. ? that's pretty weak. You diverted the question and still haven't givin an answer. probably because you cant . I can tolerate anyone complaining about whatever they want...as long as it doesn't get in the way of people getting to work on the freeway,the safety of people driving on that freeway,the security of someones business or home....and as long as I'm hearing that "we need to have a honest discussion about race in this country" doesn't mean,either you see it my way with no question,or you are a racist. If you read back,i stated that I absolutely agree that black eope have gotten a raw deal in this country,i just wont accept the blaming of "racist cops get up in the morning and suit up just to kill a black guy" routine. When there are more legitimate things to blame that lead to it all. Still,i don't think that every aspect of everyones life down to now even football has to be drenched in the issue,as if every living breating entity has to hold blame for it.
Dueling videos. Mrs. Scott's video makes her husband look not so innocent. Repeated demands by police to drop his gun before they shot him. The police dash cam makes it look like he was being compliant, but is too grainy to confirm if he indeed had a gun in his hand.
Thought the same thing . Looks like he is backing up like you would when you are asked to by police . still is far fetched to think they would or had a gun to plant... Why on earth would they do that? Regardless this inconclusive stuff could make for a long night in Charlotte
I think they would know if they messed up that they could potentially do that, but he never aimed anything at the cops thats for sure. Also, if he had a gun wouldn't that be registered to him? The Tulsa shooting also happened first right?
That would be some awful quick thinking... I think with 4+ careers and possible prison time you would see the cops really looking around in broad day light to see who's watching if that were the case. I still wouldn't understand why they would , anyway. But you can bet that they know if they planted a gun one would rat out the other for a lighter sentence. Way too much risk for that to have happened and even more so a lack of reason
One last time, Concrete Head: The Fraternal Order Of Police is a club, like the Lion's Club or the Moose Lodge. They don't have anything to do with the police department or the city of Charlotte, even though some, or all of their members might be cops. The guy was talking out of his ass and you ate that shit up. Are you fourteen years old? Do you really believe everything you read on the internet is true? We are fucking doomed! Please don't tell me you vote, you imbecile.
Jesus Christ you are fucking stupid. why don't you do some research on every one of these events back to Ferguson. It's been documented from everyone from fox to npr that people are bussed in for these protests. And the claims come from community organizers, protesters themselves and police. No he was not talking out of his ass except for retracting the 70% claim. An organization made up of cops from the area may have just a little more insight than a dumb fucking liberal on a message board. Just look at the immediate downturn in destruction from one night to the next. Honestly with you it's like debating with one of the girls from saved by the bell.
Crutcher didn't have a gun. Even the police admitted it. And he was a felon for non-violent crime, as in who gives a shit why are my tax dollars wasted on non-violent offenders? Sent from my SM-G930P using Tapatalk
Why don't we make all non-violent crimes legal and not involve the police or courts in these matters at all.
Look, you were wrong when you made the comment. You were wrong when you posted two links to the same bullshit story. Whether you are making all this shit up yourself or are just being suckered by your "sources," you are just plain wrong. The dumbest thing you're doing though is continuing to insist that you're right and not manning up. Grow a pair, Sonny, and admit your sources lied to you and, now that it's been confirmed the whole story is bullshit, have a little humility and give up your charade that you have the faintest clue about what is going on. We can debate all day long, but you're not dealing with your buddies who all share the same nonsense here, you're dealing with people whose reading comprehension allows them to see when they're being lied to. Bring all the asinine opinions you have, but don't bring your fake "facts."
Also know as the "hey, guys, what's that over there" defense as you run away in the other direction as they look.
You're funny when you have nothing to say. You're the one who wanted to "discuss this from a legal perspective" but ran away when asked to refer to the law. All the cheap talk you throw up here does not allow an unarmed person to be shot by a cop for not answering questions. That's the legal perspective - regardless of whether you agree or not. The prosecutor in Tulsa agrees.
No, I responded to your post that it wasn't illegal to not listen to the police. The discussion had zero to do with any specific law, and my post was an example of why it may not be illegal but not wise. But rather than address what I posted, which disputes your argument that people shouldn't have to listen to cops if they don't want to since it's not illegal to do so, because that's a dumb fuck position to take and you were called on it, you attempted to distract from that discussion by arguing that I didn't cite any specific law. Like I said, "hey, guys, look over there" and run away. Or did I misinterpret your post that I quoted? I'll give you a fair chance to say I did. It still doesn't change your deflection since my response had zero to do with specific laws but simply the basic idea of a law I thought you were referencing.
It's was for drugs. I'd rather my tax money go to building schools, medicine, making the country better than throwing people in prison for years because they sold someone drugs. Sent from my SM-G930P using Tapatalk