If you believe Bill Madden, and moreso than AP - I do, it has less to do with Hammerin' Hank, and more to do with Brian Cashman and how HE values Yankee talent. As it should be.
I'm sure Cashman weighed in on it but so did Michael who probably knows more about talent then Cashman ever will. He was in favor of throwing Hughes into the deal initially but the rumors were as time went on there were multiple people within the Yankee organization that became uncomfortable with Hughes being traded anywhere for anybody. It seems that it really came down to who the Yankees preferred more. Hughes or Santana and they decided on Hughes. All the other pieces were just throwins which could easily be replaced with just money. You can't buy good starting pitching very often. Once in awhile but not very easily.
Yes. That was early Monday night. They then backed off Kennedy and asked for Jackson and Horne. They are only prospects. Good but who knows how they will end up. Horne is only projected as a back of the rotation starter. That is why Steinbrenner said that in the end what they were asking for was fair. The Yankees refused that too which is why I feel it really came down, in their minds, to Hughes vs. Santana. I'm sure part of it may be that any team getting him is going to have to give him a 7 year contract (6 year extension). In his mind he feels he can get that in free agency so he won't accept anything less now to waive his no trade clause. That's a lot of time and money to commit to a pitcher who could blow out his arm on his next pitch.
Bingo! With the perceived diminished role Cashman has had over the past two months, it's good to see he's finally put his foot down and said "Look, all of you Bosses need to realize that while Santana is a clear #1 right now, Hughes has the potential to do it for us for a longer period, and cost us less overall. We've held on to him, and cultivated him as much as possible. Now we let him shine." All of the steady development of the farm system is due to Cashman being unwilling to sacrifice any of it, regardless of the trade potential, all along. The only reason not getting Santana hurts is because he'd go to Boston in a steal. (Unless Ellsbury is still a part of the deal, in which case, if I were Epstein, I'd walk.)
Ellsbury has been on the table all week. He's nothing more then a center fielder with potential. You can buy them by the dozen. Even Phillips was saying that last night. They certainly won't walk over him. Today I read that the Twins still want Buchholz and that's a different story. Buchholz has the same potential as Hughes and I'm sure the Sox are being reminded hourly that Hughes is in the Yankee offer.
I'm very happy with the way this seems to be turning out... we're getting back to the way of the dynasty.... Building out team from within instead of selling the future for one player here and there... I have never been high this trade because of the cost/return just never seemed to balance... I'm perfectly fine with waiting another year for a championship as long as we do it while developing our young players
Well, we all seem to be in agreement. However, I don't think we, on this board, are representative of the general Yankee populace. I hope I'm wrong, but I'm scared that a rough development year may damn Girardi and the new Steinbrenner regime far too early.
As a Red Sox fan, I wouldn't mind walking away from the Twins either....The Sox have developed a pretty good farm system, too.... With or without Santana, I feel pretty good about the Sox next year. I think this is killing Minnesota, who was expecting a bonanza bidding war for Santana, I'm sure, and they are not getting it. Good for both the Sox and Yanks for sticking to their guns and not bending over for the Twins!
We would all love to see them stuck with him and have him enter free agency next fall. The way things are going that could very well happen.
It's scary when we're cheering together, but yeah. F the Twins. And just wait till we both play them this year. hmy:
My guess now is that he probably won't get traded this week at all. As one of those articles pointed out, even if he did the 72 hour window would start and the winter meeting would be long over before any deal could be finalized. It is probably better for the Twins to try and find more teams to get involved and trade him later in the month or January. There is no benefit in it for them to do it now with the offers they currently have.
I doubt it. The number of teams that can make this sort of deal is very limited. The Twins would be in a position where they would have to call on the same teams they forced out already. I still think they trade him to the Sox this week. Their only other option, the way I see it, is to keep him and see what they can get in July...but that's a big risk for them.
The Angels may get involved..especially now. The Dodgers may and the Mets may if they decide they need an ace more then Reyes (which I doubt). There are at least 5 teams that could get involved. Besides the longer they wait the more paranoid the other teams will get. If either the Angels or especially the Dodgers get involved then that is where he is going because especially the Dodgers have more prospects then the Yankees and Sox combined. The Angels better then either the Sox or Yankees.
Radio here is that the Sox are in the 72 hour window for discussing a new deal with Santana's agent. No mention of the what players involved. As far as I know, only the local sports station is reporting it so far.
haha...they reported that earlier in the week too. It's nonsense. ESPN is doing an update right now. Santana is up next.
There has been no trade. The report says they will trade him to the Sox or not trade him at all. The Yankees and Angels are both still saying they are out of it.