especially when we have to play them again, if his career is hurt on any degree it would be ludacris
Mangini knew the Pats tactics...since they probably did it while he was coaching there...He was just waiting for BB to screw up and catch him...here's to a job well done.ats_suck:
Everybody doesn't do it. That's the same justification every single petty criminal has ever given, and if you truly believe that and think it makes an action okay, you have some serious problems.
It's ridiculous to think that Mangini did anything wrong in the first place. If a team is cheating, it's your duty to report it. How could you let a team go on and keep continuing this practice? Especially a division rival that claims to be a dynasty. There's no telling how long they've been doing this.