They aren't being paid to shoot people because something spooked them either. Sent from my SM-G930P using Tapatalk
no one said they were. The fact that you believe cops should just take the bullets says all I need to hear about where you're coming from. What a major mistake.
The officer was wrong but thats not the end of story nor is this a 0 sum proposition. The subject was wrong also, either purposely non compliant or stoned and shouldn't have been in public/in control of a vehicle in the first place. Bad decisions lead to bad situations and in this case the worst possible scenario.
There seems to be a racist cop issue if you are judging one by the color of their skins, and not completely assessing the situation. It appears cops are overreacting or feel more threaten towards black people in comparison to white people no? The lady cop was scared for her life. I still believe cops require psychological examinations every 3 to 5 years. Being a cop isn't easy and can have a physical and mental strain on someone. I understand there is a Pre-test, but what about during and after?
I dont agree here. They dont know he was stoned. Even if he was, that doesn't give a justification to pull a gun. Theres this assumption of a few people that you have to comply with the police or face the consequences and thats not true. So if an officer pulls you over and decides he wants to search your vehicle you have to comply or you get shot? Obviously this isnt what happened here but im just saying. There needs to be a reason like drug paraphernalia or something thay gives probably cause. Because i said so isnt probable cause. I could see if there was something else going on, but she had no indication other than he was in a disabled vehicle. If she was trying to help as she started, what was the need for he gun? He never explicitly threatened her. Sent from my SM-N930V using Tapatalk
I don't think they should just take bullets. I just don't think they should unload a clip every time they get scared. Sent from my SM-G930P using Tapatalk
According to the witness who called 911 he was out of his car running around yelling its going to blow. They found pcp. We don't know what happened between the first responding officer that was heading to another call and came upon this man out of his vehicle running in the street. So stop saying there was no justification for drawing her weapon. Now, if a cop wants to search your vehicle you have 2 choices from my experience and i have experienced them both, let him or ask him to obtain a warrant but mind you they can radio for a warrant and keep you on the side of the road for a bit. You don't get to leave. Now if you think his/ her behavior is unwarranted you can file a complaint with the dept. But AT NO TIME DURING THE INCIDENT ARE YOU ALLOWED TO DECIDE THE OFFICER DOES NOT HAVE AUTHORITY. Your rights will be protected or restored in court. Its that simple.
Yeah actually you can. They can't arbitrarily hold you. Just like if they wanna question you, they cant hold you. They wont get a warrant just because they want one. There needs to be probable cause. It they dont have that, they either have to write you a ticket or a warning or let you go. Mind you in the case of probable cause they don't need a warrant and thats the only time during a routine stop theyre allowed to search. Obviously in other incidence there will already be warrants such as a murder investigation. The officer who shot him WASNT RESPONDING TO THE MOTORIST. She was responding to another domeatic call that had nothing to do with the deceased. She just so happened to encounter him on her way. Her own statement. I have no idea where people are getting anything else. Thats part of the outrage. Sent from my SM-N930V using Tapatalk
You don't think she would have had an itchy trigger finger if it were some tattooed white guy on meth with a long wrap sheet? A suspect is a suspect, I don't buy that cops are more reckless or scared just because the suspect is black
They can hold you temporarily and handcuff you until they assess the situation even if no charges are ultimately made. Courts have always upheld this as a right of law enforcement in order to assess the situation for both the safety of the police and the suspect
Not without justification. There needs to be a reason. Thats the part everyone is missing. But thats covered in probable cause. If theres no probable cause they cant just cuff you and hold you. And disagreeing isnt probable cause. In those situations theres more, such as clear signs of a problem. Sent from my SM-N930V using Tapatalk
again,how is this so if the cops are shooting and killing more whites every single year? blacks account for over 50% of the crime rate while whites just over 30%,and cops are killing more of the 30%. In other words,if cops line up 5 black people,and 3 white people.....kill 2 of the white and one of the black,its still a cops vs blacks issue. No one wants to deal in facts,just emotion. And when a narrative is bein driven with those facts left out,people should start to wonder if they might be being used
still no one wants to address why if more than double the amount of whites are killed by cops every year and not one makes the news,,,are we to assume they were all justified.
Like GG said, if they feel the need to detain you they can. Also she was the first officer on the scene, regardless of what she was responding toon she came across a man who abandoned his vehicle and was running in the road. Not exactly "normal" behavior. Its ok, more than one person can be wrong in a situation like this. Cop could be at fault for her actions and he can be at fault for starting a situation that led to those actions.
If white people outnumber black people 6:1, why is the ratio of people killed 2:1? Sent from my SM-G930P using Tapatalk