as far as the wall goes, i've read that more drugs and human trafficking are coming in via underground tunnels. kinda throws a wrench into the wall project i think. let me see if i can dig up the article.
There was a documentary done about El Chapo, in the documentary it was said he had 66 tunnels built total since he got into the cartel smuggling business. Each tunnel is estimated to cost 1 million dollars to build. The return on investment is worth it for them, the Mexican cartels can move about 60 million dollars worth of drugs through the tunnels before they are found and shut down. I can't begin to imagine the humans that are being trafficked through those tunnels as well, what a sad world we live in.
Here is a 2005 showing 1.1 million apprehensions at the southern border and just over 7000 at the norther border. I think that works out to about 6/10ths of a percent of the total. It may be down to about 500,000 at the Mexican border but still dwarfs the Canadian border apprehensions. And of course the number not apprehended is the problem but unless you have every illegal that gets past fill out a questionnaire it may be a little hard to get that figure. The vast difference in apprehensions should give most anyone a good idea where they are coming through.
The problem with a wall is that it not only keeps people out but it keeps people in. Let's say Trump gets his wall built, and eventually the liberals crush gun rights and take our guns. Now you have a scenario in which citizens are essentially trapped inside a walled in country and powerless against the armed government manning that walk. Truly sounds like a recipe for the ideal of freedom this country was founded upon.
It's called "the path of least resistance." It will always exist and it will always be changing. Deal with that fact before spending billions.
Because there isn't precedent in modern history of the exact scenario I described. Hard to understand world history with your head up your ass and the extent of the world you see is your colon.
But we're not here to talk about me. We're here to talk about Donald Trump. I note that you have failed to respond to the substance of my on-topic comment while getting personal.
there is one option not being talked about regarding our southern border. We already have personnel trained in desert operations with combat experience. If the idea is to deter drug traffickers, I can't think of a better deterrent than several divisions of US Combat troops fresh from Afghanistan or Iraq vets patrolling the southern border. No walls required and we won't need "force in place" agreements with Texas, New Mexico or Arizona. As a bonus, I'm sure it will make the trip across the Rio Grande, Naco and Nogales a bit more adventurous..
I've lived in So 'Zona and no, they don't want to keep them out. Otherwise, they'd have to hire and pay living wages. Cheap labor, just like money, talks and bullshit does what???
So why are you making it about you, then? The only one making it personal is you Illegal is illegal if you're ignoring details. About 500,000 illegals come through the Mexican border each year, compared to like 5000 through Canada.
You're the one who chose to ignore the topic and make it personal. What's the source for your 500,000/5000 figures?
BK vs McDonalds isn't even close dude. I destroy the BK value menu every week. Rodeo Burgers and Rodeo Chicken Sandwiches 4 lyfe. McD's sucks in comparison. Both Hillary and Trump suck, I'm just voting for the 3rd option by default.